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XPS, SEM, AFM, and Nano-Indentation characterization for powder recycling within additive manufacturing process

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Determination of criteria for assessing of synthesized material structure degradation during selective laser melting of nickel-based superalloys

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Analysis of BET specific surface area in several recycled oxide powders

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Microstructure and mechanical properties of nickel-based superalloy fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion using recycled powders

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Selective Laser Melting of Maraging Steels Using Recycled Powders: A Comprehensive Microstructural and Mechanical Investigation

XPS and SEM characterization for powder recycling within 3d printing process

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Corrosion Resistance of Additive Manufactured Titanium Alloy Parts: The Effect of Recycled Powders

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Recycling of WC-TiC-TaC-NbC-Co by zinc melt method to manufacture new cutting tools

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Recyclability of stainless steel (316 L) powder within the additive manufacturing process

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Selective Laser Sintering and Multi Jet Fusion: process-induced modification of the raw materials and analyses of parts performance

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An investigation on the effect of powder recycling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AISI 316L produced by Directed Energy Deposition

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XPS, XRD, and SEM characterization of the virgin and recycled metallic powders for 3D printing applications

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Recycled Powders