Introduction to Polyelectrolyte Membranes
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Polyelectrolyte Membranes sentence examples within direct methanol fuel
The functionalization strategy used herein can pave the way for the development of efficient polyelectrolyte membranes for applications in direct methanol fuel cells.
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The selective permeability of organic matter and water shown by polyelectrolyte membranes in fuel cells and other applications
provides ideas for solving this problem.
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The thermograms of these polyelectrolyte membranes showed that their thermal stability was lower than that of PVA membrane, and total weight loss gradually decreased with increasing the PAMPS.
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Polyelectrolyte membranes (PEMs) are a novel type of material that is in high demand in health, energy and environmental sectors.
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The mobility of ethylene oxide segments and strength of polyelectrolyte membranes can be controlled by the cross-linking degree of single-ion conductive polyelectrolyte.
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The aim of this research is the development of biopolymers-based polyelectrolyte membranes (PEMs) for application in the fuel cell.
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