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Recycled Gypsum sentence examples within recycled gypsum plaster

Development of plasterboard sheets exclusively from waste

Influence of the Heating Temperature and Fineness on the Hydration and Mechanical Property of Recycled Gypsum Plaster

Effect of two recycled building materials on the density and compressive strength of a clay soil

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Evaluation of engineering properties and environmental effect of recycled gypsum stabilized soil in geotechnical engineering: A comprehensive review

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Development of plasterboard sheets exclusively from waste

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Recyclability Process of Gypsum Reinforced with Hemp Fabrics: Impact and Flexural Behaviour

Environmental Evaluation of Gypsum Plasterboard Recycling

Influence of the Heating Temperature and Fineness on the Hydration and Mechanical Property of Recycled Gypsum Plaster

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A LCA study to investigate resource-efficient strategies for managing post-consumer gypsum waste in Lombardy region (Italy)

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Viabilidade técnica do uso de gesso reciclado da construção civil como insumo agrícola

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Comparison of physical and mechanical properties of civil construction plaster and recycled waste gypsum from São Paulo, Brazil

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Recycled gypsum block: development and performance

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Recycled Gypsum Particles Incorporation in Recycled Expanded Polystyrene by Biodegradable Solvent—Preparation and Characterization

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Recycled Gypsum