Introduction to Polyelectrolyte Chains
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Bridging events caused by Dy3+ or Y3+ between polyelectrolyte chains largely affected current blockage and dwell time of the translocation events.
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Polystyrene microparticles were covalently impregnated into the networks of functional polyelectrolyte chains designed via a tandem run of three reactions: (i) synthesis of water-soluble polyelectrolyte, (ii) fast azidation and (iii) a ‘click’ reaction, using the single-catalyst, single-pot strategy at room temperature in mild aqueous media.
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Polyelectrolyte chains adsorb on the surfaces in a thin charged layer, acting as a nonattractive wall for the bulk solution.
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These substantial improvements in adsorption performance are driven by the mediating effect of the anionic dyes (acting as the electrostatic mediator between the positively charged polyelectrolyte chains and organoclays), enabling the formation of true hybrid sorbent structures without the need for covalent cross-linking chemistry.
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FS appears to be chemically stabilized by the interaction with polyelectrolyte chains.
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Using molecular dynamics simulations, the flexible ring polyelectrolyte chains tethered to a planar substrate and immersed in good solvents are investigated systematically.
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In particular, the roles that the applied pH, electric potential gradients, and the grafting density of the polyelectrolyte chains played are examined in detail.
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In an effort to rationalize our experimental findings we present a theory for the collective dynamics of polyelectrolyte solutions with salt by addressing the coupling between the relaxations of polyelectrolyte chains, counterions from the polymer and added salt, and co-ions from the salt.
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Ultraviolet-B irradiation of the HMC suspensions induces an efficient crosslinking between adjacent polyelectrolyte chains through the formation of thymine photodimers, such as the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) and the (6-4) pyrimidine-pyrimidone photoproduct (6-4PP).
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The quantitative analysis demonstrates that counterion release is the major driving force for adsorption in a process where proteins become multivalent counterions of the polyelectrolyte chains upon adsorption.
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The polyelectrolyte chains desorb from the bilayers at a very high salt concentration, in a process similar to the well-known destabilization of complexes of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes.
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During single-stage ion activation, the PLL peptide chain mainly underwent backbone cleavages without disruption of the non-covalent interaction which could only be broken via sequential application of electron transfer dissociation (ETD) and collisionally activated dissociation (CAD), indicating strong binding interactions between the two polyelectrolyte chains.
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Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes (SPBs) are nanoparticles formed by densely-grafted polyelectrolyte chains on the surface of colloidal particles.
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Ionic circuits composed of nanopores functionalized with polyelectrolyte chains can operate in aqueous solutions, thus allowing the control of electrical signals and information processing in physiological environments.
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The swelling response of the gels in solutions of ten different monovalent salts is found to be practically identical indicating that the principal effect of monovalent ions is screening the electrostatic repulsion among the charged groups on the polyelectrolyte chains; i.
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