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Three-dimensional flower-like shaped Bi5O7I particles incorporation zwitterionic fluorinated polymers with synergistic hydration-photocatalytic for enhanced marine antifouling performance.

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High volumetric energy density of LiFePO4/C microspheres based on xylitol-polyvinyl alcohol complex carbon sources

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Evaluation of Filtration Efficiency of Ceramic Foam Filters (CFF) Using a Hydraulic Water System

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Calibration Protocol - Plate Reader Abs600 (OD) Calibration with Microsphere Particles

RNA-Capturing Microsphere Particles (R-CAMPs) for Optimization of Functional Aptamers.

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Evaluation of the hydrophobic properties of latex microspheres and Bacillus spores. Influence of the particle size on the data obtained by the MATH method (microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons).

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Microsphere Particles