Introduction to Recycled Plastic
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Incorporating Recycled Plastic
Incorporating recycled plastic waste in concrete manufacturing is one of the most ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for the rapid trends of annual plastic disposal and natural resource depletion worldwide.
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One approach to incorporating recycled plastics in asphalt is the wet process, which requires mechanical blending of recycled plastics into the asphalt binder as polymer modifiers.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Consumer Recycled Plastic
Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Imported Recycled Plastic
The nitrogen content in imported recycled plastic particles was determined by elemental analyzer method and Kjeldahl method, respectively, and the acrylonitrile content was obtained by conversion to obtain the information on the consistency of polymer composition in recycled plastic particles.
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It can accurately determine the content of PA66 in PA6/PA66 blends, and provide technical support for the attribute identification of related imported recycled plastic solid wastes.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Poorly Recycled Plastic
Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Utilizing Recycled Plastic
The material used for the stiff mat is environmentally friendly in utilizing recycled plastic and its structure, enabling the free movement of water to dissipate any excessive pore water pressures.
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Utilizing recycled plastic beads (RPB) as lightweight waste aggregates in the concrete and geopolymer application is quite attractive.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Different Recycled Plastic
This study evaluated the mechanical and hydrophobic properties of wood plastic composites (WPC) prepared by the hot molding approach incorporating five different recycled plastics and poplar flour.
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ABSTRACTThis study set out to explore the effect of different recycled plastic codes and plastic content on the mechanical and morphological properties of wood fiber plastic composites (WFPC).
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within Mixed Recycled Plastic
The fraction of mixed recycled plastics, relevant for Germany and the Netherlands only, was determined to be one of the major determinants of the differences in recycling rates.
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Several mixed recycled plastics, namely, mixed bilayer polypropylene/poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PP/PET) film, mixed polyolefins (MPO) and talc-filled PP were selected for this study and used as matrices for the preparation of microfibrillar composites (MFCs) with PET as reinforcement fibres.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic waste
The replacement of conventional rock aggregates in stabilised RE brick with recycled plastic waste was found to improve the structural mechanical performance with the developed composition.
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Incorporating recycled plastic waste in concrete manufacturing is one of the most ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for the rapid trends of annual plastic disposal and natural resource depletion worldwide.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic bottle
In Studies 1 and 2, participants (n = 239 and n = 283) imagined that they had recycled plastic bottles for a week and that an assistant had collected their garbage in either separate bags (meaningful condition) or only one bag (meaningless condition).
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The objective of the study is to investigate the influence of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) recycled plastic bottle fibers on the compressive strength and cracking of concrete.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic product
Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic aggregate
This paper aims to enhance the concrete mechanical properties by replacement of natural coarse aggregate with recycled plastic aggregates and by adding polypropylene fibers in combination with high performance cement as a partial replacement of cement.
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This is the first study of its kind to investigate the improved sustainability performance of recycled plastic aggregates from a LEED point of view.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic material
To investigate halogenated flame retardant (HFR) contents in recycled plastic materials, 23 recycled plastic samples manufactured in five Chinese provinces were randomly purchased online, and the ∑12HFR concentrations of these samples (including 8 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs, BDE 28, 47, 99, 100, 154, 153, 183 and 209), decabromodiphenylethane (DBDPE), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane (BTBPE), and 2 dechlorane plus isomers (DP, syn-DP and anti-DP)) varied from ND to 169,000 ng g-1 (mean ± SD, 46,900 ± 44,700 ng g-1).
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Notably, the proposed method is applicable to both virgin raw materials and recycled plastic materials.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic blend
Implementation of material value conservation (MVC) needs to be proven through research to determine impact upon plastic properties such as optical properties of virgin plastic and recycled plastic blends.
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However, due to the lower toughness of the recycled plastic blends limits it from the further industrial applications.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic pellet
This makes the obtained recycled plastic pellets has good quality and can be used as an alternative raw material for new products.
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Applied with this paradigm, recycled plastic pellets can be a viable alternative as raw material based on its mechanical properties, even after the 8th stage of recycling.
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Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic pin
Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic packaging
Recycled Plastic sentence examples within recycled plastic solid
83 percent of the total recycled plastic solid waste was due to post-separation routes, and only 7.
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It can accurately determine the content of PA66 in PA6/PA66 blends, and provide technical support for the attribute identification of related imported recycled plastic solid wastes.
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reka Makerspace aims to use waste plastic to produce recycled plastic products using injection molding.
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This study evaluated the mechanical and hydrophobic properties of wood plastic composites (WPC) prepared by the hot molding approach incorporating five different recycled plastics and poplar flour.
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In Studies 1 and 2, participants (n = 239 and n = 283) imagined that they had recycled plastic bottles for a week and that an assistant had collected their garbage in either separate bags (meaningful condition) or only one bag (meaningless condition).
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The goal of this research is to assess the life cycle cost implications of utilizing green recycled plastic lightweight aggregates (PLA) – specifically those formed of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) - in concrete structures.
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One such example is the use of recycled plastics (RP) in the asphalt pavement industry, which has massive material consumption and usage of polymer modifiers.
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However, chemicals present in recycled plastics is one of the key qualities affecting their potential uses and deserves more attention.
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We highlight data policy changes and industry collaboration as key to enhanced circularity—emphasized by the restrictive nature of current Dutch policy regarding the release of plastic production, recycling, and costing data, with a general industry reluctance against market integration of weight-benchmarked recycled plastics.
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We also found differences between plastic items composed of the same polymer but from different countries, and between some recycled and nonrecycled plastics.
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We designed a 2×2 factors experiment (recycled plastics vs.
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Hollow reinforced concrete Tee beam (HRCTB) is a beam that has longitudinal cavities that can be made usually by placing recycled plastic pipes in the web of beam within the tension zone.
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This study examines air, recycled plastic grains, fibers from rubber shreds and sawdust fibers as sound insulation materials to attenuate sound produced from continuous working lab fatigue test machine.
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The replacement of conventional rock aggregates in stabilised RE brick with recycled plastic waste was found to improve the structural mechanical performance with the developed composition.
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Following this objective, a pilot project was implemented and a virtual reward token called RECICLOS created to encourage recycling among families, using incentives and awards to improve recycling behaviour and a webapp prototype to register the recycled plastic.
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Grate incineration for generating electricity is the third preferable solution, while the use of recycled plastics in construction may not be a benign environmental strategy for Hong Kong.
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Incorporating recycled plastic waste in concrete manufacturing is one of the most ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for the rapid trends of annual plastic disposal and natural resource depletion worldwide.
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In this respect, emergent technology for plastic processing such as 3D printing is used, as part of the additive manufacturing technologies for the prolongated end of life of recycled plastics originated from automotive waste such as ABS and TPO.
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The generated new workflow increases recycling quotas and adds value to present poorly recycled plastic waste streams.
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Recycling is a solution, but recycled plastics often have inferior mechanical properties to virgin plastics.
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For this purpose, a life cycle assessment (LCA) is conducted to investigate the influence of different clustering strategies on the environmental performance of waste treatment and the production of recycled plastic from LHA waste stream.
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This study investigated the applicability (generalizability) of utilizing a partial least squares (PLS) model previously posed to predict consumer purchase intention (PI) of recycled plastics-sourced apparel in a developed economy to predict PI in an emerging economy.
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The Circular Plastics Alliance initiative aims to boost the uptake of recycled plastics (as regranulates) up to 10 million ton by 2025.
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Plastic pallets are essential devices for the transport of industrial products within containers and can be made from recycled plastics to be more environmentally friendly.
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In economic terms, plastic recycling is not always cost-efficient since many times recycling costs are not covered by the prices of the recycled plastics.
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This paper aims to enhance the concrete mechanical properties by replacement of natural coarse aggregate with recycled plastic aggregates and by adding polypropylene fibers in combination with high performance cement as a partial replacement of cement.
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However, the main challenge is to find applications where recycled plastic can successfully provide the same functionality as the replaced virgin plastic.
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The analysis of selected studies revealed that several leading car manufacturers have produced and developed products from NFRP or recycled plastics with natural fiber reinforcement because they are relatively cheap, lightweight, and able to reduce exhaust emissions.
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This study examines the suitability of using a novel bamboo fibre and recycled plastics composite developed for wind turbine blade application.
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The fact that fibers released from synthetic textiles remain persistent and non-biodegradable despite their small (invisible) size, highlights concern for the growing industry that uses polyester from recycled plastics to make clothing.
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Compatibilizers and nanoparticles can help to improve recycled plastics quality, but to be chosen and dosed properly they require an in-depth knowledge and characterization of the raw waste.
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In post-consumer recycled plastic waste, fractions of 29.
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The most widely recycled plastic in the world is recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET).
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The fraction of mixed recycled plastics, relevant for Germany and the Netherlands only, was determined to be one of the major determinants of the differences in recycling rates.
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