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Know Today sentence examples within We Know Today
11 We know today that a tourniquet for hand surgery can be located at the wrist, which was proved to be the best location in terms of comfort and ability to obtain a bloodless surgical site.
11 We know today that a tourniquet for hand surgery can be located at the wrist, which was proved to be the best location in terms of comfort and ability to obtain a bloodless surgical site.
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We know today many hundreds of gamma-ray pulsars, and the Symposium presentations focused on new theoretical models for gamma-ray emission that today favor magnetic field reconnection at the boundary of the pulsar magnetosphere as an important contribution to the pulsar electrodynamics.
We know today many hundreds of gamma-ray pulsars, and the Symposium presentations focused on new theoretical models for gamma-ray emission that today favor magnetic field reconnection at the boundary of the pulsar magnetosphere as an important contribution to the pulsar electrodynamics.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The H-R diagram that we know today combines many layers of astronomical knowledge, whilst still retaining some rather quirky traces of its historical roots.
The H-R diagram that we know today combines many layers of astronomical knowledge, whilst still retaining some rather quirky traces of its historical roots.
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More Know Today sentence examples
In the absence of these enzymes, these reactions would proceed very slowly, if at all, suggesting that these enzymes made the way for the emergence of life as we know today.
In the absence of these enzymes, these reactions would proceed very slowly, if at all, suggesting that these enzymes made the way for the emergence of life as we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
As we know today, Indonesia has entered the era of revolution 4.
As we know today, Indonesia has entered the era of revolution 4.
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More Know Today sentence examples
In this situation a reliable publication of embroideries made by the Norbertines seems necessary, especially that their state of preservation is still getting worse and many of them we know today only from the archival photos.
In this situation a reliable publication of embroideries made by the Norbertines seems necessary, especially that their state of preservation is still getting worse and many of them we know today only from the archival photos.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Eventually, these advances would serve as the foundation for much of the deepsea drilling we know today (Figure 1).
Eventually, these advances would serve as the foundation for much of the deepsea drilling we know today (Figure 1).
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Traditional and ongoing efforts on engineering predictable pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles have gradually refined the injectable insulin preparations we know today.
Traditional and ongoing efforts on engineering predictable pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles have gradually refined the injectable insulin preparations we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The search algorithms we know today are but the tail-end of this long history of the ranking.
The search algorithms we know today are but the tail-end of this long history of the ranking.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Probably Father Zef Pllumi would not have been the one we know today from the testimony that he has left behind, if he had not been so strongly tested through his long years of prison.
Probably Father Zef Pllumi would not have been the one we know today from the testimony that he has left behind, if he had not been so strongly tested through his long years of prison.
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More Know Today sentence examples
I will also briefly discuss how these trends are likely to result in a very different form of IT, and consequently of Computer Science, from the one we know today.
I will also briefly discuss how these trends are likely to result in a very different form of IT, and consequently of Computer Science, from the one we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
They are of such importance that they have spawned much of the mathematics that we know today.
They are of such importance that they have spawned much of the mathematics that we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
This emerging technology is still under investigation to suit the expected beneficial outcomes conditional to selection of high-yielding strains through domestication as major food crops we know today that are best exemplified by the long selective breeding walk from teosinte to modern high-yielding seed corn.
This emerging technology is still under investigation to suit the expected beneficial outcomes conditional to selection of high-yielding strains through domestication as major food crops we know today that are best exemplified by the long selective breeding walk from teosinte to modern high-yielding seed corn.
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More Know Today sentence examples
From what we know today, this seasonal occurrence was probably due to injuries from increased physical activities such as farming and athletic events common at that time of the year.
From what we know today, this seasonal occurrence was probably due to injuries from increased physical activities such as farming and athletic events common at that time of the year.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Future distribution networks will be quite different to those, we know today.
Future distribution networks will be quite different to those, we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The extent to which the universe we know today can form the basis of satisfactory worldviews rests largely on human psychology, preferences, and needs, as well as on what we mean by “worldview”.
The extent to which the universe we know today can form the basis of satisfactory worldviews rests largely on human psychology, preferences, and needs, as well as on what we mean by “worldview”.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Inspired by both environmental history and STS, this article challenges dominant narratives on the history of seawalls as inevitably evolving towards the rigid infrastructures we know today.
Inspired by both environmental history and STS, this article challenges dominant narratives on the history of seawalls as inevitably evolving towards the rigid infrastructures we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Thereby, it was possible to confirm that the local government answers to an implementation approach known as bottom-up, where the starting point is the agreement between the people involved on the recognition of the issue of informal settlements at the local level, to later build what we know today as the Public Policy of Informal Settlements of the municipality of Neiva.
Thereby, it was possible to confirm that the local government answers to an implementation approach known as bottom-up, where the starting point is the agreement between the people involved on the recognition of the issue of informal settlements at the local level, to later build what we know today as the Public Policy of Informal Settlements of the municipality of Neiva.
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More Know Today sentence examples
What do we know today of the way the brain is constructed from the embryonic stage through to adulthood? What is the pace of that construction? How is the neurological system established? What is the general architecture of the brain and to what specific aptitudes do its various elements relate? Does the brain have particular capacities for adaptation? Is it influenced, in its construction and operation, by the familial or socio-economic environment etc.
What do we know today of the way the brain is constructed from the embryonic stage through to adulthood? What is the pace of that construction? How is the neurological system established? What is the general architecture of the brain and to what specific aptitudes do its various elements relate? Does the brain have particular capacities for adaptation? Is it influenced, in its construction and operation, by the familial or socio-economic environment etc.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Biological and geoscience collections form an important part of our rich scientific heritage and provide the basis for much of what we know today about our planet and how we humans have influenced it.
Biological and geoscience collections form an important part of our rich scientific heritage and provide the basis for much of what we know today about our planet and how we humans have influenced it.
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More Know Today sentence examples
This chapter will analyse the process by which the EC went public within the Western European media during the second half of the 1970s, thus becoming the democratic supranational polity that we know today.
This chapter will analyse the process by which the EC went public within the Western European media during the second half of the 1970s, thus becoming the democratic supranational polity that we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The traditional tools that we know today, its technique in heritage.
The traditional tools that we know today, its technique in heritage.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Over the long course of evolution from a probable environmental reservoir, the pathogen that we know today as Mycobacterium tuberculosis has become fully capable of adapting to the life inside host cells by evading and modifying their responses to infection.
Over the long course of evolution from a probable environmental reservoir, the pathogen that we know today as Mycobacterium tuberculosis has become fully capable of adapting to the life inside host cells by evading and modifying their responses to infection.
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More Know Today sentence examples
It goes back to the ideas of Hippocrates II, Galen and Soran of Ephesus regarding the feasibility of using mineral waters from certain sources, which, as we know today, were rich in lithium, magnesium and bromine salts, for the treatment of both manic and depressive states.
It goes back to the ideas of Hippocrates II, Galen and Soran of Ephesus regarding the feasibility of using mineral waters from certain sources, which, as we know today, were rich in lithium, magnesium and bromine salts, for the treatment of both manic and depressive states.
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In this chapter, we highlight the major advances and those proponents who have truly developed the field into the robust discipline we know today.
In this chapter, we highlight the major advances and those proponents who have truly developed the field into the robust discipline we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Together, their efforts have shaped the scholastic, academic, and technological landscape of drug delivery and biomaterials as we know today.
Together, their efforts have shaped the scholastic, academic, and technological landscape of drug delivery and biomaterials as we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Generation of new species of hominids in the coastal zone and their injection into the larger Africa by savanna connections may therefore have been largely responsible for the abundance of genus Homo and predecessors in the fossil record and for our own Homo sapiens that we know today.
Generation of new species of hominids in the coastal zone and their injection into the larger Africa by savanna connections may therefore have been largely responsible for the abundance of genus Homo and predecessors in the fossil record and for our own Homo sapiens that we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
11 We know today that a tourniquet for hand surgery can be located at the wrist, which was proved to be the best location in terms of comfort and ability to obtain a bloodless surgical site.
11 We know today that a tourniquet for hand surgery can be located at the wrist, which was proved to be the best location in terms of comfort and ability to obtain a bloodless surgical site.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The ancient farmers started to select and manipulate the ancestors of this grain and developed and domesticated the corn we know today.
The ancient farmers started to select and manipulate the ancestors of this grain and developed and domesticated the corn we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Suppose we were in 2028: what would the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) look like then? Would it be significantly different from the policy we know today? How, and why? And to what extent would Brexit have catalyzed these changes? The CAP is one of the founding policies of the EU and a strategic lever to address critical 21st century challenges such as climate change and the rising demand for food at the global level.
Suppose we were in 2028: what would the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) look like then? Would it be significantly different from the policy we know today? How, and why? And to what extent would Brexit have catalyzed these changes? The CAP is one of the founding policies of the EU and a strategic lever to address critical 21st century challenges such as climate change and the rising demand for food at the global level.
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More Know Today sentence examples
While it is true that, originally, the description of what we know today as bipolar II disorder was focused on hospitalized depressed patients with a history of hypomania, we know now that most bipolar II patients are never hospitalized but have very frequent depressive and hypomanic episodes that carry enormous morbidity and mortality.
While it is true that, originally, the description of what we know today as bipolar II disorder was focused on hospitalized depressed patients with a history of hypomania, we know now that most bipolar II patients are never hospitalized but have very frequent depressive and hypomanic episodes that carry enormous morbidity and mortality.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Patient autonomy took a back seat as parents heeded physicians' advice in an environment even more hierarchical than we know today.
Patient autonomy took a back seat as parents heeded physicians' advice in an environment even more hierarchical than we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The present article aims to verify if the surrounding area of what we know today as Largo da Batata, in the neighborhood of Pinheiros, is a point of social and urban resilience in Sao Paulo city.
The present article aims to verify if the surrounding area of what we know today as Largo da Batata, in the neighborhood of Pinheiros, is a point of social and urban resilience in Sao Paulo city.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The historic milestones that led the evolution of cervicofacial rejuvenation to the art we know today are summarized at the beginning, and the pearls of the relevant facial analysis that permit accurate clinical judgment and hence individualized treatment strategies are highlighted at the end.
The historic milestones that led the evolution of cervicofacial rejuvenation to the art we know today are summarized at the beginning, and the pearls of the relevant facial analysis that permit accurate clinical judgment and hence individualized treatment strategies are highlighted at the end.
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More Know Today sentence examples
From its humble beginnings as an idea of the 2003 National Chemistry Week Task Force to the weeklong celebration we know today, Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) has grown over its 16-year history.
From its humble beginnings as an idea of the 2003 National Chemistry Week Task Force to the weeklong celebration we know today, Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) has grown over its 16-year history.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Thus, most inventions that we know today came from the developed world.
Thus, most inventions that we know today came from the developed world.
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More Know Today sentence examples
After the impact, the body was substantially vaporized and rotating rapidly, very different from the planet we know today.
After the impact, the body was substantially vaporized and rotating rapidly, very different from the planet we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Many pioneers conceived new ideas and built upon the work of others as they produced the first network routers, connected distant computers into regional networks, and eventually created the Internet we know today.
Many pioneers conceived new ideas and built upon the work of others as they produced the first network routers, connected distant computers into regional networks, and eventually created the Internet we know today.
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The obtained results should inspire further research concerning the roles TEs played in evolution and how they shape the life we know today.
The obtained results should inspire further research concerning the roles TEs played in evolution and how they shape the life we know today.
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This work was the beginning of the solid and liquid state NMR we know today.
This work was the beginning of the solid and liquid state NMR we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Religious authorities, religious shrine officials, and interreligious congregations are mutually contributing to build the image of harmonious living in diversity at Puja Mandala as we know today.
Religious authorities, religious shrine officials, and interreligious congregations are mutually contributing to build the image of harmonious living in diversity at Puja Mandala as we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
A significant number of examples in this chapter have been used to enumerate the various angles in which mobile technology aided the evolution of intelligent agents into the cutting edge machines that we know today.
A significant number of examples in this chapter have been used to enumerate the various angles in which mobile technology aided the evolution of intelligent agents into the cutting edge machines that we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The methodology has been successful for studying ligand- or voltage-gated channels and brought about much of the knowledge we know today on how ligand or voltage gates an ion channel.
The methodology has been successful for studying ligand- or voltage-gated channels and brought about much of the knowledge we know today on how ligand or voltage gates an ion channel.
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More Know Today sentence examples
We know today many hundreds of gamma-ray pulsars, and the Symposium presentations focused on new theoretical models for gamma-ray emission that today favor magnetic field reconnection at the boundary of the pulsar magnetosphere as an important contribution to the pulsar electrodynamics.
We know today many hundreds of gamma-ray pulsars, and the Symposium presentations focused on new theoretical models for gamma-ray emission that today favor magnetic field reconnection at the boundary of the pulsar magnetosphere as an important contribution to the pulsar electrodynamics.
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More Know Today sentence examples
This chapter should demonstrate to readers that there are still far more questions than answers about the role of parasitic Crustacea in aquatic systems, but based on what we know today, we can say they are likely one of the most critical players in aquatic ecosystem dynamics.
This chapter should demonstrate to readers that there are still far more questions than answers about the role of parasitic Crustacea in aquatic systems, but based on what we know today, we can say they are likely one of the most critical players in aquatic ecosystem dynamics.
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More Know Today sentence examples
1 Some 350 years ago, Thomas Willis coined the term Neurology to describe the then-nascent science that studied what we know today as the nervous system.
1 Some 350 years ago, Thomas Willis coined the term Neurology to describe the then-nascent science that studied what we know today as the nervous system.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Much of what we know today about pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has come from observational studies from national and/or international disease registries.
Much of what we know today about pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has come from observational studies from national and/or international disease registries.
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More Know Today sentence examples
human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly and that the resulting partnership will think as no human has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the informationhandling machines we know today.
human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly and that the resulting partnership will think as no human has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the informationhandling machines we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
subspecies mays), today the world’s most important crop, enabled civilizations to flourish and has played a major role in shaping the world we know today.
subspecies mays), today the world’s most important crop, enabled civilizations to flourish and has played a major role in shaping the world we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
We know today that environmental psychology expands widely in attracting other areas of knowledge in its pursuit, not only psychologists but also geographers, economists, landscape architects and anthropologists.
We know today that environmental psychology expands widely in attracting other areas of knowledge in its pursuit, not only psychologists but also geographers, economists, landscape architects and anthropologists.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Nutritional Therapy in the Elderly - What Do We Know Today?.
Nutritional Therapy in the Elderly - What Do We Know Today?.
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More Know Today sentence examples
As we know today, human- machine interaction is very important aspect for user friendliness.
As we know today, human- machine interaction is very important aspect for user friendliness.
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More Know Today sentence examples
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out the pattern of leadership of village heads in managing their village located in the center of Denpasar, and we know today is the industrial revolution era 4.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out the pattern of leadership of village heads in managing their village located in the center of Denpasar, and we know today is the industrial revolution era 4.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The term, Big Data was initially coined in the mid-1990s due to the seemingly increased volumes of data which were often stored in hardware devices, up until we obtained a permanent solution to the excess amount of storage space we know today as Cloud Computing.
The term, Big Data was initially coined in the mid-1990s due to the seemingly increased volumes of data which were often stored in hardware devices, up until we obtained a permanent solution to the excess amount of storage space we know today as Cloud Computing.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The process of globalization is largely connected with human development and consists in the universalization of human culture and the creation of a global human community - the only one we know today.
The process of globalization is largely connected with human development and consists in the universalization of human culture and the creation of a global human community - the only one we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Finally, they ask readers what can be said of the impact of these options on the future of the EU? They reply: ‘Nothing much, because the future is open and we do not know today how it is going to unfold tomorrow’ (239).
Finally, they ask readers what can be said of the impact of these options on the future of the EU? They reply: ‘Nothing much, because the future is open and we do not know today how it is going to unfold tomorrow’ (239).
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More Know Today sentence examples
Over its first centuries syphilis changed from a very aggressive disease with a high early mortality to the more indolent disease we know today and which may have affected 10% of the population in England at the end of the 19th century.
Over its first centuries syphilis changed from a very aggressive disease with a high early mortality to the more indolent disease we know today and which may have affected 10% of the population in England at the end of the 19th century.
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More Know Today sentence examples
Two events stand out in the evolutionary history of Igs from cartilaginous fish to mammals: (a) the diversification of Ig heavy chain (IgH) genes, resulting in Ig isotypes or subclasses associated with novel functions, and (b) the diversification of genetic and structural strategies, leading to the creation of the antibody repertoire we know today.
Two events stand out in the evolutionary history of Igs from cartilaginous fish to mammals: (a) the diversification of Ig heavy chain (IgH) genes, resulting in Ig isotypes or subclasses associated with novel functions, and (b) the diversification of genetic and structural strategies, leading to the creation of the antibody repertoire we know today.
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More Know Today sentence examples
What do we know today of the way the brain is constructed from the embryonic stage through to adulthood? What is the pace of that construction? How is the neurological system established? What is the general architecture of the brain and to what specific aptitudes do its various elements relate? Does the brain have particular capacities for adaptation? Is it influenced, in its construction and operation, by the familial or socio-economic environment etc.
What do we know today of the way the brain is constructed from the embryonic stage through to adulthood? What is the pace of that construction? How is the neurological system established? What is the general architecture of the brain and to what specific aptitudes do its various elements relate? Does the brain have particular capacities for adaptation? Is it influenced, in its construction and operation, by the familial or socio-economic environment etc.
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More Know Today sentence examples
There are territories that remain little or totally unexplored and that may not only have contributed to give the comics the shape we know today but could still contribute to its constant modernity and launch it towards the challenge of multimedia.
There are territories that remain little or totally unexplored and that may not only have contributed to give the comics the shape we know today but could still contribute to its constant modernity and launch it towards the challenge of multimedia.
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More Know Today sentence examples
We already know today thatthis information, biased, comes more from the need of Enesidemo to refound the movement, than fromthe philosophical reality.
We already know today thatthis information, biased, comes more from the need of Enesidemo to refound the movement, than fromthe philosophical reality.
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More Know Today sentence examples
It is a shot, we know today, filmed by Jean-Luc Godard himself with the 35-8, a portable 35mm camera he designed together with Jean-Pierre Beauviala, owner of the Aaton Company.
It is a shot, we know today, filmed by Jean-Luc Godard himself with the 35-8, a portable 35mm camera he designed together with Jean-Pierre Beauviala, owner of the Aaton Company.
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More Know Today sentence examples
We know today that the energy consumption of electric cars, especially in long-term operation is too big.
We know today that the energy consumption of electric cars, especially in long-term operation is too big.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The proposal of this paper is to present a summary of ten years of research at the P2P Foundation, including by our own P2P Lab but also by our partners in common research programs, of what we know today about the emerging commons economy.
The proposal of this paper is to present a summary of ten years of research at the P2P Foundation, including by our own P2P Lab but also by our partners in common research programs, of what we know today about the emerging commons economy.
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More Know Today sentence examples
We know today that positive health outcomes derive from the intersection of various factors such as valuation and respect; involvement in decisions, positive self-esteem, and the ability to exercise control over one’s own life by pointing out that the individual’s perspective on dignity is a central element in high-quality care.
We know today that positive health outcomes derive from the intersection of various factors such as valuation and respect; involvement in decisions, positive self-esteem, and the ability to exercise control over one’s own life by pointing out that the individual’s perspective on dignity is a central element in high-quality care.
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More Know Today sentence examples
The rise of Euro-journalism helped to create the European Union as the sui generis supranational polity and incarnation of Europe that we know today.
The rise of Euro-journalism helped to create the European Union as the sui generis supranational polity and incarnation of Europe that we know today.
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