Introduction to Pd Ru
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Six ophthalmic anthropometric parameters including interpupillary distance (IPD), head width (HW), temple width (TW), length to bend (LTB), and apical radius were measured using a pupillometer, PD rule, Head width calipers, Fairbank facial gauge, and ABDO frame rule.
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Pemantauan dan pemahaman struktur ekologi mangrove famili Rhizophoraceae sangat penting untuk pengelolaan dan pelestarian lestari, dimana studi famili Rhizophoraceae dilakukan pada Juli 2018 di hutan mangrove KKPD Rupat Utara untuk dijadikan sebagai data dasar dalam evaluasi pengelolaan mangrove.
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Hal tersebut dapat meningkatkan belanja APD rumah sakit.
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Policies such as the UN-CRPD run counter to established school syst.
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Using this technique, the number of coefficients is significantly reduced, thus reducing the DPD running complexity.
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This article explores an alternative procedure for positioning the iris in a custom-made ocular prosthesis using a pupillary distance ruler (PD ruler).
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Numerical simulations showed that CPD runs over 90% within the frequency band <40 Hz.
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Results: In both passively sensitized bronchi and stable COPD RU486 abolished the synergistic relaxant response elicited by BDP/FF/GB combination (overall relaxation: -59.
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Normalized mean exit velocities for a combined PIN/APD run agreed with the Görtler theory to within 23-25% for 4 < x/D < 12, and to within +/5-6% for a Gaussian profile for x/D ≥ 4.
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