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Lebesgue Space sentence examples within non negative function

Existence and regularity results for a singular parabolic equations with degenerate coercivity

Some existence results for a nonlocal non-isotropic problem

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within | u |

Infinitely Many Solutions for Schrödinger-Choquard-Kirchhoff Equations Involving the Fractional p-Laplacian

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Weighted Lebesgue Space

Extrapolation of compactness on weighted spaces: Bilinear operators

Weighted Estimates for Vector-Valued Intrinsic Square Functions and Commutators in the Morrey-Type Spaces

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Exponent Lebesgue Space

A Through-the-Wall Imaging Approach Based on a TSVD/Variable-Exponent Lebesgue-Space Method

On the eigenvalue problem for a class of Kirchhoff-type equations

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Grand Lebesgue Space

Grand quasi Lebesgue Spaces

On the Factor Opposing the Lebesgue Norm in Generalized Grand Lebesgue Spaces

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Norm Lebesgue Space

Weak Hardy-type spaces associated with ball quasi-Banach function spaces I: Decompositions with applications to boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund operators

New Generalizations and Results in Shift-Invariant Subspaces of Mixed-Norm Lebesgue Spaces \({L_{\vec{p}}(\mathbb{R}^d)}\)

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Suitable Lebesgue Space

On some parabolic equations involving superlinear singular gradient terms

Some existence results for a nonlocal non-isotropic problem

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Anisotropic Lebesgue Space

On regularity of the 3D MHD equations based on one velocity component in anisotropic Lebesgue spaces

An indefinite quasilinear elliptic problem with weights in anisotropic spaces

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Mixed Lebesgue Space

Random sampling in multiply generated shift-invariant subspaces of mixed Lebesgue spaces Lp, q(R×Rd)

Adaptive sampling of time-space signals in a reproducing kernel subspace of mixed Lebesgue space

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Variable Lebesgue Space

Compactness Characterizations of Commutators on Ball Banach Function Spaces

Doob’s maximal inequalities for martingales in variable Lebesgue space

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Small Lebesgue Space

Grand and small $$X^p$$spaces and generalized duality

General reiteration theorems for R and L classes: Case of left R-spaces and right L-spaces

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within Weak Lebesgue Space

Remark on the strong solvability of the Navier–Stokes equations in the weak $$L^n$$ space

Weak and strong boundedness for p-adic fractional Hausdorff operator and its commutator

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within lebesgue space lp

Modulus of continuity and convergence of subsequences of Vilenkin–Fejér means in martingale Hardy spaces

A surprising formula for Sobolev norms

Lebesgue Space sentence examples within lebesgue space filling

Filling gaps in space filling

Parikh Fuzzy Vector for Finite Words of Rectangular Hilbert Space Filling Curve

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Nonlinear S-Parameters Inversion for Stroke Imaging

Improved well-posedness results for the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon system in 2D

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Bounded and Fredholm properties of SG-pseudo-differential operators in variable exponent spaces

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Fourier multipliers for Triebel–Lizorkin spaces on compact Lie groups

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Compact Differences of Composition Operators on Bergman Spaces Induced by Doubling Weights

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The Maximum Pointwise Rate of Convergence in Birkhoff’s Ergodic Theorem

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On the fredholmness of the Dirichlet problem for a second-order elliptic equation in grand-Sobolev spaces

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Optimal Control Problem for a Degenerate Fractional Differential Equation

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The rate of convergence on fractional power dissipative operator on some sobolev type spaces

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Multivariate version of slant Toeplitz operators on the Lebesgue space

Modulus of continuity and convergence of subsequences of Vilenkin–Fejér means in martingale Hardy spaces

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Slant Toeplitz like Operators on The Lebesgue Space of The Torus

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Operator equations deriving generalized slant Toeplitz operators on L2(Tn)

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A surprising formula for Sobolev norms

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Differences of composition operators on weighted Bergman spaces

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Bessel transforms of Dini-Lipschitz functions on Lebesgue spaces $L_{p,gamma}(mathbb{R}^{n}_{+})$

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Endpoint estimates for a trilinear pseudo-differential operator with flag symbols

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Regularity results for solutions to a class of obstacle problems

On the Multilinear Fractional Transforms

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On Two-Dimensional Bilinear Inequalities with Rectangular Hardy Operators in Weighted Lebesgue Spaces

Hardy inequalities in normal form

The ergodic limit for weak solutions of elliptic equations with Neumann boundary condition

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Generation results for vector-valued elliptic operators with unbounded coefficients in $$L^p$$ spaces

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Fundamental solutions for semidiscrete evolution equations via Banach algebras

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The Regularity Problem for Uniformly Elliptic Operators in Weighted Spaces

Interior estimates for solutions of linear elliptic inequalities

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An Electrical Impedance Tomography System for Brain Stroke Imaging based on a Lebesgue-Space Inversion Procedure

Symmetric Ground States for Doubly Nonlocal Equations with Mass Constraint

Gradient Estimates of ω-Minimizers to Double Phase Variational Problems with Variable Exponents

Boundedness for Commutators of Rough p -Adic Hardy Operator on p -Adic Central Morrey Spaces

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A Microwave Imaging Technique for Neck Diseases Monitoring

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Fréchet-Kolmogorov compactness of Prabhakar integral operator

Existence and uniqueness results for a nonlinear singular fractional differential equation of order $ \sigma\in(1, 2) $

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Simplification method for nonlinear equations of monotone type in Banach space

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Filling gaps in space filling

Convergence problem of Schrödinger equation in Fourier-Lebesgue spaces with rough data and random data

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Tartar’s method for the Riesz–Thorin interpolation theorem

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P-norms of histogram of oriented gradients (p-HOG) for X-ray images

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Vanishing viscosity limit to the FENE dumbbell model of polymeric flows

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On Holder’s Inequality in Lebesgue Spaces with Variable Order of Summability

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