Introduction to Recycled Polyurethane
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Herein, a new discrete element parameter calibration method is proposed to calibrate the ultrafine agglomerated powder (recycled polyurethane powder).
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Here the present work is about incorporating bio-based fillers in a recycled polyurethane matrix.
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Thermal and mechanical properties for recycled polyurethane and epoxy networks are studied and a strategy to maintain the properties of recycled materials is discussed.
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Thermal insulation panels with a nominal density of 50–150 kg/m3, bonded one-component moisture curing polyurethane adhesive, were developed, and the effect of the ratio between recycled polyurethane foam and winter wheat husk on internal bond strength, compressive stress at 10% strain, water uptake, coefficient of thermal conductivity, and volumetric heat capacity was observed.
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Centexbel Patent Alert 2016-06 Recycling methods 2 Isocyanate-functional polymer components and polyurethane articles formed from recycled polyurethane articles and associated methods for forming same Patent no.
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