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Estudio de la percepción de los profesionales implicados en el proceso de suministro de medicación a ancianos que viven en residencias desde una farmacia comunitaria

Parenteral Nutrition Drug Shortages: A Single-Center Experience With Rapid Process Change.

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Disaster preparedness among Thai elderly emergency department patients: a survey of patients’ perspective

Controlled substance diversion in health systems: A failure modes and effects analysis for prevention.

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Complexity of Vaccine Manufacture and Supply

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Association of a P2Y12 Inhibitor Copayment Reduction Intervention With Persistence and Adherence With Other Secondary Prevention Medications: A Post Hoc Analysis of the ARTEMIS Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial.

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Patients’ and healthcare providers’ perspectives of diabetes management in Cambodia: a qualitative study

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Diabetes policies and pharmacy-based diabetes interventions in Portugal: a comprehensive review

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Estudio de la percepción de los profesionales implicados en el proceso de suministro de medicación a ancianos que viven en residencias desde una farmacia comunitaria

Proportion of Japanese outpatients filling prescriptions for long-term medication regimens

Mental health system costs, resources and constraints in South Africa: a national survey

Parenteral Nutrition Drug Shortages: A Single-Center Experience With Rapid Process Change.

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2SPD-035 Medicine shortages: impact on a third-level hospital pharmacy department activity

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Using the Human Factors Framework to understand the origins of medication safety problems in community pharmacy: A qualitative study.

A saúde no STF: o ressarcimento interfederativo à luz do Recurso Extraordinário nº 855.178

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Critical Care Resource Utilization

Barriers to the implementation of isoniazid preventive therapy for tuberculosis in children in endemic settings: A review

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Concerns and Needs of Support Among Guardians of Children on Cancer Treatment in Dar es Salaam: A Qualitative Study

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Prescription Drug Spending and Medication Adherence Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Heart Failure.

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[Selected safety-relevant medication processes in Swiss nursing homes: Current state of affairs and optimization potentials].

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Medication Supply