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Platelet Membranes sentence examples within Activated Platelet Membranes

Evidence that GPVI is expressed as a mixture of monomers and dimers, and that the D2 domain is not essential for GPVI activation.

[Metabolism processes and mechanisms of regulation of platelet activity (review of literature).]

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Biomimetic liposomes hybrid with platelet membranes for targeted therapy of atherosclerosis

Evidence that GPVI is expressed as a mixture of monomers and dimers, and that the D2 domain is not essential for GPVI activation.

Single-particle fibrinogen detection using platelet membrane-coated fluorescent polystyrene nanoparticles.

Glutathione-depleting nanoplatelets for enhanced sonodynamic cancer therapy.

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Bioengineering Technologies for Cardiac Regenerative Medicine

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Usefulness of Early Diagnosis of Sepsis-Induced Coagulopathy by Measuring Novel Platelet Activation Marker Soluble Type C Lectin-Like Receptor 2 (CLEC-2)

Engineering extracellular vesicles with platelet membranes fusion enhanced targeted therapeutic angiogenesis in a mouse model of myocardial ischemia reperfusion

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Biomarkers involved in evaluation of platelets function in South-Eastern Romanian patients with hematological malignancies subtypes

Microbubble Functionalization with Platelet Membrane Enables Targeting and Early Detection of Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury.

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Platelet membrane and stem cell exosome hybrid enhances cellular uptake and targeting to heart injury.

Association of Platelet Membrane Fatty Acid Composition with Markers of Oxidative Stress in Healthy Men

Platelet-Mimicking Biotaxis Targeting Vasculature-Disrupted Tumors for Cascade Amplification of Hypoxia-Sensitive Therapy.

Pyrethroid Insecticide Effect on PlateletBiomembranes of Rats

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[Coagulation test features depending on the AB0-blood groups system antigenic composition.]

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Epigenetic modulation of glycoprotein VI gene expression by DNA methylation.

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Chemical Engineering of Cell Therapy for Heart Diseases.

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[Metabolism processes and mechanisms of regulation of platelet activity (review of literature).]

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Ультраструктурнi зміни тромбоцитів у хворих на цукровий діабет 1 та 2 типів залежно від стану ниркової функції на різних стадіях хронічної ниркової недостатності

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Antiphospholipid immune complexes as thrombosis risk marker

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Integration of immunogenic activation and immunosuppressive reversion using mitochondrial-respiration-inhibited platelet-mimicking nanoparticles.

Platelets: Lone Rangers of Inflammatory Signaling in the Lung

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Possible Association of Smokeless Tobacco Dependent Impairment in the Erythrocytes and Platelets Membranes of Human Male Volunteers: An Observation

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Increased levels of the megakaryocyte and platelet expressed cysteine proteases stefin A and cystatin A prevent thrombosis

Altered Platelet Fatty Acids in Dengue Cases by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis

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Condition of platelet factor of hemostasis system in pathogenesis of chronic periodontitis progression

Engineering Biomimetic Platesomes for pH-Responsive Drug Delivery and Enhanced Antitumor Activity.

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Platelet Membranes