Introduction to Opposite Gender
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Opposite Gender sentence examples within '' `` need
Results The findings were divided into four main themes and eight sub-themes including "need to have a healthy family (healthy family relationships and family responsibility)", "need to have a healthy society (favorable social status and favorable economic situation)", "need to have educational facilities (promoting productivity in schools and public education facilities)", "need to have communication with peers (healthy communication with peers and setting up for communication with peers of the opposite gender)".
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Examine the association between exposure to weight talk from same and opposite gender peers and overeating and unhealthy weight control (UWC) amongst racially/ethnically-diverse youth aged 11-16 using cross-sectional, observational data.
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ABSTRACT The present study examined the role of parents’ prejudices and their children’s own religious orientation in the formation of children’s prejudices against the opposite gender and sect.
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, male-male or female-female, is still more difficult to separate than the case of opposite gender mix.
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Wearing clothes of the opposite gender is one of the several techniques used by these individuals.
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The results also indicated that male and female student teachers perceived some cooperative behaviors in the educators from the opposite gender more significantly.
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Females prefer avoiding direct disagreement and maintaining the social rapport with other opposite gender.
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In addition, the identified FC patterns are uniquely predictive on IQ and its sub-domain scores only within the same gender but neither for the opposite gender nor on the IQ-irrelevant measures such as temperament traits.
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In the case of the complicated physical and mental aspects of cross-dressing performance, accurately capturing a vocal representation of the opposite gender may involve displacement leading to a misapprehension of the performer‘s real-life gender.
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This study aims to describe the strategies used by Japanese speakers in conducting speech acts to invite friends with similar and opposite gender.
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Conclusions Offering disinclined women a same-gender practitioner, either by choice or default, increased subsequent intention, while an opposite gender default did not negatively affect intention.
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From this initial population, after adjustment with 1:1 propensity matching using gender as the dependent variable and age, BMI, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking, presence of coronary artery disease, LVEF, baseline systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) and HR, on-going use of cardio-active medications during test, and abnormal MPI scan as independent variables, a population of 279 pairs of opposite gender was formed and studied.
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Participants recommended raising community awareness about NTDs, however this remains problematic due to gender and social norms around appropriate discourse with members of the opposite gender.
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Our study objectives were to test for gender differences in evaluations from both the learner and the evaluator and examine differences in scores between same and opposite gender evaluator-resident pairings.
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the opposite gender) as the apologizer, and can be reversed when the apologizer is personally responsible for the wrongdoing.
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Different factors, such as education or family background, influence personal speaking policies to the point of sharing features of the opposite gender.
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However, the effect of dietary ARA on ch25h transcription in the liver showed an opposite gender-difference pattern to those in the gonads and brain.
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Of 54 who responded, 44 (81%) had a sex partner of the opposite gender and 43 (80%) had a single partner within 4 weeks prior to symptom onset.
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Regarding university experiences to leadership efficacy, not all curricular engagements were beneficial; involvements in co-curricular activities predominated by the opposite gender were particularly beneficial.
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The scenarios in the vignettes were created by orthogonally combining the levels of three factors: Patient’ gender × Assistant’s identity (same gender nurse, opposite gender nurse, opposite gender nurse who has been trained in sexual assistance, prostitute, or former boyfriend/girlfriend) × Parent’s attitude (agree with the procedure, agree with the procedure and financially compensate the assistant, disagree with the procedure).
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Single males seem to be motivated by mating opportunity and, thus, unlike single females or males and females in relationships, devote high attentional resources to processing faces of the opposite gender.
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Moreover, opposite gender-specific associations were detected between embryonic development and birth weight z-scores (males: β = 0.
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This has grave effect on the opposite gender.
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We put forward an alternative account of the interpretation of gendered nouns according to which there are three types of nouns with gender inferences: (a) those that have gender inferences in both assertive and presuppositional dimensions of meaning, (b) those that only have gender inferences in the presuppositional dimension of meaning, and (c) those that do not have gender inferences in their semantics but through competition with the opposite gender (gender competition).
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Treatment for gender dysphoria and the desire to live in the opposite gender requires hormonal, anatomic, and psychosocial changes.
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6 years; age of selfidentification in the opposite gender is 10.
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Accuracy of paramedicine students to measure RR of the opposite gender showed no statistical difference when female students (F=0.
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Clinicians frequently evaluate patients who present with opposite gender family members also suffering from GERD.
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Subjects tended to rate the robot of the same gender as more persuasive than the robot of opposite gender, but male subjects in fact donated more money to female robots, while female subjects showed little preference.
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Given a set of $n$ men represented by $n$ points lying on a line, and $n$ women represented by $n$ points lying on another parallel line, with each person having a list that ranks some people of opposite gender as his/her acceptable partners in strict order of preference.
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We observe a strong bonding with the opposite gender across most of their reproductive age.
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Attendees went on 13–15 3-min dates with participants of the opposite gender.
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4%), relationship with the opposite gender (14.
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Using the visual-world paradigm, we monitored looks toward images of the expected noun versus an alternative of the opposite gender (helicoptermasc).
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In this case, a team consisting of one nurse, two phlebotomists (a male and a female, since some refused to be seen by the opposite gender), and a driver of the institute’s car was arranged.
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In rp there is no further restriction, while in mp only people with opposite genders can be matched.
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Our main findings strongly support Kanter's token theory: screeners disadvantage both males and females when screening for positions in which candidates of the opposite gender predominate.
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Also, through this verse, it is understood that for economic activities (mu'amalah), a man is allowed to talk and see the opposite gender.
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This study has developed an instrumental variables empirical strategy to re-examine this question, based on the concept that the availability of unmarried cousins of the opposite gender at the time of marriage creates quasi-random variation in the propensity to marry consanguineously.
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This pattern of findings was consistent across different measures, which considered both aggressive tendencies against the rejecting partners and hostile attitudes against the opposite gender.
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Background: Gender identity disorder (GID) is a distressing disorder characterized by a persistent unhappiness with one's own gender and a desire to be of the opposite gender as well as seeking sex reassignment surgery for the same.
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Hence, it provides a significant basis to undertake a research study for exploring employee working experience with opposite gender boss.
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In particular, we exploit the fact that children would experience a shock in gender norms when they start to intermingle with children from other ethnic groups with the opposite gender norms at school.
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6 years; age of selfidentification in the opposite gender is 10.
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