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Physical Punishment sentence examples within Harsh Physical Punishment

The problem of desertation in the army of the Habsburg Empire: from the reign of Maria Theresa of the first decades of the nineteenth century

The Harsh Antecedents of Antisocial Behaviors in Adults

Physical Punishment sentence examples within Severe Physical Punishment

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and related isolation measures on violence against children in Egypt

Child Discipline Practices in Kosovo: Attitudes and Sociodemographic Correlates

Physical Punishment sentence examples within Childhood Physical Punishment

Disclosures of harming others during their most recent drinking session: Findings from a large national study of heavy-drinking adolescents.

Physical Punishment and Offending in Two Successive Generations of Males

Physical Punishment sentence examples within Giving Physical Punishment

PERLINDUNGAN PEKERJA MENURUT HUKUM ISLAM (Analisis terhadap Al-Qur’an dan Hadits)

The Influence Of Parenting Style On Social Sensitivity And Student’s Achievement In MTs. Tarbiyatul Ummah Robatal Sampang Madura

Physical Punishment sentence examples within Need Physical Punishment

Multilevel ecological analysis of the predictors of spanking across 65 countries

A Multilevel Ecological Analysis of the Predictors of Spanking Across 65 Countries

Physical Punishment sentence examples within Supporting Physical Punishment

Feasibility pilot of an adapted parenting program embedded within the Thai public health system

Assessing the potential for reducing violence against young children through an adapted parenting program embedded within the public health system: Findings from a pre-post trial in Thailand

“The New Man” On-Demand: A Student in Lithuanian Schools of the Late Soviet Years (1964–1988)

More Physical Punishment sentence examples

Multilevel ecological analysis of the predictors of spanking across 65 countries

Disciplinar con violencia a niños y niñas. Elaboración e implementación de una política pública en Uruguay: análisis de actores

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Smoking Phenomenon Among Elementary Children in Pasuruan – East Java

Bangladesh: Religious Intolerance in Bangladesh

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Al-Qabisi’s Theory on Physical Punishment Method for Students

Slavery Versus Labor

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Physical punishment and child outcomes: a narrative review of prospective studies

The Resistance of New Zealand POWs in Asia during the Second World War

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Adverse Childhood Experiences and Spanking Have Similar Associations with Early Behavior Problems.

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Childhood care and abuse in firefighters assessed for mental ill-health following the Fort McMurray fire of May 2016.

The problem of desertation in the army of the Habsburg Empire: from the reign of Maria Theresa of the first decades of the nineteenth century

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Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and related isolation measures on violence against children in Egypt

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Children’s Motivation to Learn at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From Indian Parents

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John Langdon Haydon Down (1828–1896)

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Parental Social Isolation and Child Maltreatment Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Parenting and Home Environment in Childhood and Adolescence and Alcohol Use Disorder in Adulthood.

A Multilevel Ecological Analysis of the Predictors of Spanking Across 65 Countries

Exploring the Perceived Causes and Management of Challenging Behavior in Namibian and Ghanaian Schools

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Associations between Lifetime Spanking/Slapping and Adolescent Physical and Mental Health and Behavioral Outcomes: Associations Entre les Fessées/Gifles de Durée de Vie et la Santé Physique et Mentale des Adolescents et les Résultats Comportementaux.

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Child Protection Practices and Attitudes of Faith Leaders Across Senegal, Uganda, and Guatemala

Pola Asuh Ibu dalam Kebersihan Organ Reproduksi selama Menstruasi pada Remaja Tunagrahita


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Childhood maltreatment, psychiatric symptoms, and suicidal thoughts among adolescents receiving substance use treatment services.

Global perspectives on physical and nonphysical discipline: A Bayesian multilevel analysis

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Early trauma and schizophrenia onset: preliminary results of an outpatient cohort in Brazil.

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The Whip and the Hoe

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Feasibility pilot of an adapted parenting program embedded within the Thai public health system

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Assessing the potential for reducing violence against young children through an adapted parenting program embedded within the public health system: Findings from a pre-post trial in Thailand

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Gender differences in externalizing and internalizing problems in Singaporean children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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Associations of Socio-Demographic and Environmental Factors with the Early Development of Young Children in Bangladesh

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Child Discipline Practices in Kosovo: Attitudes and Sociodemographic Correlates

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Repetir, Memorizar, Recitar: Mecanismos para a Fabricação de Corpos Dóceis pela Educação Matemática

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Severity levels of physical punishment of children/adolescents: cluster analysis

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Education Expenditure and Parenting Styles: Evidence from Cognitive Development in China

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The silence of innocence

Spanking and externalizing problems: Examining within-subject associations.

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Psychological Challenges Facing Orphaned Children and Caregivers: A Case of Ubungo Institutionalized Centers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Adverse Childhood Experiences: Are They Associated With Greater Risk of Elder Abuse Victimization?

Disclosures of harming others during their most recent drinking session: Findings from a large national study of heavy-drinking adolescents.

Association Between Violent Discipline at Home and Risk of Illness and Injury in Children: Findings From a Cross-sectional Study in Rural Western China.

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Home, school, and community violence exposure and emotional and conduct problems among low-income adolescents: the moderating role of age and sex

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Public policy and parent-child aggression: Considerations for reducing and preventing physical punishment and abuse

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State Terrorism as a Mechanism for Acts of Violence against Individuals: Case Studies of Kim Jong-Nam, Skripal and Khashoggi Assassinations

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Parental training in groups: a brief health promotion program

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Discussion of “Bridging cultures in Psychoanalytic work”

What Happens When Robots Punish? Evaluating Human Task Performance During Robot-Initiated Punishment

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Physical Punishment at School in Three Educational Systems in Pakistan

Reductions in Parental Use of Corporal Punishment on Pre-School Children Following Participation in the Moms’ Empowerment Program

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Prevalence and risk factors for child labour and violence against children in Egypt using Bayesian geospatial modelling with multiple imputation

The Impact of the Triple P Seminar Series on Canadian Parents’ Use of Physical Punishment, Non-Physical Punishment and Non-Punitive Responses

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Parenting and discipline in post-conflict Sierra Leone.

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Predictors of parenting attitudes in an at-risk sample: Results from the LONGSCAN study.

The Holocaust and New World Slavery: A Comparative History

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The Civilisation of Port Phillip: Settler Ideology, Violence, and Rhetorical Possession

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Parent discipline in Thailand: Corporal punishment use and associations with myths and psychological outcomes.

How the family deals with the child’s learning difficulty in the face of his/her poor school performance?

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Biblical inspirations of Janusz Tarnowski’s personal and existential pedagogy

On the Complexity of Aggressive Behavior: Contextual and Individual Factors in the Taylor Aggression Paradigm

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Gender Differences in Corporal Punishment, Academic Self-Efficacy and Drop-Out in Secondary School Students.

Determinants of Cognitive Development in the Early Life of Children in Bhaktapur, Nepal

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Public opinion in Slovakia about physical punishment of children

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Early means early: understanding popular understandings of early childhood development in South Africa

The Harsh Antecedents of Antisocial Behaviors in Adults

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Assessing Racial and Ethnic Differences in Attitudes towards the Use of Physical Discipline in Parenting: A Mixed-Methods Approach

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Physical Punishment and Offending in Two Successive Generations of Males

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Sex Differences in the Intergenerational Transmission of Harsh Punishment of Children in Ghana

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PERLINDUNGAN PEKERJA MENURUT HUKUM ISLAM (Analisis terhadap Al-Qur’an dan Hadits)

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Knowledge of Reproductive Health and Perception of Violence Among Rural Schoolgirls in Egypt.

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There is still no evidence that physical punishment is effective or beneficial: Reply to Larzelere, Gunnoe, Ferguson, and Roberts (2019) and Rohner and Melendez-Rhodes (2019).

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Representaciones sociales de las tipologías del maltrato infantil

Parental Physical Force and Alcohol Use in Emerging Adults: Mediation by Psychological Problems

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The Relation Between Socioeconomic Characteristics and the Use of Physical Punishment in Bangladeshi Elementary Schools

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The Impact of Negative Stimuli on Suicidality among Adulthoods: A Mediating Effect of Depression

Physical Punishment and Child Externalizing Behavior: Comparing American Indian, White, and African American Children.

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The Influence Of Parenting Style On Social Sensitivity And Student’s Achievement In MTs. Tarbiyatul Ummah Robatal Sampang Madura

Processo e estrutura: o fim da escravidão e a persistência dos castigos físicos (Rio Grande do Sul, final do século XIX)

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Determinants of Persistence and Change in Early Childhood Behavioural Problems: The Roles of Parenting and Maternal Mental Health

Randomized cluster trial of a parenting program in Chile: Key mediators in the decrease in behavior problems in preschool children

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Significant factors of violence against women in urban and rural community

Deciding on Discipline: The Importance of Parent Demeanor in the Transmission of Discipline Practices

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Evidences of trauma in adult African enslaved individuals from Valle da Gafaria, Lagos, Portugal (15th-17th centuries).

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Less efficient detection of positive facial expressions in parents at risk of engaging in child physical abuse

Migration, not migrants, is the problem: Delinquency among migrants and non-migrants in Switzerland and ex-Yugoslavia

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The Reconstruction of Christian Theodicy in Taras Shevchenko’s Poetry

Influence of Maternal and Paternal Parenting Style and Behavior Problems on Academic Outcomes in Primary School

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Harsh physical punishment as a mediator between income, re-reports and out-of-home placement in a child protective services-involved population.

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Physical Punishment