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Modulating cancer cell mechanics and actin cytoskeleton structure by chemical and mechanical stimulations.

Preparation of optical waveplates from cellulose nanocrystal nematics on patterned polydimethylsiloxane substrates

Extracellular matrix cues modulate Schwann cell morphology, proliferation, and protein expression

Biophysical insights from supported lipid patches

Mechanical Durotactic Environment Enhances Specific Glioblastoma Cell Responses

Novel Nanostructured Coating on PDMS Substrates Featuring High Resistance to Urine

Quasi-3D morphology and modulation of focal adhesions of human adult stem cells through combinatorial concave elastomeric surfaces with varied stiffness.

Fabrication and Evaluation of a Novel Non-Invasive Stretchable and Wearable Respiratory Rate Sensor Based on Silver Nanoparticles Using Inkjet Printing Technology

Numerical and experimental analysis of the effect of metal tie layers on improving electrical properties of gold coated poly (dimethylsiloxane) flexible multi-layered films during folding

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Polydimethylsiloxane Substrates