Introduction to Morrey Spaces
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within initial data u0
For small initial data u0 belonging to the Fourier-Besov-Morrey spaces with variable exponent, we obtain the global well-posedness results of generalized porous medium equation by using the Fourier localization principle and the Littlewood-Paley decomposition technique.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within integral operators generated
We in generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces integral operators generated by Calderon-Zygmund operator and their commutators with BMO functions considered.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within Generalized Morrey Spaces
We derive the Calderon–Zygmund property in generalized Morrey spaces for the strong solutions to 2 b -order linear parabolic systems with discontinuous principal coefficients.
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The aim of this paper is to establish the characterizations of boundedness and compactness for the commutator operators of Cauchy–Fantappie type integrals with $$L^1(b\Omega ,d\lambda )$$
functions on the generalized Morrey spaces $$L^{p}_\varrho (b\Omega ,d\lambda )$$
, with $$p\in (1, \infty )$$.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within Weighted Morrey Spaces
In particular, we can obtain strong type and endpoint estimates of vector-valued intrinsic square functions and their commutators in the weighted Morrey spaces and the generalized Morrey spaces.
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In this paper, the authors obtain the boundedness of the fractional integral operators with variable kernels on the variable exponent generalized weighted Morrey spaces and the variable exponent vanishing generalized weighted Morrey spaces.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within Exponent Morrey Spaces
In this paper, we study the boundedness of the operators T and $$T_{\vec {b}}$$
on generalized weighted variable exponent Morrey spaces $$M^{p(\cdot ),\varphi }(w)$$
with the weight function w belonging to variable Muckenhoupt’s class $$A_{p(\cdot )}({{\mathbb {R}}^n})$$.
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In this paper, we study the boundedness of multilinear commutators of Calderon–Zygmund operators $$T_{\mathbf {b}}$$
on generalized variable exponent Morrey spaces $$M^{p(\cdot ), \varphi }$$.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within Grand Morrey Spaces
We obtain boundedness criteria in terms of Muckenhoupt weights for the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator and Riesz transforms in weighted grand Morrey spaces $$M^{p),q,\varphi}_w$$.
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In this paper, we study the boundedness of some sublinear operators with rough kernels, satisfied by most of the operators in classical harmonic analysis, on the generalized weighted grand Morrey spaces.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within Central Morrey Spaces
We establish the sharp boundedness of -adic multilinear Hausdorff operators on the product of Lebesgue and central Morrey spaces associated with both power weights and Muckenhoupt weights.
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org/1998/Math/MathML" id="M4">
</jats:inline-formula>-adic central Morrey spaces.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within Local Morrey Spaces
We show that the calculation of the sum of local Morrey spaces can be reduced to the calculation of the sum of sequence spaces that appear as parameters in the definition of local Morrey spaces.
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This paper establishes the mapping properties of the singular integral operators, the Littlewood-Paley functions and the maximal Bochner-Riesz means on the Hardy local Morrey spaces with variable exponents by using extrapolation theory.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within Smoothnes Morrey Spaces
Morrey Spaces sentence examples within Vanishing Morrey Spaces
We give the description of the first and second complex interpolation of vanishing Morrey spaces, introduced in \cite{AS, CF}.
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We give a proof of the boundedness of the Bergman projection in generalized variable-exponent vanishing Morrey spaces over the unit disc and the upper half-plane.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within Suitable Morrey Spaces
The nonlinear terms are given by Carathéodory functions and satisfy controlled growth structure conditions with data belonging to suitable Morrey spaces.
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We consider the following boundary value problem −div[M(x)∇u−E(x)u]=f(x)in Ωu=0on ∂Ω, $$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \begin{cases} - {\rm div}{[M(x)\nabla u - E(x) u]} =f(x) & \text{in}~~ {\it\Omega} \\ u =0 & \text{on}~~ \partial{\it\Omega}, \end{cases} \end{array}$$ where Ω is a bounded open subset of ℝN, with N > 2, M : Ω → ℝN2 is a symmetric matrix, E(x) and f(x) are respectively a vector field and function both belonging to suitable Morrey spaces and we study the corresponding regularity of u and D u.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within morrey spaces l
Our aim in this paper is to establish Trudinger’s inequality on Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces L Φ, κ ( G ) under conditions on Φ which are essentially weaker than those considered in a former paper.
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We prove the boundedness of the fractional integration operator of variable order α ( x ) in the limiting Sobolev case α ( x ) p ( x ) = n − λ ( x ) from variable exponent Morrey spaces L p ⋅ , λ ⋅ Ω into BMO ( Ω ), where Ω is a bounded open set.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within morrey spaces defined
We consider subspaces of Morrey spaces defined in terms of various vanishing properties of functions.
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We study embeddings of weighted local and consequently global generalized Morrey spaces defined on a quasi-metric measure set (X, d, μ) of general nature which may be unbounded, into Lebesgue spaces Ls(X), 1 ≤ s ≤ p < ∞.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within morrey spaces mp
We prove continuity in generalized parabolic Morrey spaces Mp,φ of sublinear operators generated by the parabolic Calderon-Zygmund operator and by the commutator of this operator with bounded mean oscillation (BMO) functions.
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We show continuity in generalized weighted Morrey spaces Mp,'(w) of sub-linear integral operators generated by some classical integral operators and commutators.
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Morrey Spaces sentence examples within morrey spaces related
The Hardy-Morrey spaces related to Laplace-Bessel differential equations are introduced in terms of maximal functions.
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This paper establishes the boundedness of the variation operators associated with Riesz transforms and commutators generated by the Riesz transforms and BMO-type functions in the Schrödinger setting on the weighted Morrey spaces related to certain nonnegative potentials belonging to the reverse Hölder class.
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[A bridge connecting Lebesgue and Morrey spaces via Riesz norms.
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In addition, the boundedness of the m th-order commutators M b , m ρ $\mathcal{M}^{\rho }_{b,m}$ on Morrey spaces M p q ( μ ) $M^{q}_{p}(\mu )$ , 1 < p ≤ q < ∞ $1< p \leq q< \infty $ , is also obtained for the parameter 0 < ρ < ∞ $0<\rho <\infty $.
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We establish the boundedness of the Calderón-Zygmund operators on the Morrey spaces and the Hardy-Morrey spaces in locally compact Vilenkin groups.
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The obtained results in addition to previous modes of Lebesgue and Orlicz spaces, also cover new classes such as some closed subspaces of Morrey spaces.
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In particular, it gives the boundedness of the Erdélyi-Kober fractional integral operators on amalgam spaces and Morrey spaces.
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Finally, we extend the result to the Morrey spaces.
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The article deals with the global Orlia-Morrey spaces GMΦ,ϕ,θ(Rn).
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In the present paper, we deal with the global regularity estimates for the $p$-Laplace equations with data in divergence form \[ \operatorname{div}(|\nabla u|^{p-2} \nabla u) = \operatorname{div}(|F|^{p-2} F) \quad \textrm{in $\Omega$}, \] in Morrey spaces with natural data $F \in L^p(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^n)$ and nonhomogeneous boundary data belongs to $W^{1,p}(\Omega)$.
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Necessary conditions for a norm estimate of Riesz potential will be presented on Morrey spaces over commutative hypergroups by taking into account the upper Ahlfors condition.
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We show a characterization for the boundedness of the commutators for bilinear fractional integral operators B α (0 < α < n ) on Morrey spaces.
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[6, 7, 8]) have proposed the concept of best local polynomial approximation as a unifying characteristic to understand the structure of classical function spaces as diverse as, BMO, John–Nirenberg spaces JNp, Sobolev spaces, Besov spaces, Morrey spaces, Jordan–Wiener spaces, etc.
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We establish the mapping properties of the fractional integral operators with homogeneous kernels on generalized Lorentz-Morrey spaces.
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The key purpose of this paper to show the boundedness of Bessel-Riesz operators in Morrey spaces defied on quasimetric measure spaces.
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On our way to unveil this off-diagonal behavior we prove resolvent estimates in Morrey spaces <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$\mathrm {L}^{2 , \nu } ({\mathbb {R}}^d)$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.
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If vector-valued sublinear operators satisfy the size condition and the vector-valued inequality on weighted Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent, then we obtain their boundedness on weighted Herz-Morrey spaces with variable exponents.
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In this note, we obtain a version of Aleksandrov’s maximum principle when the drift coefficients are in Morrey spaces, which contains Ld, and when the free term is in Lp for some p < d.
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<jats:p>In the present paper, our aim is to establish the boundedness of commutators of the fractional Hardy operator and its adjoint operator on weighted Herz-Morrey spaces with variable exponents <jats:inline-formula>
<math xmlns="http://www.
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Our aim in this paper is to establish Trudinger’s inequality on Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces L Φ, κ ( G ) under conditions on Φ which are essentially weaker than those considered in a former paper.
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The Hardy-Morrey spaces related to Laplace-Bessel differential equations are introduced in terms of maximal functions.
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Our aim in this paper is to establish Hardy-Sobolev inequalities for Sobolev functions and generalized Riesz potentials in central Herz-Morrey spaces on the unit ball.
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This paper is devoted to investigating the boundedness, continuity and compactness for variation operators of singular integrals and their commutators on Morrey spaces and Besov spaces.
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