Introduction to Mimo Ofdm Channel
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In this paper, by exploiting the highly correlated spatial structure of the obtained array response vectors and sparsity of the multipath signal components of the massive MIMO-OFDM channels, a modified spatial basis expansion model (modified-SBEM) is introduced.
In this paper, by exploiting the highly correlated spatial structure of the obtained array response vectors and sparsity of the multipath signal components of the massive MIMO-OFDM channels, a modified spatial basis expansion model (modified-SBEM) is introduced.
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First, the mmWave MIMO-OFDM channel is categorized and represented in four domains: the array-frequency, array-time, angle-frequency, as well as angle-time.
First, the mmWave MIMO-OFDM channel is categorized and represented in four domains: the array-frequency, array-time, angle-frequency, as well as angle-time.
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The main advantages of the proposed approach are: 1) it learns the characteristics of the MIMO-OFDM channel properly and predicts the suitable modulation and coding scheme and 2) it does not need complex features selection.
The main advantages of the proposed approach are: 1) it learns the characteristics of the MIMO-OFDM channel properly and predicts the suitable modulation and coding scheme and 2) it does not need complex features selection.
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By exploiting the structured sparsity in the angle-frequency domain (AFD) and angle-delay domain (ADD) of the massive MIMO-OFDM channel, we represent the channel by using AFD and ADD probability models and design message-passing-based channel estimators under the STCS framework.
By exploiting the structured sparsity in the angle-frequency domain (AFD) and angle-delay domain (ADD) of the massive MIMO-OFDM channel, we represent the channel by using AFD and ADD probability models and design message-passing-based channel estimators under the STCS framework.
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In this paper we analyze the number of degrees of freedom needed to accurately capture and model wideband MIMO-OFDM channels.
In this paper we analyze the number of degrees of freedom needed to accurately capture and model wideband MIMO-OFDM channels.
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Here, we proposed to use the joint sparsity of mMIMO-OFDM channels using stage-wise forward backward pursuit (StFBP) algorithm.
Here, we proposed to use the joint sparsity of mMIMO-OFDM channels using stage-wise forward backward pursuit (StFBP) algorithm.
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As our solution, based on the improved OFDM frame structure, a novel massive MIMO-OFDM channel estimation method under CFO environment is proposed.
As our solution, based on the improved OFDM frame structure, a novel massive MIMO-OFDM channel estimation method under CFO environment is proposed.
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Keywords related to Mimo
Mimo Rician
Mimo Identification
Mimo System
Mimo Csi
Mimo Channels
Mimo Slot
Mimo Lti
Mimo Radar Communications
Mimo Optical
Mimo Full
Mimo Radar
Mimo Discrete Time
Mimo Underlay
Mimo Noma Networks
Mimo Networks
Mimo Cognitive
Mimo Ofdm
Mimo Transmitters
Mimo Model
Mimo Imaging
Mimo Detection
Mimo Signal
Mimo Nonlinear
Mimo Volterra
Mimo Base
Mimo Network
Mimo Ofdma Systems
Mimo 5g
Mimo Techniques
Mimo Devices
Mimo Operation
Mimo Ofdm Systems
Mimo Satellite
Mimo Sc Fdma
Mimo Iot
Mimo Architecture
Mimo Mmwave
Mimo Receivers
Mimo Precoder
Mimo Dual
Mimo Pure Feedback
Mimo Receiver
Mimo Uncertain
Mimo Power
Mimo Owc
Mimo X
Mimo Fading
Mimo Antenna
Mimo Broadcasting
Mimo Scheme
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Keywords related to Channel
Orai Channel
Diamond Channel
Local Channel
Bkca Channel
Cooperative Channel
Trpv1 Channel
Market Channel
Image Channel
Ghz 4 Channel
Bungo Channel
Tmem16a Channel
Potassium Channel
Mosfet Channel
Straight Channel
Four Channel
Oxide Channel
Eds Channel
Decay Channel
Trpm2 Channel
Conductive Channel
Buried Channel
Vegetated Channel
Hybrid Channel
Low Complexity Channel
Sparse Channel
Rectangular Micro Channel
Green Channel
Health Channel
Z Interference Channel
Secondary Channel
Random Channel
Step Channel
Correlation Channel
Propagation Channel
Long Channel
Bk Channel
Pannexin 1 Channel
Air Channel
L Type Channel
Gfrp Channel
Separation Channel
Leak Channel
Communications Channel
Partial Channel
Omni Channel
Intracellular Channel
Rayleigh Channel
Annular Channel
California Channel
Permeable Channel
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Mimo Ofdm Channel