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Recreational Beach sentence examples within Temperate Recreational Beach

Combined Danio rerio embryo morbidity, mortality and photomotor response assay: a tool for developmental risk assessment from chronic cyanoHAB exposure.

Combined Danio rerio embryo morbidity, mortality and photomotor response assay: A tool for developmental risk assessment from chronic cyanoHAB exposure.

Recreational Beach sentence examples within Contaminated Recreational Beach

Coastal Remote Sensing: Merging Physical, Chemical, and Biological Data as Tailings Drift onto Buffalo Reef, Lake Superior

Lidar (light detection and ranging) and benthic invertebrate investigations: Migrating tailings threaten Buffalo Reef in Lake Superior

Recreational Beach sentence examples within recreational beach use

Beachgoer perceptions on health regulations of COVID-19 in two popular beaches on the Brazilian Amazon

Quantifying human use of sandy shores with aerial remote sensing technology: The sky is not the limit

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Recreational Beach sentence examples within recreational beach tenni

Effect of recreational beach tennis on ambulatory blood pressure and physical fitness in hypertensive individuals (BAH study): rationale and study protocol

Recreational beach tennis reduces 24-h blood pressure in adults with hypertension: a randomized crossover trial.

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Integrated analyses of fecal indicator bacteria, microbial source tracking markers, and pathogens for Southeast Asian beach water quality assessment.

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Coastal erosion and structural damage due to four consecutive-year major hurricanes: Beach projects afford resilience and coastal protection

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Monsoonal influences on rip current hazards at recreational beaches along Pahang coastline, Malaysia

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Beachgoer perceptions on health regulations of COVID-19 in two popular beaches on the Brazilian Amazon

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Analysis of micropollutants in a marine outfall using network analysis and decision tree.

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Quantifying human use of sandy shores with aerial remote sensing technology: The sky is not the limit

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Large-scale comparison of E. coli levels determined by culture and a qPCR method (EPA Draft Method C) in Michigan towards the implementation of rapid, multi-site beach testing.

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Prevalence and persistence of microcystin in shoreline lake sediments and porewater, and associated potential for human health risk.

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Indian coastal waters: a concoction of sewage indicator bacteria! An assessment on recreational beaches

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Is it safer at the beach? Spatial and temporal analyses of beachgoer behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Effects of recreational beaches on chironomid assemblages in a large, shallow lake

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Impact of effluent discharge on recreational beach water quality: a case study of Karachi-Pakistan

Quantifying Uncertainty in Exposure to Coastal Hazards Associated with Both Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies: A U.S. Pacific Northwest Alternative Coastal Futures Analysis

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The Occurrence of Harmful Jellyfish Outbreaks and Human Stung Reported at Recreational Beaches in Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Bather Shedding as a Source of Human Fecal Markers to a Recreational Beach

Use of Great Lakes Recreational Beaches and Human-Waste Sites by Ring-Billed Gulls

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Occurrence of personal protective equipment (PPE) associated with the COVID-19 pandemic along the coast of Lima, Peru

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Trends in regional enterococci levels at marine beaches and correlations with environmental, global oceanic changes, community populations, and wastewater infrastructure.

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Environmental factors associated with freshwater recreational water quality in Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada: A path analysis

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Assessment of microplastic pollution in the aquatic ecosystems – An indian perspective

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Persisting antibiotic resistance gene pollution and its association with human sewage sources in tropical marine beach waters.

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Machine learning methods for imbalanced data set for prediction of faecal contamination in beach waters.

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Effect of recreational beach tennis on ambulatory blood pressure and physical fitness in hypertensive individuals (BAH study): rationale and study protocol

Coastal Remote Sensing: Merging Physical, Chemical, and Biological Data as Tailings Drift onto Buffalo Reef, Lake Superior

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On the Validity and Reliability of Coastal Quality Change Estimates: Evidence from Norway

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Prediction of antibiotic-resistance genes occurrence at a recreational beach with deep learning models.

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Recreational beach tennis reduces 24-h blood pressure in adults with hypertension: a randomized crossover trial.

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Sources of Low Level Human Fecal Markers in Recreational Waters of Two Santa Barbara, CA Beaches: Roles of WWTP Outfalls and Swimmers.

Beach Pollution Effects on Health and Productivity in California

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Assessment of local and regional strategies to control bacteria levels at beaches with consideration of impacts from climate change.

Exclusion of Ring-Billed Gulls (Larus delawarensis) from recreational beaches using canid harassment

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Combined Danio rerio embryo morbidity, mortality and photomotor response assay: a tool for developmental risk assessment from chronic cyanoHAB exposure.

1619. Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacteriaceae in River Estuaries and Coastal Water of Netanya, Israel

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Isolation, detection of virulence genes, antibiotic resistance genes, plasmid profile, and molecular typing among Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated in Malaysian seawater from recreational beaches and fish

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New approach for the simultaneous detection of somatic coliphages and F-specific RNA coliphages as indicators of fecal pollution.

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Occurrence, distribution and size relationships of plastic debris along shores and sediment of northern Lake Victoria.

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Application of a rapid qPCR method for enterococci for beach water quality monitoring purposes in Hawaii: Loss of DNA during the extraction protocol due to coral sands

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Combined Danio rerio embryo morbidity, mortality and photomotor response assay: A tool for developmental risk assessment from chronic cyanoHAB exposure.

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Lidar (light detection and ranging) and benthic invertebrate investigations: Migrating tailings threaten Buffalo Reef in Lake Superior

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Recreational Beach