Introduction to Recycled Bottles
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This study evaluated the effects of the addition of PET strips from recycled bottles of different lengths and contents on sandy and clayey soil resistance.
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Most of the hospitals (11 facilities) had standard operating procedures (SOPs) for production, but the majority lack SOPs for beyond-use-date assignment (11 facilities), premise and equipment cleaning (12 facilities), and disinfection of recycled bottles (12 facilities).
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The experimental results show that the mean accuracy of PET plastic bottles material identification of recycled bottles is up to 92.
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Once the adjacent bottles are identified, the method of concave point search based on convex hull will be used to separate the adjacent recycled bottles further.
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However, difficulties in collecting, presence of various contaminants and their potential persistence in recycled bottles coupled with various other reasons technical and economical reasons have led to constraints on recycling PET bottles.
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To promote environmental sustainability and mitigate climate change that causes numerous families to suffer from natural disasters, a group of older residents’ volunteer to recycle usable materials by setting up recycling stations in their communities and transform recycled bottles into eco-friendly blankets for disaster survivors globally.
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