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In particular, scarp generation is often observed at nourished beaches or under the incidence of oblique storm waves; scarps can pose severe risks to beach users and negatively impact local ecosystems.
In particular, scarp generation is often observed at nourished beaches or under the incidence of oblique storm waves; scarps can pose severe risks to beach users and negatively impact local ecosystems.
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Experimental and numerical simulation of cross-shore morphological processes in a nourished beach.
Experimental and numerical simulation of cross-shore morphological processes in a nourished beach.
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More Nourished Beach sentence examples
Approximately 14% of the placed sand in the water depth less than 2 m was lost after one year, as may be expected for nourished beaches.
Approximately 14% of the placed sand in the water depth less than 2 m was lost after one year, as may be expected for nourished beaches.
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A series of 21 beach profiles were collected from August 2017 to July 2018 to monitor the morphological changes of the nourished beach.
A series of 21 beach profiles were collected from August 2017 to July 2018 to monitor the morphological changes of the nourished beach.
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</p><p>Morphological data shows that beach nourishment had a relatively low longevity as two years after the nourished beach present roughly the same width as priori to nourishment.
</p><p>Morphological data shows that beach nourishment had a relatively low longevity as two years after the nourished beach present roughly the same width as priori to nourishment.
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More Nourished Beach sentence examples
In this study, the morphological evolution of beach scarps was examined at a nourished beach in a low-energy and micro-tidal environment.
In this study, the morphological evolution of beach scarps was examined at a nourished beach in a low-energy and micro-tidal environment.
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Located closer to the break point, the nourishment induces an earlier wave breaking, which dissipates part of the wave energy (lee effect), leading to a negative sediment flux perturbation around this break point and a positive sediment flux perturbation around the break point of the un-nourished beach.
Located closer to the break point, the nourishment induces an earlier wave breaking, which dissipates part of the wave energy (lee effect), leading to a negative sediment flux perturbation around this break point and a positive sediment flux perturbation around the break point of the un-nourished beach.
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More Nourished Beach sentence examples
We synthesize existing findings on biogeochemical processes at source areas and renourished beaches before, during, and after nourishment activities, and identify gaps in knowledge.
We synthesize existing findings on biogeochemical processes at source areas and renourished beaches before, during, and after nourishment activities, and identify gaps in knowledge.
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More Nourished Beach sentence examples
beach durability, sediment loss rate) which could not fully reflect the actual performance of a nourished beach.
beach durability, sediment loss rate) which could not fully reflect the actual performance of a nourished beach.
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Morphodynamic evolution and adaptability of nourished beaches.
Morphodynamic evolution and adaptability of nourished beaches.
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In this study, a physics-based 3D morphology model for the estimation of an erosion rate of nourished beach is newly proposed.
In this study, a physics-based 3D morphology model for the estimation of an erosion rate of nourished beach is newly proposed.
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Nourished Beach