Introduction to Pt Timah
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Pt Timah sentence examples within pt timah tbk
Pt Timah sentence examples within pt timah industrus
This research was conducted based on the demand of industry, PT Timah Industri, to study the synthesis of SnCl2 powder in optimum conditions with redox method.
This research was conducted based on the demand of industry, PT Timah Industri, to study the synthesis of SnCl2 powder in optimum conditions with redox method.
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This experiment uses the raw material of Indonesian local stannic chloride (SnCl4) (PT Timah Industri) as a precursor with a temperature variation of 250, 300, 350, 400°C.
This experiment uses the raw material of Indonesian local stannic chloride (SnCl4) (PT Timah Industri) as a precursor with a temperature variation of 250, 300, 350, 400°C.
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Pt Timah sentence examples within pt timah indonesium
This research is aimed to gain deeper understanding
on the stakeholder relation held by PT Timah Indonesia and its changes based on
Peraturan Pemerintah No 1 2017.
This research is aimed to gain deeper understanding
on the stakeholder relation held by PT Timah Indonesia and its changes based on
Peraturan Pemerintah No 1 2017.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
This research was conducted based on the demand of industry, PT Timah Industri, to study the synthesis of SnCl2 powder in optimum conditions with redox method.
This research was conducted based on the demand of industry, PT Timah Industri, to study the synthesis of SnCl2 powder in optimum conditions with redox method.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
Kasus perebutan tersebut telah berlangsung dari tahun 2003-2011 yang pada akhirnya dimenangkan oleh PT Timah.
Kasus perebutan tersebut telah berlangsung dari tahun 2003-2011 yang pada akhirnya dimenangkan oleh PT Timah.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui estimasi nilai ekonomi tambang timah di PT Timah Tbk Tahun 2014-2018.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui estimasi nilai ekonomi tambang timah di PT Timah Tbk Tahun 2014-2018.
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To accelerate environmental recovery, PT TIMAH Tbk uses CSD as a technological innovation in its mining process.
To accelerate environmental recovery, PT TIMAH Tbk uses CSD as a technological innovation in its mining process.
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PT Timah yang sengaja membuat laporan keuangan fiktif untuk menutupi kondisi keuangannya yang buruk.
PT Timah yang sengaja membuat laporan keuangan fiktif untuk menutupi kondisi keuangannya yang buruk.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
This experiment uses the raw material of Indonesian local stannic chloride (SnCl4) (PT Timah Industri) as a precursor with a temperature variation of 250, 300, 350, 400°C.
This experiment uses the raw material of Indonesian local stannic chloride (SnCl4) (PT Timah Industri) as a precursor with a temperature variation of 250, 300, 350, 400°C.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
PT Timah (Persero) Tbk dipercaya mengelola penambangan bijih timah di Indonesia termasuk yang berada di laut sehingga untuk memaksimalkan produksi maka perlu dilakukan membangunan kapal milik sendiri dengan teknologi yang lebih canggih yang mampu menambang hingga kedalaman 60 m.
PT Timah (Persero) Tbk dipercaya mengelola penambangan bijih timah di Indonesia termasuk yang berada di laut sehingga untuk memaksimalkan produksi maka perlu dilakukan membangunan kapal milik sendiri dengan teknologi yang lebih canggih yang mampu menambang hingga kedalaman 60 m.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
Strategi operasi PT Timah Tbk untuk meningkatkan produksi yaitu membuka Tambang Besar (TB) di Pulau Belitung.
Strategi operasi PT Timah Tbk untuk meningkatkan produksi yaitu membuka Tambang Besar (TB) di Pulau Belitung.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
Research Result this is the (a) Dividend policy with proxy dividend per share have relation and influence significant to company value with proxy stocks market value at PT Timah Tbk by significant level 0,0151.
Research Result this is the (a) Dividend policy with proxy dividend per share have relation and influence significant to company value with proxy stocks market value at PT Timah Tbk by significant level 0,0151.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
Sebagai perusahaan tambang yang mempunyai izin untuk mengakses timah, PT Timah melakukan reklamasi dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan kualitas lahan, memperbaiki atau memulihkan suatu ekosistem rusak atau mengalami gangguan, sehingga dapat pulih atau mencapai suatu ekosistem yang mendekati kondisi aslinya.
Sebagai perusahaan tambang yang mempunyai izin untuk mengakses timah, PT Timah melakukan reklamasi dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan kualitas lahan, memperbaiki atau memulihkan suatu ekosistem rusak atau mengalami gangguan, sehingga dapat pulih atau mencapai suatu ekosistem yang mendekati kondisi aslinya.
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Menurut bagian K3LH PT TIMAH Tbk Reklamasi Kebun Percontohan Air Nyatoh ialah salah satu reklamasi terbaik yang telah dilakukan PT TIMAH Tbk.
Menurut bagian K3LH PT TIMAH Tbk Reklamasi Kebun Percontohan Air Nyatoh ialah salah satu reklamasi terbaik yang telah dilakukan PT TIMAH Tbk.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
This research had been conducted from February 2018 until June 2018 in post tin mining land owned by PT Timah at Dwi Makmur Village, Bangka.
This research had been conducted from February 2018 until June 2018 in post tin mining land owned by PT Timah at Dwi Makmur Village, Bangka.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
This research is aimed to gain deeper understanding
on the stakeholder relation held by PT Timah Indonesia and its changes based on
Peraturan Pemerintah No 1 2017.
This research is aimed to gain deeper understanding
on the stakeholder relation held by PT Timah Indonesia and its changes based on
Peraturan Pemerintah No 1 2017.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
This experiment uses the raw material of Indonesian local stannic chloride (SnCl4) (PT Timah Industri) as a precursor with a temperature variation of 250, 300, 350, 400°C.
This experiment uses the raw material of Indonesian local stannic chloride (SnCl4) (PT Timah Industri) as a precursor with a temperature variation of 250, 300, 350, 400°C.
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More Pt Timah sentence examples
PT TIMAH Tbk is one of the state-owned companies engaged in tin mining; it has permission to mine in the sea with as many as 27 permits or an area of 184,672 hectares.
PT TIMAH Tbk is one of the state-owned companies engaged in tin mining; it has permission to mine in the sea with as many as 27 permits or an area of 184,672 hectares.
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