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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Incorporating Recycled Plastic

Engineering Performance of Concrete Incorporated with Recycled High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)—A Systematic Review

Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixtures Modified with Recycled Polyethylene via the Wet Process

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Consumer Recycled Plastic

Separation of virgin plastic polymers and post-consumer mixed plastic waste by sinking-flotation technique

Viable Disposal of Post-Consumer Polymers in Mexico: A Review

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Imported Recycled Plastic

Identification Method of Solid Waste Characteristic for Imported Recycled Engineering Plastics

Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to identification of the solid waste characteristic of imported polyamide recycled plastics

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Poorly Recycled Plastic

MIXed Plastics Biodegradation and UPcycling Using Microbial Communities: The EU Horizon 2020 Project MIX-UP

Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in contaminated food contact articles: identification using DART-HRMS and GC-MS

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Utilizing Recycled Plastic

Development and Field Testing of Geocomposite Cellular Mats (GCM) to Minimize the Ground Movements of Highway Embankments Founded on Peat Ground

Lightweight Geopolymer Concrete Containing Recycled Plastic Beads

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Different Recycled Plastic

Preparation and Properties of Wood Plastic Composites with Desirable Features Using Poplar and Five Recyclable Plastic Wastes

Morpho-mechanical properties of wood fiber plastic composite (WFPC) based on three different recycled plastic codes

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Mixed Recycled Plastic

Factors Shaping the Recycling Systems for Plastic Packaging Waste—A Comparison between Austria, Germany and The Netherlands

The Feasibility of Using the MFC Concept to Upcycle Mixed Recycled Plastics

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic waste

Techno-Assessment of the Use of Recycled Plastic Waste in RE

Engineering Performance of Concrete Incorporated with Recycled High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)—A Systematic Review

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic bottle

Consequences of Sisyphean Efforts: Meaningless Effort Decreases Motivation to Engage in Subsequent Conservation Behaviors through Disappointment

Performance Evaluation for Mechanical Behaviour of Concrete Incorporating Recycled Plastic Bottle Fibers as Locally Available Materials

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic product

Community Waste Plastic Recycling System Through Plastic Injection Molding

Example of Removing Printing Ink from Plastic Surface Using Quaternary Ammonium Modified Waste Cooking Oil.

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic aggregate

Experimental Investigation of Using Recycled Plastic Aggregates in Concrete with OPC 53 Grade

LEED Study of Green Lightweight Aggregates in Construction

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic material

The non-negligible environmental risk of recycling halogenated flame retardants associated with plastic regeneration in China.

Monitoring, prediction and control of injection molding quality based on tie-bar elongation

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic blend

Impact of Repetitive Recycling on Optical Properties of Virgin and Recycled Polypropylene Blends Based on Material Value Conservation Paradigm

Effect of nitrile rubber on mechanical, thermal, rheological and flammability properties of recycled blend

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic pellet

Optical Properties Improvement of Recycled Polypropylene with Material Value Conservation Schemes Using Virgin Plastic Blends

Effect of Repetitive Recycling on the Optical Properties of Polypropylene Based on Material Value Conservation Paradigm

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic pin

Numerical Investigation of Slope Stabilization Using Recycled Plastic Pins in Yazoo Clay

Stabilization of the Highway Slope using Recycled Plastic Pins

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic packaging

Recycling of low-value packaging films in bitumen blends: A grey-based multi criteria decision making approach considering a set of laboratory performance and environmental impact indicators.

Europe is implementing a tax on plastic

Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic solid

Analysis of cost–benefit in life-cycle of plastic solid waste: combining waste flow analysis and life cycle cost as a decision support tool to the selection of optimum scenario

Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to identification of the solid waste characteristic of imported polyamide recycled plastics

More Recycled Plastic sentence examples

Community Waste Plastic Recycling System Through Plastic Injection Molding

Preparation and Properties of Wood Plastic Composites with Desirable Features Using Poplar and Five Recyclable Plastic Wastes

Consequences of Sisyphean Efforts: Meaningless Effort Decreases Motivation to Engage in Subsequent Conservation Behaviors through Disappointment

More Recycled Plastic sentence examples

Life cycle cost analysis of lightweight green concrete utilizing recycled plastic aggregates

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Life-Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Pavements with Recycled Post-Consumer Polyethylene

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Effect of bending and compressive modulus of elasticity on the behaviour of timber-alternative railway sleepers supported by ballast

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Safety concerns of recycling postconsumer polyolefins for food contact uses: Regarding (semi-)volatile migrants untargetedly screened

Cost-Normalized Circular Economy Indicator and Its Application to Post-Consumer Plastic Packaging Waste

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Isotope ratio mass spectrometry and spectroscopic techniques for microplastics characterization.

More Recycled Plastic sentence examples

Five shades of plastic in food: Which potentially circular packaging solutions are Italian consumers more sensitive to

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Flexural Behaviour of Hollow Reinforced Concrete T-Beams

Effect of different types of waste materials used between double glazing box to isolate fatigue test machine noise

Techno-Assessment of the Use of Recycled Plastic Waste in RE

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Incentives for Plastic Recycling: How to Engage Citizens in Active Collection. Empirical Evidence from Spain

More Recycled Plastic sentence examples

Strategies for mitigating plastic wastes management problem: A lifecycle assessment study in Hong Kong.

Engineering Performance of Concrete Incorporated with Recycled High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)—A Systematic Review

Valorization of Recycled Tire Rubber for 3D Printing of ABS- and TPO-Based Composites

More Recycled Plastic sentence examples

MIXed Plastics Biodegradation and UPcycling Using Microbial Communities: The EU Horizon 2020 Project MIX-UP

Effects of a Twin-Screw Extruder Equipped with a Molten Resin Reservoir on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Recycled Waste Plastic Polyethylene Pellet Moldings

More Recycled Plastic sentence examples

Quantifying the environmental impact of clustering strategies in waste management: A case study for plastic recycling from large household appliances.

Exploring Consumers’ Purchase Intention of rPET Bottle-Based Apparel in an Emerging Economy

More Recycled Plastic sentence examples

Multivariate input-output and material flow analysis of current and future plastic recycling rates from waste electrical and electronic equipment:The case of small household appliances

Investigation of the Large-Scale Pallet by Recycled Polypropylene and the Sequential Valve Gate System during the Injection Molding

Validation of the Application of the Pyrolysis Process for the Treatment and Transformation of Municipal Plastic Wastes

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Experimental Investigation of Using Recycled Plastic Aggregates in Concrete with OPC 53 Grade

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Environmental life cycle assessment of the incorporation of recycled high-density polyethylene to polyethylene pipe grade resins

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Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer in Automotive Application: A Systematic Literature Review

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Development of Composite Material for Wind Turbine Blades

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Degradation of synthetic and wood-based cellulose fabrics in the marine environment: Comparative assessment of field, aquarium, and bioreactor experiments.

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A Preliminary Study on Recyclability of Mixed Plastic Wastes Recovered from Urban Collection

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Separation of virgin plastic polymers and post-consumer mixed plastic waste by sinking-flotation technique

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Utilization of recycled polyester nonwovens as sorbent for oil spill cleanups

Factors Shaping the Recycling Systems for Plastic Packaging Waste—A Comparison between Austria, Germany and The Netherlands

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