Introduction to Know Anything
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It also suggests that the real problem for non-naturalists isn’t explaining supervenience, but is rather the well-known problem of explaining our capacity to know anything about non-natural properties.
It also suggests that the real problem for non-naturalists isn’t explaining supervenience, but is rather the well-known problem of explaining our capacity to know anything about non-natural properties.
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As is known to all, in reality, dentists will never know anything about the patient’s future treatment outcome when making predictions independently, yet in this study, CNN had already learned all 24 patients’ outcomes before being tested, which was obviously inappropriate.
As is known to all, in reality, dentists will never know anything about the patient’s future treatment outcome when making predictions independently, yet in this study, CNN had already learned all 24 patients’ outcomes before being tested, which was obviously inappropriate.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
1% say they do not know anything about HPV.
1% say they do not know anything about HPV.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
That may cause that the city ranked as „the smartest“ will not really know anything about the satisfaction of its citizens.
That may cause that the city ranked as „the smartest“ will not really know anything about the satisfaction of its citizens.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
There are many places, people and realities of which we don’t know anything.
There are many places, people and realities of which we don’t know anything.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Explicitly targeting a popular audience of “readers who may or may not know anything about the study of rhetoric,” the rhetoricians in this collection of essays pursue, in the words of its editor, Ryan Skinnell, a shared goal “to explain a little bit about rhetoric and help readers understand what rhetoric teaches us about Trump” (5).
Explicitly targeting a popular audience of “readers who may or may not know anything about the study of rhetoric,” the rhetoricians in this collection of essays pursue, in the words of its editor, Ryan Skinnell, a shared goal “to explain a little bit about rhetoric and help readers understand what rhetoric teaches us about Trump” (5).
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More Know Anything sentence examples
8% of girls did not know anything about menstruation prior to their first period.
8% of girls did not know anything about menstruation prior to their first period.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Do you know anything about his medical history? I asked her.
Do you know anything about his medical history? I asked her.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
“If you don’t know anything about computers, just remember that they are machines that do exactly what you tell them but often surprise you in the result.
“If you don’t know anything about computers, just remember that they are machines that do exactly what you tell them but often surprise you in the result.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Socrates, who spoke of the impossibility of final knowledge about something (“I know that I do not know anything”), was equally known as the fact that a person is able to acquire knowledge and multiply it, as well as that knowledge and “art” by themselves - great power.
Socrates, who spoke of the impossibility of final knowledge about something (“I know that I do not know anything”), was equally known as the fact that a person is able to acquire knowledge and multiply it, as well as that knowledge and “art” by themselves - great power.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
According to their own creativity and imagination because they does not know anything in concrete manner in the age of early child hood.
According to their own creativity and imagination because they does not know anything in concrete manner in the age of early child hood.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Although 12% of the OTC pills were used regularly as a pain killer, 95% of the people did not know anything about the side effects of the drugs.
Although 12% of the OTC pills were used regularly as a pain killer, 95% of the people did not know anything about the side effects of the drugs.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
We have started to understand the genetic basis of some important traits such as cell wall chemistry, but we do not know anything about the key structural and functional traits such as wood anatomy that greatly affect plant biomass recalcitrance.
We have started to understand the genetic basis of some important traits such as cell wall chemistry, but we do not know anything about the key structural and functional traits such as wood anatomy that greatly affect plant biomass recalcitrance.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
The concern is like that old conjecture that a fish doesn’t know it’s in an environment of water because it doesn’t know anything but water.
The concern is like that old conjecture that a fish doesn’t know it’s in an environment of water because it doesn’t know anything but water.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Phenomenologically, we do not know anything about the cortical-substrate of evocation.
Phenomenologically, we do not know anything about the cortical-substrate of evocation.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
The majority of patients (n=59, 92%) did not know anything about biosimilars.
The majority of patients (n=59, 92%) did not know anything about biosimilars.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
3%, and of those, who did "not know anything", decreased from 5.
3%, and of those, who did "not know anything", decreased from 5.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Because the topic model does not know anything about the Framework, the fact that the responses formed topics that are recognizable as frames suggests that students internalized the concepts in the Framework well enough to express them in their own writing.
Because the topic model does not know anything about the Framework, the fact that the responses formed topics that are recognizable as frames suggests that students internalized the concepts in the Framework well enough to express them in their own writing.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
(iii) God does not know anything perceptually.
(iii) God does not know anything perceptually.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Nearly half of the participants (47%) “did not know anything” about ABL self-management before visiting a clinician.
Nearly half of the participants (47%) “did not know anything” about ABL self-management before visiting a clinician.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
A track should represent a single car, but the radar is just returning measurements on echoes, it doesn’t know anything about the source of the echoes.
A track should represent a single car, but the radar is just returning measurements on echoes, it doesn’t know anything about the source of the echoes.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
In its development, it was felt not enough because the community did not feel involved and did not know anything about the activities to be carried out.
In its development, it was felt not enough because the community did not feel involved and did not know anything about the activities to be carried out.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
This phrase is often followed by “to mental health services” or some such, suggesting that a “service” can really know anything.
This phrase is often followed by “to mental health services” or some such, suggesting that a “service” can really know anything.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Amongst these illusions is the idea we can have anything we want any time we want it; know anything we don’t already know by googling it and access any information about others if we want it.
Amongst these illusions is the idea we can have anything we want any time we want it; know anything we don’t already know by googling it and access any information about others if we want it.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
The main idea is that if we assume a naturalism according to which the only way to know anything is empirically through experience, then we will be able to establish a version of metaphysical realism early on in our investigations.
The main idea is that if we assume a naturalism according to which the only way to know anything is empirically through experience, then we will be able to establish a version of metaphysical realism early on in our investigations.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Results revealed the predominance of male professionals (56%), age bracket 20-25 years (55%), weekly work load of more than 20 h (67%), and an monthly income of R$2,000 (78%) Fourteen percent did not know anything on extended health concept.
Results revealed the predominance of male professionals (56%), age bracket 20-25 years (55%), weekly work load of more than 20 h (67%), and an monthly income of R$2,000 (78%) Fourteen percent did not know anything on extended health concept.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
3%, and of those, who did "not know anything", decreased from 5.
3%, and of those, who did "not know anything", decreased from 5.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Petr Vasil’evich was not at all disturbed by this, and on parting with the Shenkursk authorities, he asked them a question, “What does it mean that they are now taking me off your hands?” They shrugged their shoulders and said, “We do not know anything.
Petr Vasil’evich was not at all disturbed by this, and on parting with the Shenkursk authorities, he asked them a question, “What does it mean that they are now taking me off your hands?” They shrugged their shoulders and said, “We do not know anything.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
This paper proposes a novel top-down approach to rule-based fuzzy systems, one that begins with the product—an equation—and then addresses the unique features of the product, without requiring the reader to know anything about fuzzy sets and systems.
This paper proposes a novel top-down approach to rule-based fuzzy systems, one that begins with the product—an equation—and then addresses the unique features of the product, without requiring the reader to know anything about fuzzy sets and systems.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
Nevertheless, we hardly know anything about our judges.
Nevertheless, we hardly know anything about our judges.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
6% did not know anything about symptoms at all.
6% did not know anything about symptoms at all.
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More Know Anything sentence examples
It was found that most of the parents do not know anything about IEP.
It was found that most of the parents do not know anything about IEP.
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