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Linear Fiber sentence examples within four wave mixing

All-Optical 40 Channels Regenerator Based on Four-Wave Mixing

All optical wavelength conversion of dual users CO-OFDM system based on FWM in cascade HNLFs

Linear Fiber sentence examples within doped fiber laser

Dispersion managed thulium-doped fiber laser mode-locked by the nonlinear loop mirror

Generation of dual-wavelength square wave pulse in a passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser

Linear Fiber sentence examples within self phase modulation

Optical frequency comb and picosecond pulse generation based on a directly modulated microcavity laser.

All-Optical Aggregation and De-Aggregation of 4×BPSK-16QAM Using Nonlinear Wave Mixing for Flexible Optical Network

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Linear Fiber sentence examples within linear fiber optic

A Comparative Study of SPM and XPM in Er-Yb Co-Doped Fiber

Fiber-Integrated Supercontinuum with a 20 GHz Resonant Electro-Optic Frequency Comb

Linear Fiber sentence examples within linear fiber path

Isogeometric static analysis of laminated plates with curvilinear fibers based on Refined Zigzag Theory

Fiber-reinforced composites modeling using peridynamics

Linear Fiber sentence examples within linear fiber laser

All-polarization-maintaining linear fiber laser mode-locked by nonlinear polarization evolution with phase bias

Generation controllable orbital angular momentum beams in fiber laser system

Linear Fiber sentence examples within linear fiber loop

Dispersion managed thulium-doped fiber laser mode-locked by the nonlinear loop mirror

Generation of dual-wavelength square wave pulse in a passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser

Linear Fiber sentence examples within linear fiber composite

An isogeometric framework for the modeling of curvilinear anisotropic media

Nonlinear lay-up optimization of variable stiffness composite skew and taper cylindrical panels in free vibration

Linear Fiber sentence examples within linear fiber system

Controllable generation of several nonlinear waves in optical fibers with third-order dispersion

Nonlinear fiber system for shot-noise limited intensity noise suppression and amplification.

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Optimization design and 3D printing of curvilinear fiber reinforced variable stiffness composites

Intrinsic amplitude-noise suppression in fiber lasers mode-locked with nonlinear amplifying loop mirrors.

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Isogeometric static analysis of laminated plates with curvilinear fibers based on Refined Zigzag Theory

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Pump Wavelength Flexible, Continuous-Wave Fiber Supercontinuum Using Two-Stage Spectral Broadening

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Fiber-reinforced composites modeling using peridynamics

Analytical seven-wave model for wave propagation in a degenerate dual-pump fiber phase sensitive amplifier

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Polarization Entangled Photon Pairs with Factorable Spectra Engineered by Un-even Three-stage Nonlinear Interferometers

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Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Single-Column Bridge Bent with Flexural Failure Under Near-Fault Ground Motion

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Numerical analysis of concentrically loaded hexagonal concrete-filled steel tubular short columns incorporating concrete confinement

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Serial-parallel combined all optical sequence matching system using highly nonlinear fibers for photonic firewall

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Energy harvesting in variable stiffness composite piezolaminated plates

Generation of few-cycle pulses from a mode-locked Tm-doped fiber laser.

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Dark-bright soliton interactions in coupled nonautonomous nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex potentials

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A Comparative Study of SPM and XPM in Er-Yb Co-Doped Fiber

Preparation and biological characteristics of a bovine acellular tendon fiber material.

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Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in chalcogenide glass fibers: a brief review

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Superregular solutions for a coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system in a two-mode nonlinear fiber

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A Robust and Novel Linear Fiber Laser Mode-locked by Nonlinear Polarization Evolution in All-polarization-maintaining Fibers

Master equation approach to propagation in nonlinear fibers.

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Widely linewidth tunable lasers through cascaded four-wave mixing based phase modulation amplification

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Optimization of the ultra-flattened normal dispersion in photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with olive oil for supercontinuum generation

Neural networks for modelling nonlinear pulse propagation

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Evaluation and Analysis of Different Spectrum Slicing Techniques in Free Space Optical Systems

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Simultaneous Combination and Nearly Self-similar Pulse Compression of Five Pulses at Different Wavelengths

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Real-time and ultrafast optical pulse quantization based on slicing the supercontinuum

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Mid-infrared soliton self-frequency shift using ultra-low pump pulse energy

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Flat super-continuum spectrum light source based on noise-like pulse pumping

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Crack tip fields in a neo-Hookean sheet reinforced by nonlinear fibers

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Performance Analysis of All-optical PPM-mQAM Communication Systems

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Fiber-Integrated Supercontinuum with a 20 GHz Resonant Electro-Optic Frequency Comb

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An isogeometric framework for the modeling of curvilinear anisotropic media

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Modelling the Delayed Nonlinear Fiber Response in Coherent Optical Communications

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Effects of multiple families of nonlinear fibers on finite deformation near a crack tip in a neo-Hookean sheet

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A parametric divergence-free vector field method for the optimization of composite structures with curvilinear fibers

Laser-frequency-comb calibration for the Extremely Large Telescope: an OPO-based infrared astrocomb covering the H and J bands

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New optical solutions of conformable fractional perturbed Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation in mathematical nonlinear optics

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Nonlinear Broadening of Electro-Optic Frequency Combs in All-Normal Dispersion Si3N4 Waveguides

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Nonlinear lay-up optimization of variable stiffness composite skew and taper cylindrical panels in free vibration

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Flutter of variable stiffness composite laminates in supersonic flow with temperature effects

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Low-Complexity Geometric Shaping

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Characteristics of Spectral Peaking in Coherent Supercontinuum Generation

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From spectral broadening to recompression: dynamics of incoherent optical waves propagating in the fiber

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Wavelength division multiplexing developed with optimum length-based EDFA in the presence of dispersion-compensated fiber system

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High Gain, Low Noise, Spectral-Gain-Controlled, Broadband Lumped Fiber Raman Amplifier

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Biomimetic design of fibrous composite structures

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Nonlinear Absorbing-Loop Mirror Mode-Locked all-Polarization-Maintaining Yb-Doped Fiber Laser

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Contractility, focal adhesion orientation, and stress fiber orientation drive cancer cell polarity and migration along wavy ECM substrates

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A Novel Architecture based on Highly Nonlinear Fiber for All-Optical Binary Pattern Matching System

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Performance-based wind-induced structural and envelope damage assessment of engineered buildings through nonlinear dynamic analysis

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All-Optical Aggregation and De-Aggregation Between 8QAM and BPSK Signal Based on Nonlinear Effects in HNLF

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Adaptive surrogate-based harmony search algorithm for design optimization of variable stiffness composite materials

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Nonlinear modeling of a damaged reinforced concrete building and design improvement behavior

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Improvement of structural characteristics of composite thin-walled beams using variable stiffness concept via curvilinear fiber placement

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Enhanced Kelly sidebands of mode-locking fiber lasers for efficient terahertz signal generation