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Occurring Nanoparticles sentence examples within Naturally Occurring Nanoparticles

Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Screening of Nanomaterials and Biomaterials.

Naturally occurring nanoparticles in two biological wastewater treatment plants in Southern California

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Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Screening of Nanomaterials and Biomaterials.

Naturally occurring nanoparticles in two biological wastewater treatment plants in Southern California

The Role of Melanoma Cell-Derived Exosomes (MTEX) and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) within a Tumor Microenvironment

Safe and Targeted Sonodynamic Cancer Therapy Using Biocompatible Exosome-Based Nanosonosensitizers.

Can we generate stable pickering emulsions activating naturally occurring nanoparticles in the reservoir for cost effective heavy-oil recovery?

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Dispersion of hazardous nanoparticles on beaches around phosphogypsum factories.

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Setting guidelines for co-occurring nanoparticles in water medium.

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Sources of nanomaterials

The Role of Post-Translational Modifications in Targeting Protein Cargo to Extracellular Vesicles.

Can We Generate Stable Pickering Emulsions Activating Naturally Occurring Nanoparticles in the Reservoir for Cost Effective Heavy-Oil Recovery?

Targeted delivery of dexamethasone in acute pneumonia.

Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus Loads to Western Lake Erie: The Hidden Influence of Nanoparticles.

Salivary Exosomes as Nanocarriers for Cancer Biomarker Delivery

The characterization of graphene-reconstituted low-density lipoproteins and small molecule inhibitor nanoparticles in preparation for use in laser immunotherapy

Opportunities for examining the natural nanogeochemical environment using recent advances in nanoparticle analysis

Plant-nanoparticle interactions: Mechanisms, effects, and approaches

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Occurring Nanoparticles