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Milk Replacer sentence examples within dairy calves fed

Longitudinal assessment revealed the shifts in rumen and colon mucosal-attached microbiota of dairy calves during weaning transition.

Growth, health, and economics of dairy calves fed organic milk replacer or organic whole milk in an automated feeding system

Milk Replacer sentence examples within % crude protein

Effect of dietary supplementation of 2 forms of a B vitamin and choline blend on the performance of Holstein calves during the transition and postweaning phase.

Preweaning nutrient supply alters serum metabolomics profiles related to protein and energy metabolism and hepatic function in Holstein heifer calves.

Milk Replacer sentence examples within 30 g animal

Effect of trehalose supplementation in milk replacer on the incidence of diarrhea and fecal microbiota in preweaned calves.

Effect of trehalose supplementation in milk replacer on the incidence of diarrhea and fecal microbiota in preweaned calves.

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Milk Replacer sentence examples within 20 % fat

Effects of Exogenous Glucocorticoid Administration on Appetitic Center Brain Development in Dairy Bull Calves

Effects of free-choice hay on intake and growth of Holstein calves fed a textured starter to 2 months of age

Milk Replacer sentence examples within Fed Milk Replacer

Effect of dietary supplementation of 2 forms of a B vitamin and choline blend on the performance of Holstein calves during the transition and postweaning phase.

Effect of fat levels in early phase on growth performance and meat characteristics in twin lambs

Milk Replacer sentence examples within Calf Milk Replacer

Attempted Control of Paratuberculosis in Dairy Calves by Only Changing the Quality of Milk Fed to Calves

Effect of immunized egg proteins on the performance and neonatal diarrhoea incidence in newborn calves.

Milk Replacer sentence examples within Commercial Milk Replacer

Energized calf milk: is it worth investing in early life nutrition?

Short- and mid-term effects on performance, health and qualitative behavioural assessment of Romane lambs in different milk feeding conditions.

Milk Replacer sentence examples within High Milk Replacer

Longitudinal assessment revealed the shifts in rumen and colon mucosal-attached microbiota of dairy calves during weaning transition.

Preweaning to postweaning rumen papillae structural growth, ruminal fermentation characteristics, and acute-phase proteins in calves.

Milk Replacer sentence examples within Sow Milk Replacer

Peroral iron supplementation can be provided to piglets through a milk cup system with results comparable to parenteral iron administration

Intermittent Bolus Compared With Continuous Feeding Enhances Insulin and Amino Acid Signaling to Translation Initiation in Skeletal Muscle of Neonatal Pigs.

Milk Replacer sentence examples within milk replacer containing

Meta-analysis of effects of age on intestinal digestibility of liquid feeds in young calves

Effects of sodium butyrate and active Bacillus amyloliquefaciens supplemented to pasteurized waste milk on growth performance and health condition of Holstein dairy calves

Milk Replacer sentence examples within milk replacer without

Ultrasound‐assisted extraction of boulardii yeast cell wall polysaccharides: Characterization and its biological functions on early‐weaned lambs

2’Fucosyllactose and Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis Supplementation Modulates Immune Development of Piglets

Milk Replacer sentence examples within milk replacer feeding

Canola meal or soybean meal as protein source and the effect of microencapsulated sodium butyrate supplementation in calf starter mixture. I. Performance, digestibility, and selected blood variables.

Longitudinal assessment revealed the shifts in rumen and colon mucosal-attached microbiota of dairy calves during weaning transition.

Milk Replacer sentence examples within milk replacer powder

Performance of Holstein calves receiving increased nutrient intake through the addition of skim milk or milk replacer powder to the whole milk

Effects of free-choice hay on intake and growth of Holstein calves fed a textured starter to 2 months of age

Milk Replacer sentence examples within milk replacer daily

Ruminal and Fecal Bacteriome of Dairy Calves Fed Different Levels and Sources of NDF

The effect of rearing conditions during the milk-fed period on milk yield, growth, and maze behaviour of dairy cows during their first lactation

Milk Replacer sentence examples within milk replacer diet

Effects of lipid and starch supplementation as water intake mitigation techniques on performance and efficiency of nursing Holstein calves

Supplement Based on Fermented Milk Permeate for Feeding Newborn Calves: Influence on Blood, Growth Performance, and Faecal Parameters, including Microbiota, Volatile Compounds, and Fatty and Organic Acid Profiles

Milk Replacer sentence examples within milk replacer fed

Growth and blood parameters of soybean based milk replacer fed and naturally suckled Black Bengal kids

Peroral iron supplementation can be provided to piglets through a milk cup system with results comparable to parenteral iron administration

More Milk Replacer sentence examples

PSI-5 Effects of Bacillus and Lactobacillus in Milk Replacer on Calf Health

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Canola meal or soybean meal as protein source and the effect of microencapsulated sodium butyrate supplementation in calf starter mixture. I. Performance, digestibility, and selected blood variables.

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Effects of Algae Meal Supplementation in Feedlot Lambs with Competent Reticular Groove Reflex on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Meat Characteristics

More Milk Replacer sentence examples

The Liquid Diet Composition Affects the Fecal Bacterial Community in Pre-weaning Dairy Calves

Ruminal and Fecal Bacteriome of Dairy Calves Fed Different Levels and Sources of NDF

Early Life Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Neonatal Dairy Calves Promotes Growth Performance and Alleviates Inflammation and Oxidative Stress during Weaning

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The Effects of Feeding Waste Milk Containing Antimicrobial Residues on Dairy Calf Health

Concentrations of Fat, Protein, Lactose, Macro and Trace Minerals in Alpaca Colostrum and Milk at Different Lactation Stages

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The effect of rearing conditions during the milk-fed period on milk yield, growth, and maze behaviour of dairy cows during their first lactation

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Milk replacer supplementation in early life optimizes the development of intestinal microbes in Yimeng black goats.

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Soybean in pre-ruminant nutrition: A review

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Prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of clinoptilolite against Cryptosporidium parvum in experimentally challenged neonatal lambs.

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Effect of Boulardii Yeast Wall Polysaccharides on Intestinal Microflora in Jejunum, Cecum and Colon for Early-Weaned Lambs by 16S rRNA Sequence Analysis

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Meta-analysis of effects of age on intestinal digestibility of liquid feeds in young calves

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Using compositional mixed-effects models to evaluate responses to amino acid supplementation in milk replacers for calves.

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Effects of different planes of milk feeding and milk total solids concentration on growth, ruminal fermentation, health, and behavior of late weaned dairy calves during summer

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Validation of 1-0 and instantaneous sampling for quantifying oral behaviors in milk-fed dairy calves.

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Combined supplementation of sodium humate and glutamine reduced diarrhea incidence of weaned calves by intestinal microbiota and metabolites changes.

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Models to predict dry feed intake in Holstein calves to 4 months of age.

Growth performance, rumen fermentation and economic analysis of Malpura lambs raised on milk replacer at different weaning age under semiarid conditions.

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Effect of milk or milk replacer offered at varying levels on growth performance of Friesian veal calves.

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Supplementation with sodium butyrate improves growth and antioxidant function in dairy calves before weaning

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Beef productivity of steers when feeding protein-vitamin-mineral additive and protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate

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The effect of neomycin inclusion in milk replacer on the health, growth, and performance of male Holstein calves during preweaning.

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Effect of alfalfa hay and starter feed supplementation on caecal microbiota and fermentation, growth, and health of yak calves.

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Growth and blood parameters of soybean based milk replacer fed and naturally suckled Black Bengal kids

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Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of a flavonoid‐rich dried extract of Citrus × aurantium L. fruit (bitter orange extract) for use in all animal species (FEFANA asbl)

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Effects of delaying increase in milk allowance and type of gradual weaning program on performance and health of calves fed lower levels of milk.

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Effect of solid feed level and types of roughage on passage kinetics of milk replacer, concentrate, and roughage in veal calves.

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Effect of milk replacer allowance on calf faecal bacterial community profiles and fermentation

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Short communication: Comparison of the fecal bacterial communities in diarrheic and nondiarrheic dairy calves from multiple farms in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

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Growth performance and mammary gland development of Holstein calves fed milk with 15% solids and treated with growth promoters.

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Effects of energy source in milk replacer on glucose metabolism of neonatal dairy calves.

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Effect of probiotic and nucleotide supplementation in milk replacer on growth performance and fecal bacteria in calves

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Determination of energy and protein requirements of preweaned dairy calves: A multistudy approach.

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Supplementation with Schizochytrium sp. enhances growth performance and antioxidant capability of dairy calves before weaning

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Effects of milk replacer feeding rate and fat content on Jersey calf nutrient digestion and performance to 4 months of age.

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2’Fucosyllactose and Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis Supplementation Modulates Immune Development of Piglets

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A survey of pre-weaning calf management in Norwegian dairy herds

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Effects of spray-dried bovine plasma protein in milk replacers fed at a high plane of nutrition on performance, intestinal permeability, and morbidity of Holstein calves.

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Low serum vitamin D concentrations in Spring-born dairy calves are associated with elevated peripheral leukocytes

Thermoregulatory Responses and Performance of Dairy Calves Fed Different Amounts of Colostrum

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Effects of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on growth performance, fecal scores, vitamin D3 metabolites, antioxidant status, and inflammatory and stress-related parameters in weaning calves

Effects of a multi-strain probiotic on growth, health and fecal bacterial flora of neonatal dairy calves.

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Effect of prebiotic and probiotic supplements to increase live weight of calves in the diet

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47 Effects of Lactobacillus and Bacillus Probiotics on Pre-ruminating Calf Growth Performance and Efficiency

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Solid Diet Manipulates Rumen Epithelial Microbiota and Its Interactions with Host Transcriptomic in Young Ruminants.

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Presence of Adult Companion Goats Favors the Rumen Microbial and Functional Development in Artificially Reared Kids

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Colostro como fonte imunológica e nutricional na criação de bezerras de aptidão leiteira

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Impact of supplemental liquid feed pre-weaning and piglet weaning age on feed intake post-weaning

Effects of milk replacer and whole milk feeding on rumen development, expression of genes related to volatile fatty acid absorption, and rumen bacteria in calves

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Determination of Some Growth Characteristics and Some Blood Values of The Goat Kids Fed with the Feed Containing Whey and Propolis

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Effects of milk replacer meal size on feed intake, growth performance, and blood metabolites and hormones of calves fed milk replacer with or without butyrate ad libitum: A cluster-analytic approach.

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Performance of Holstein calves receiving increased nutrient intake through the addition of skim milk or milk replacer powder to the whole milk

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Effect of postpartum collection time and colostrum quality on passive transfer of immunity, performance, and small intestinal development in preweaning calves.

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Effects of mixed tocopherols added to milk replacer and calf starter on intake, growth, and indices of stress.

Colibacillary arthritis and severe osteomyelitis in lame goat kids due to management procedures

Effects of feeding high volumes of milk replacer on reproductive performance and on concentrations of metabolites and hormones in blood of Japanese black heifer calves.

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Effects of a blend of essential oils in milk replacer on performance, rumen fermentation, blood parameters, and health scores of dairy heifers

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Characteristics of the Oxidative Status in Dairy Calves Fed at Different Milk Replacer Levels and Weaned at 14 Weeks of Age

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Does algae β-glucan affect the fecal bacteriome in dairy calves?

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Lactobacillus plantarum GB LP-1 as a direct-fed microbial for neonatal calves.

Supplementation of Lysine and Methionine in Milk Replacer or Starter Concentrate for Dairy Calves in Step-Up/Step-Down Feeding Program

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Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of an essential oil from the leaves of Citrus × aurantium L. (petitgrain bigarade oil) for use in all animal species (FEFANA asbl)

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Supplementation with Yucca schidigera improves antioxidant capability and immune function and decreases fecal score of dairy calves before weaning.

Nucleotide Supplementation to Whole Milk Has Beneficial Effects on Post-Weaning Holstein Calf Performance

Milk Replacer