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Investigating the effect of mono‐ and multivalent counterions on the conformation of poly(styrenesulfonic acid) by nanopores

Designing Microparticle-Impregnated Polyelectrolyte Composite: The Combination of ATRP, Fast Azidation, and Click Reaction Using a Single-Catalyst, Single-Pot Strategy

Large slippage and depletion layer at the polyelectrolyte/solid interface.

Dye-Mediated Interactions in Chitosan-Based Polyelectrolyte/Organoclay Hybrids for Enhanced Adsorption of Industrial Dyes.

Photoluminescence in non-conjugated polyelectrolyte films containing 7-hydroxy-flavylium cation

The effects of grafting density and charge fraction on the properties of ring polyelectrolyte brushes: a molecular dynamics simulation study

Dual pH Gradient and Voltage Modulation of Ion Transport and Current Rectification in Biomimetic Nanopores Functionalized with a pH-Tunable Polyelectrolyte

Effect of Salt on the Ordinary-Extraordinary Transition in Solutions of Charged Macromolecules.

Fabrication and Characterization of Hollow Microcapsules from Polyelectrolytes Bearing Thymine Pendant Groups for Ultraviolet-B (UVB)-Induced Crosslinking.

Thermodynamic Analysis of the Uptake of a Protein in a Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brush.

Salt-induced swelling transitions of a lamellar amphiphile-Polyelectrolyte complex.

Characterization of supramolecular peptide-polymer bioconjugates using multistage tandem mass spectrometry

More Polyelectrolyte Chains sentence examples

Chapter 5:Recent Advances in Colloidal Polyelectrolyte Brushes

Ionic circuitry with nanofluidic diodes.

Effects of mono- and divalent cations on the structure and thermodynamic properties of polyelectrolyte gels.

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Polyelectrolyte Chains