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Procera Leaves sentence examples within Juniperu Procera Leaves

Effective Removal of Malachite Green from Aqueous Solutions Using Magnetic Nanocomposite: Synthesis, Characterization, and Equilibrium Study

An evaluation of repellency and feeding inhibition of ethno-medicinal plants against major malaria vectors in southern Ethiopia

Procera Leaves sentence examples within Calotropi Procera Leaves

Green synthesis of carbon dots from Calotropis procera leaves for trace level identification of isoprothiolane

Larvicidal and synergistic toxicity of Ficus sycomorus and Calotropis procera leaf extracts against malarial vector Anopheles gambiae complex from Kano-Nigeria: A green Bio-control approach

Effective Removal of Malachite Green from Aqueous Solutions Using Magnetic Nanocomposite: Synthesis, Characterization, and Equilibrium Study

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Green synthesis of carbon dots from Calotropis procera leaves for trace level identification of isoprothiolane

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Induction of Catharanthus roseus Secondary Metabolites When Calotropis procera Was Used as Bio-Stimulant

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An evaluation of repellency and feeding inhibition of ethno-medicinal plants against major malaria vectors in southern Ethiopia

Calotropis procera (leaves) supplementation exerts curative effects on promoting functional recovery in a mouse model of peripheral nerve injury

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Larvicidal and synergistic toxicity of Ficus sycomorus and Calotropis procera leaf extracts against malarial vector Anopheles gambiae complex from Kano-Nigeria: A green Bio-control approach

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NMR and LC-MSn coupled with pharmacological network analysis for the assessment of phytochemical content and biopharmaceutical potential of Carapa procera extracts.

Exploring Adsorption Process of Lead (II) and Chromium (VI) Ions from Aqueous Solutions on Acid Activated Carbon Prepared from Juniperus procera Leaves

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Mesophyll thickness and sclerophylly among Calotropis procera morphotypes reveal water-saved adaptation to environments

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Calotropis procera: UHPLC-QTOF-MS/MS based profiling of bioactives, antioxidant and anti-diabetic potential of leaf extracts and an insight into molecular docking

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Toxicological characterization and central nervous system effects of Calotropis procera Ait. aqueous extracts in mice

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In situ leaf litter production, decomposition and nutrient release of dry Afromontane trees

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Essential Oil Composition of Alluaudia procera and in Vitro Biological Activity on Two Drug-Resistant Models

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Procera Leaves