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Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within reclaimed asphalt pavement

Effectiveness of Using Polymer-Modified Asphalt Binders in Enhancing Fatigue Life of Asphalt Mixes Containing RAS and RAP

Investigating the relationship between the fatigue cracking resistance and thermal characteristics of asphalt binders extracted from field mixes containing recycled materials

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within recycled concrete aggregate

Compressive behavior of light–gauge steel tubes filled with concrete containing recycled aggregates

Evaluating the effective thermal conductivity of geothermal pavements constructed using demolition wastes by DEM and 3D printing techniques

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within asphalt mixtures containing

Relationship between laboratory and full-scale fatigue performance of asphalt mixtures containing recycled materials

Performance of recycled asphalt mixtures formulated with modified bitumen

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within warm mix asphalt

Empirical Study of Warm Mix Asphalt Incorporating Recycled Asphalt Pavement

Effects of the Water-Based Foaming Process on the Basic and Rheological Properties of Bitumen 70/100

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within Cold Recycled Asphalt

Influence of the Compaction Method in the Volumetric Design of Cold Recycled Mixtures with Emulsion

Compaction methods of cold recycled asphalt mixtures and their effects on pavement analysis

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within Containing Recycled Asphalt

Influence of Coarse Aggregate Morphological Properties on the Performances of Warm-Mix Asphalt Containing Recycled Asphalt Pavement

Emulsion cold mix asphalt in the UK: A decade of site and laboratory experience

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within Mix Recycled Asphalt

Recycling Aged Asphalt Using Hard Asphalt Binder for Hot-Mixing Recycled Asphalt Mixture

Study on the Performance of the Physical Foaming Warm-mix Recycled Asphalt Mixture

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within Utilizing Recycled Asphalt

Utilizing recycled asphalt shingle into pavement by extraction method

Characterization of Asphalt Mixtures Produced with Coarse and Fine Recycled Asphalt Particles

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within Different Recycled Asphalt

Effects of warm-mix asphalt technologies and modifiers on pavement performance of recycled asphalt binders

Experimental investigation of blending phenomena in intergranular zones of recycled asphalt mixtures using customized infrared imaging and stage extraction methods

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within Plant Recycled Asphalt

Utilization of Cold Central Plant Recycled Asphalt in Long-Life Flexible Pavements

Design method of the mix ratio of hot mix plant recycled asphalt mixture containing high mixture content

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within Incorporating Recycled Asphalt

Empirical Study of Warm Mix Asphalt Incorporating Recycled Asphalt Pavement

Modeling and design optimization of reclaimed asphalt pavement containing crude palm oil using response surface methodology

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within recycled asphalt pavement

Mechanical and hydraulic compatibility of RAP with geosynthetics used in MSE walls

Compressive behavior of light–gauge steel tubes filled with concrete containing recycled aggregates

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within recycled asphalt mixture

Fatigue performance evaluation of recycled asphalt fine aggregate matrix based on dynamic shear rheometer test

Analysis of Interface Fusion Effect between Old and New Asphalt under Plant Mixing and Cold Recycling Mode Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within recycled asphalt shingle

Effectiveness of Using Polymer-Modified Asphalt Binders in Enhancing Fatigue Life of Asphalt Mixes Containing RAS and RAP

Investigating the relationship between the fatigue cracking resistance and thermal characteristics of asphalt binders extracted from field mixes containing recycled materials

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within recycled asphalt material

Utilization of Cold Central Plant Recycled Asphalt in Long-Life Flexible Pavements

Fatigue Tolerance of Aged Asphalt Binders Modified with Softeners

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within recycled asphalt concrete

SuPerPave® Mix Design Method of Recycled Asphalt Concrete Applied in the European Standards Context

Foaming effect influence of PBT / ABS resin as a reducing agent in foamed asphalt

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within recycled asphalt mix

Chemical and Performance Characteristics of Rejuvenated Bituminous Materials with High Reclaimed Asphalt Content

Effects of the Water-Based Foaming Process on the Basic and Rheological Properties of Bitumen 70/100

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within recycled asphalt binder

Effects of warm-mix asphalt technologies and modifiers on pavement performance of recycled asphalt binders

Performance Evaluation of Warm-Mix Recycled Asphalt Binders after Long-Term Aging

Recycled Asphalt sentence examples within recycled asphalt emulsion

Mechanical properties of Cold Recycled Bituminous Mixes with Crumb Rubber

Environmental and mechanical benefits of cold recycled bituminous mixes with crumb rubber

More Recycled Asphalt sentence examples

Recycling of RAP using nanoclay modified asphalt binder

Mechanical and hydraulic compatibility of RAP with geosynthetics used in MSE walls

More Recycled Asphalt sentence examples

Beneficial utilization of recycled asphaltic concrete aggregate in high calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete

Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation to Analyze the Feasibility of Using Waste Cooking Oil as an Alternative Rejuvenator for Aged Asphalt

Mechanical Behavior Investigation of Reclaimed Asphalt Aggregate Concrete in a Cold Region

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Chemical and Performance Characteristics of Rejuvenated Bituminous Materials with High Reclaimed Asphalt Content

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Low Temperature Crack Resistance of Recycled Asphalt Mixture with Waste Frying Oil Based on Semi-circular Bending Test

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The usage of recycled materials on hot mix asphalt

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Blending efficiency improvement and energy investigation of recycled asphalt mixture involved warm mix technology

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Fatigue Tolerance of Aged Asphalt Binders Modified with Softeners

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Application of Design-Expert Response Surface Methodology for the Optimization of Recycled Asphalt Mixture with Waste Engine Oil

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Influence of using two types of recycled aggregates on shear behavior of concrete beams

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Characteristics and optimization of cement concrete mixes with recycled asphalt pavement aggregates

GHG Emission Reduction Opportunities for Road Projects in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi: A Scenario Approach

The Influence of Mixing Conditions on the Macro-Scale Homogeneity of Asphalt Mixtures Blended with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)

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Application of gel permeation chromatography technology in asphalt materials: A review

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Dynamic and rutting characteristics of recycled asphalt mixtures containing natural sand and anti-stripping agents

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Use of recycled asphalt as an aggregate for asphalt mixtures: literary review

Recycled Asphalt Pavement Materials in Transport Pavement Infrastructure: Sustainability Analysis & Metrics

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Shear performance of recycled asphalt mixture based on contact interface parameter analysis

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Multi-scale performance evaluation and correlation analysis of blended asphalt and recycled asphalt mixtures incorporating high RAP content

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Contribution of MIST conditioning in evolution of structural parameters of asphalt mixes containing recycled asphalt pavement

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The interaction mechanism and rejuvenation effect of crumb rubber and waste cooking oil blends

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Effects of nano-particles on cold recycled asphalt properties

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Laboratory cracking performance evaluation of SM-4.75 asphalt mixtures

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Low-Temperature Crack Resistance of Wood Tar-Based Rejuvenated Asphalt Based on Viscoelastic Rheological Method

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Novel Model to Predict Critical Strain Energy Release Rate in Semi-Circular Bend Test as Fracture Parameter for Asphalt Mixtures Using an Artificial Neural Network Approach

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Classification and selection of exhausted oils for rejuvenating bituminous blends

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