Introduction to Morphodynamic Response
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Morphodynamic Response sentence examples within Beach Morphodynamic Response
The S1 scenario was implemented to evaluate the beach morphodynamic response in the case of a removal intervention.
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Measurements of LCDBs’ freeboard height show that sand-filled geosystems’ breakwaters presented a significant loss of sand during the study period, which explains the unexpected beach morphodynamic response on the lee side of the structure.
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A numerical study was conducted using a suspended sediment transport model developed in a previous study to quantify the morphodynamic responses of beach berms and scarps to the foreshore region as well as offshore sand motion.
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It is therefore highlighted that the estuarine system in response to natural and anthropogenic pressures is very dynamic, and the impacts of various engineering projects in the source-to-sink system should be fully taken into consideration when predicting its morphodynamic response in the estuary.
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The morphodynamic responses to normal faulting range from longitudinal bed profile adjustments to channel pattern changes.
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The prediction of wave runup, as well as its components, time-averaged setup and the time-varying swash, is a key element of coastal storm hazard assessments, as wave runup controls the transitions between morphodynamic response types such as dune erosion and overwash, and the potential for flooding by wave overtopping.
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The wind-sand flow perturbation and resulting morphodynamic response of the sand bed cannot be assessed in analytical terms.
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Additional research efforts are required to define sound cause-effect relationships between the human pressures and the morphodynamic responses of sediment-starved gravel-bed rivers.
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The long- to short-term coastal morphodynamic response in low-lying coastal wetlands worldwide raises serious concerns about the loss of their biodiversity and ecological ramifications due to tidal changes and cyclonic events.
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These results are consistent with morphodynamic responses to sedimentological and oceanographic processes involving the interaction of paleocurrents with substrate morphology.
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SU segmentation divides terrain into homogenous domains and approximates the morphodynamic response of the slope to landslides.
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The S1 scenario was implemented to evaluate the beach morphodynamic response in the case of a removal intervention.
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While a clear improvement concerning aesthetic considerations using soft submerged breakwater is undeniable, their design has often focused on wave transmission processes across the crest of the structure, overlooking short- to medium-term morphodynamic responses.
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In this paper, the morphodynamic response of a gravel-dominated meso-tidal estuary inlet to Sea Level Rise (SLR) is discussed based on three future SLR scenarios.
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This study utilizes repeated geoacoustic mapping to quantify the morphodynamic response of the nearshore to storm-induced changes.
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Measurements of LCDBs’ freeboard height show that sand-filled geosystems’ breakwaters presented a significant loss of sand during the study period, which explains the unexpected beach morphodynamic response on the lee side of the structure.
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The nearshore hydro-morphodynamic responses to coastal structures vary widely, as these responses are complex functions with numerous parameters, including structural design, sediment and wave dynamics, angle of approach, slope of the coast and the materials making up the beach and structures.
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First, we explore the river morphodynamic response to a landslide cascade at the reach-scale using a 2D modelling approach.
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These findings provide a new framework for improved predictive capabilities for sediment transport and morphodynamic response in regulated rivers to natural or imposed unsteady flows, while their wider application to graded sediments is also considered.
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Despite their socioeconomic and
ecological importance, their future morphodynamic response to sea level rise
or other hazards is poorly understood.
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Human activities, involving construction such as large-scale bridge projects in tidal estuaries, can lead to undesirable and severe morphodynamic responses, such as excessive siltation in the harbors and channels.
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The morphodynamic responses of the Narrabeen beach are highly variable and rapid alongshore.
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This paper describes the first physical modelling experiments to model the whole-of-island morphodynamic response of reef islands to changes in sea level and wave regime.
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The results also reveal that due to the shape of the beach and its orientation to predominant wave approach direction, there will be a strong longshore variability of morphodynamic response to storms.
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Due to its high sediment load, the morphodynamic response time of the estuary is short, providing a valuable semi-natural system to evaluate large-scale estuarine morphodynamic responses to interference.
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