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Recycled Tyre sentence examples within recycled tyre steel

Shear behaviour of E-UHPC containing recycled steel fibres and design of E-UHPC screw piles

Mechanical Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Incorporating Recycled Tyre Steel Fibres and Industrial by-Products as Aggregates

Recycled Tyre sentence examples within recycled tyre polymer

Effect of recycled tyre polymer fibre on engineering properties of sustainable strain hardening geopolymer composites

Study on the post-fire properties of concrete with recycled tyre polymer fibres

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Shear behaviour of E-UHPC containing recycled steel fibres and design of E-UHPC screw piles

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Effect of recycled tyre polymer fibre on engineering properties of sustainable strain hardening geopolymer composites

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Sodium chloride impact on cemented clay

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Engineering properties and sustainability assessment of recycled fibre reinforced rubberised cementitious composite

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Study on the post-fire properties of concrete with recycled tyre polymer fibres

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Effect of recycled rubber aggregate size on fracture and other mechanical properties of structural concrete

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Mechanical Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Incorporating Recycled Tyre Steel Fibres and Industrial by-Products as Aggregates

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Mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid) compounded with recycled tyre waste/graphene nanoplatelets nanocomposite

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Experimental study on dynamic compressive behaviour of recycled tyre polymer fibre reinforced concrete

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Improved Performance of Ballasted Tracks under Impact Loading by Recycled Rubber Mats

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Creep properties of recycled tyre rubber concrete

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Behaviour of confined rubberised concrete members under combined loading conditions

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Effects of Recycled Steel and Polymer Fibres on Explosive Fire Spalling of Concrete

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The influence of rubber crumbs on the critical state behavior of waste mixtures

Effects of Recycled Tyre Steel Fibres on the Compressive, Splitting Tensile and Flexural Strengths of Structural Lightweight Concrete Using Palm Kernel Shells as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates

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Fatigue performance of flexible steel fibre reinforced rubberised concrete pavements

The connection model of segmental precast concrete beam reinforced with recycled tyre

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Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Rubberised Concrete

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Engineering properties of crumb rubber alkali-activated mortar reinforced with recycled steel fibres

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Recycled Tyre