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In-Situ doping-induced crystal form transition of amorphous Pd–P catalyst for robust electrocatalytic hydrodechlorination

Grafting nanometer metal/oxide interface towards enhanced low-temperature acetylene semi-hydrogenation

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In-Situ doping-induced crystal form transition of amorphous Pd–P catalyst for robust electrocatalytic hydrodechlorination

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Grafting nanometer metal/oxide interface towards enhanced low-temperature acetylene semi-hydrogenation

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C2H2 semi-hydrogenation on the metal M (M = Cu, Ag, Au) alloyed single-atom Pd catalysts: Effects of Pd coordination number and environment on the catalytic performance

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Research on the NPD coordination, knowledge transfer process and innovation performance of interfirm projects in China

Effect of Pd Coordination and Isolation on the Catalytic Reduction of O2 to H2O2 over PdAu Bimetallic Nanoparticles.

Site-Isolated Azobenzene-Containing Metal-Organic Framework for Cyclopalladated Catalyzed Suzuki-Miyuara Coupling in Flow.

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Dynamics of Surface Alloys: Rearrangement of Pd/Ag(111) Induced by CO and O2

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Lightning performance analysis of a rooftop grid-connected solar photovoltaic without external lightning protection system

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Pd Coordination