Introduction to Microsphere Immunochromatographic Test
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Microsphere Immunochromatographic Test sentence examples
Microsphere Immunochromatographic Test
In this study, we developed a time-resolved fluorescence microsphere immunochromatographic test strip (TRFM–ICTS) combined with ultraviolet light for the rapid and quantitative detection of AFM1 in milk and its products.
In this study, we developed a time-resolved fluorescence microsphere immunochromatographic test strip (TRFM–ICTS) combined with ultraviolet light for the rapid and quantitative detection of AFM1 in milk and its products.
Microsphere Immunochromatographic Test
A lateral flow fluorescence microsphere immunochromatographic test strip (FM-ICTS) for the rapid and ultrasensitive detection of zearalenone in corn and wheat samples was developed based on this mAb.
A lateral flow fluorescence microsphere immunochromatographic test strip (FM-ICTS) for the rapid and ultrasensitive detection of zearalenone in corn and wheat samples was developed based on this mAb.
Microsphere Immunochromatographic Test
We developed a rapid fluorescent microsphere immunochromatographic test strip (FM-ICTS) assay for the quantitative detection of avian leukosis virus (ALV).
We developed a rapid fluorescent microsphere immunochromatographic test strip (FM-ICTS) assay for the quantitative detection of avian leukosis virus (ALV).
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Microsphere Immunochromatographic Test