Introduction to Cyclocarya Paliurus Leaves
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Cyclocarya Paliurus Leaves sentence examples
Cyclocarya Paliurus Leaves
Cyclocarya paliurus leaves have been widely used in traditional folk tea as a remedy for diabetes, but the antidiabetic constituents remain to be further studied.
Cyclocarya paliurus leaves have been widely used in traditional folk tea as a remedy for diabetes, but the antidiabetic constituents remain to be further studied.
Cyclocarya Paliurus Leaves
An original way of brewing Cyclocarya paliurus leaves, especially in China, is to steep leaves in hot water before people drink it directly.
An original way of brewing Cyclocarya paliurus leaves, especially in China, is to steep leaves in hot water before people drink it directly.
Cyclocarya Paliurus Leaves
This research investigated the variations of triterpenoid contents in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves and their underlying anticancer activity and mechanism.
This research investigated the variations of triterpenoid contents in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves and their underlying anticancer activity and mechanism.
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Cyclocarya Paliurus Leaves