Introduction to Isotropic Turbulence
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within direct numerical simulation
The SGS model presented here is verified using direct numerical simulation (DNS) data for particle-laden homogenous isotropic turbulence.
The SGS model presented here is verified using direct numerical simulation (DNS) data for particle-laden homogenous isotropic turbulence.
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Inertial-range features of turbulence are investigated using data from experimental measurements of grid turbulence and direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence simulated in a periodic box, both at the Taylor-scale Reynolds number R_{λ}∼1000.
Inertial-range features of turbulence are investigated using data from experimental measurements of grid turbulence and direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence simulated in a periodic box, both at the Taylor-scale Reynolds number R_{λ}∼1000.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within turbulent channel flow
This hybrid RANS/LES model code was successfully validated by simulation of homogeneous isotropic turbulence, turbulent channel flow, and backward facing step flow.
This hybrid RANS/LES model code was successfully validated by simulation of homogeneous isotropic turbulence, turbulent channel flow, and backward facing step flow.
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3 The performance of this special configuration has been successfully tested for decaying isotropic turbulence and a turbulent channel flow.
3 The performance of this special configuration has been successfully tested for decaying isotropic turbulence and a turbulent channel flow.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within large eddy simulation
We propose a model for large-eddy simulation (LES) of decaying isotropic turbulence laden with droplets with diameter of Taylor length-scale.
We propose a model for large-eddy simulation (LES) of decaying isotropic turbulence laden with droplets with diameter of Taylor length-scale.
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[“Large-eddy simulations of forced isotropic turbulence with viscoelastic fluids described by the finitely extensible nonlinear elastic rheological model with Peterlin's closure model,” Phys.
[“Large-eddy simulations of forced isotropic turbulence with viscoelastic fluids described by the finitely extensible nonlinear elastic rheological model with Peterlin's closure model,” Phys.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within order velocity structure
A model for the third-order velocity structure function, S3, is proposed for closing the transport equation of the second-order velocity structure function, S2, in the scaling range of finite Reynolds number homogeneous and isotropic turbulence (HIT).
A model for the third-order velocity structure function, S3, is proposed for closing the transport equation of the second-order velocity structure function, S2, in the scaling range of finite Reynolds number homogeneous and isotropic turbulence (HIT).
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Numerical calculations based on a recent version of the eddy-damped quasi-normal model (EDQNM-LMFA) are carried out for homogeneous isotropic turbulence (HIT) with the aim of investigating the dependency on the Reynolds number of second and third order velocity structure functions.
Numerical calculations based on a recent version of the eddy-damped quasi-normal model (EDQNM-LMFA) are carried out for homogeneous isotropic turbulence (HIT) with the aim of investigating the dependency on the Reynolds number of second and third order velocity structure functions.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within turbulent boundary layer
Finally, it is demonstrated that the observed first-order phenomena in a turbulent boundary layer subjected to FST can be modelled by superimposing an isotropic turbulence field on a turbulent boundary layer field, which supports the hypothesis that the underlying structure of the boundary layer appears to remain largely intact if the naturally occurring fluctuations in the turbulent boundary layer exceed the energy of the FST.
Finally, it is demonstrated that the observed first-order phenomena in a turbulent boundary layer subjected to FST can be modelled by superimposing an isotropic turbulence field on a turbulent boundary layer field, which supports the hypothesis that the underlying structure of the boundary layer appears to remain largely intact if the naturally occurring fluctuations in the turbulent boundary layer exceed the energy of the FST.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within Homogeneou Isotropic Turbulence
Focusing on physical space forcing, these methods are usually first evaluated upon sustained homogeneous isotropic turbulence by introducing a body force to the Navier–Stokes equations.
Focusing on physical space forcing, these methods are usually first evaluated upon sustained homogeneous isotropic turbulence by introducing a body force to the Navier–Stokes equations.
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A new kind of turbulence tunnel, the pure coherent shear source turbulence tunnel, proposed to produce high Reynolds number, approximately homogeneous isotropic turbulence is studied computationally.
A new kind of turbulence tunnel, the pure coherent shear source turbulence tunnel, proposed to produce high Reynolds number, approximately homogeneous isotropic turbulence is studied computationally.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within Decaying Isotropic Turbulence
The analytical development is performed, applying the Hybrid-Equivalence criterion, and the model is calibrated in decaying isotropic turbulence.
The analytical development is performed, applying the Hybrid-Equivalence criterion, and the model is calibrated in decaying isotropic turbulence.
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We employ the proposed framework to analyze a database of direct numerical simulations of spherical turbulent premixed flames in decaying isotropic turbulence and recover mechanisms for which scaling laws are proposed and assessed against data.
We employ the proposed framework to analyze a database of direct numerical simulations of spherical turbulent premixed flames in decaying isotropic turbulence and recover mechanisms for which scaling laws are proposed and assessed against data.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within Compressible Isotropic Turbulence
The transfer of internal energy fluctuation is numerically investigated for the stationary compressible isotropic turbulence in vibrational non-equilibrium with large-scale thermal forcing.
The transfer of internal energy fluctuation is numerically investigated for the stationary compressible isotropic turbulence in vibrational non-equilibrium with large-scale thermal forcing.
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Interscale kinetic energy transfer in chemically reacting compressible isotropic turbulence is studied using numerical simulations at turbulent Mach numbers 0.
Interscale kinetic energy transfer in chemically reacting compressible isotropic turbulence is studied using numerical simulations at turbulent Mach numbers 0.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within Forced Isotropic Turbulence
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of forced isotropic turbulence reveals that the joint probability density function (p.
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of forced isotropic turbulence reveals that the joint probability density function (p.
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[“Large-eddy simulations of forced isotropic turbulence with viscoelastic fluids described by the finitely extensible nonlinear elastic rheological model with Peterlin's closure model,” Phys.
[“Large-eddy simulations of forced isotropic turbulence with viscoelastic fluids described by the finitely extensible nonlinear elastic rheological model with Peterlin's closure model,” Phys.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within Steady Isotropic Turbulence
The Reynolds number dependence of steady isotropic turbulence is used to validate the present analysis.
The Reynolds number dependence of steady isotropic turbulence is used to validate the present analysis.
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It is first shown that the energy cascade in statistically steady isotropic turbulence is local in scale, at least on average, and that temporal variations of the large-scale forcing are transferred to smaller scales as a ‘wave’ consistent with the classical Kolmogorov model.
It is first shown that the energy cascade in statistically steady isotropic turbulence is local in scale, at least on average, and that temporal variations of the large-scale forcing are transferred to smaller scales as a ‘wave’ consistent with the classical Kolmogorov model.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within Homogenou Isotropic Turbulence
Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within Dimensional Isotropic Turbulence
We introduce a network (graph) theoretic community-based framework to extract vortical structures that serve the role of connectors for the vortical interactions in two- and three-dimensional isotropic turbulence.
We introduce a network (graph) theoretic community-based framework to extract vortical structures that serve the role of connectors for the vortical interactions in two- and three-dimensional isotropic turbulence.
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Recently, making use of a numerical model with three dimensional isotropic turbulence, the influence of turbulence intermittency and magnetic fluctuations on the energetic particle transport was investigated in the solar wind context.
Recently, making use of a numerical model with three dimensional isotropic turbulence, the influence of turbulence intermittency and magnetic fluctuations on the energetic particle transport was investigated in the solar wind context.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within isotropic turbulence field
Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within isotropic turbulence laden
We propose a model for large-eddy simulation (LES) of decaying isotropic turbulence laden with droplets with diameter of Taylor length-scale.
We propose a model for large-eddy simulation (LES) of decaying isotropic turbulence laden with droplets with diameter of Taylor length-scale.
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The topology of the fine-scale motions in decaying isotropic turbulence laden with droplets of super-Kolmogorov size is investigated using results from direct numerical simulations.
The topology of the fine-scale motions in decaying isotropic turbulence laden with droplets of super-Kolmogorov size is investigated using results from direct numerical simulations.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within isotropic turbulence model
The present work also demonstrates that the use of anisotropic turbulence models, which may become more common in the future due to the evolution of engine architectures, must be done carefully because of the sensitivity of the models to the anisotropic parameters which are difficult to assess from RANS simulations.
The present work also demonstrates that the use of anisotropic turbulence models, which may become more common in the future due to the evolution of engine architectures, must be done carefully because of the sensitivity of the models to the anisotropic parameters which are difficult to assess from RANS simulations.
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We illustrate this method for a simple, isotropic turbulence model and we find remarkable agreement with the results of numerical studies.
We illustrate this method for a simple, isotropic turbulence model and we find remarkable agreement with the results of numerical studies.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within isotropic turbulence reveal
Study of the decay of compressible homogeneous isotropic turbulence reveals that using a high-order quadrature rule to compute the average over a finitevolume cell does not improve the spectral accuracy and that all methods present a second-order convergence rate.
Study of the decay of compressible homogeneous isotropic turbulence reveals that using a high-order quadrature rule to compute the average over a finitevolume cell does not improve the spectral accuracy and that all methods present a second-order convergence rate.
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Direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of forced isotropic turbulence reveals that the joint probability density function (p.
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of forced isotropic turbulence reveals that the joint probability density function (p.
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Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples within isotropic turbulence condition
More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Rms turbulent velocities, u ' , created by four peripheral variable speed fans, were measured by Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV, which indicated near-uniform, isotropic turbulence, with small mean velocities.
Rms turbulent velocities, u ' , created by four peripheral variable speed fans, were measured by Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV, which indicated near-uniform, isotropic turbulence, with small mean velocities.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Here, we describe an experimental study on the dynamics of thin cylindrical shells resembling broken bottle fragments settling through quiescent fluid and homogeneous anisotropic turbulence.
Here, we describe an experimental study on the dynamics of thin cylindrical shells resembling broken bottle fragments settling through quiescent fluid and homogeneous anisotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
This study presents the effects of the conservation error of turbulent kinetic energy on the isotropic turbulence field.
This study presents the effects of the conservation error of turbulent kinetic energy on the isotropic turbulence field.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
These features can be successfully predicted by modern models that take into account the specifics of flows with heterogeneous anisotropic turbulence.
These features can be successfully predicted by modern models that take into account the specifics of flows with heterogeneous anisotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
The simulation was conducted within a constant volume with an isotropic turbulence condition under 40 bar.
The simulation was conducted within a constant volume with an isotropic turbulence condition under 40 bar.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
In this work, we analyze the capacity of the superstatistics construction to provide modeling of the velocity field probability density functions (PDFs) of isotropic turbulence.
In this work, we analyze the capacity of the superstatistics construction to provide modeling of the velocity field probability density functions (PDFs) of isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
We present a quantitative analysis of the inertial range statistics produced by entropic lattice Boltzmann method (ELBM) in the context of three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
We present a quantitative analysis of the inertial range statistics produced by entropic lattice Boltzmann method (ELBM) in the context of three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
These flow mechanisms comprise a shear layer near the interface, lateral momentum transfer and strong secondary currents due to the non-isotropic turbulence.
These flow mechanisms comprise a shear layer near the interface, lateral momentum transfer and strong secondary currents due to the non-isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
We study turbulent properties of the ISM to show that, in the case where the break scale traces a transition to isotropic turbulence, the fraction of required accretion energy to sustain turbulent motions in the ISM increases significantly.
We study turbulent properties of the ISM to show that, in the case where the break scale traces a transition to isotropic turbulence, the fraction of required accretion energy to sustain turbulent motions in the ISM increases significantly.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
This noise prediction model relies on the accuracy of the turbulence spectrum, which is usually assumed to be the von Kármán energy spectrum for isotropic turbulence.
This noise prediction model relies on the accuracy of the turbulence spectrum, which is usually assumed to be the von Kármán energy spectrum for isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Anisotropic turbulence of the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) is used in modeling turbulent fluid (natural gas) and.
Anisotropic turbulence of the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) is used in modeling turbulent fluid (natural gas) and.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
This indicates that the lower PMSE layers are associated with more anisotropic turbulence scattering.
This indicates that the lower PMSE layers are associated with more anisotropic turbulence scattering.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
The proposed power spectrum can handle general non-Kolmogorov, anisotropic turbulence but reduces to Kolmogorov, isotropic case if the power law exponents of temperature and salinity are set to 11/3 and anisotropy coefficient is set to unity.
The proposed power spectrum can handle general non-Kolmogorov, anisotropic turbulence but reduces to Kolmogorov, isotropic case if the power law exponents of temperature and salinity are set to 11/3 and anisotropy coefficient is set to unity.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Based on the data analyses, anisotropic turbulence was observed in the cascade.
Based on the data analyses, anisotropic turbulence was observed in the cascade.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
In addition, the capability and potential of the newly implemented WENO7M scheme in KARFS to perform DNS of compressible flows is also demonstrated with model problems involving shocks, isotropic turbulence, detonations and flame propagation into a stratified mixture with complex chemical kinetics.
In addition, the capability and potential of the newly implemented WENO7M scheme in KARFS to perform DNS of compressible flows is also demonstrated with model problems involving shocks, isotropic turbulence, detonations and flame propagation into a stratified mixture with complex chemical kinetics.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Numerical simulations of forced anisotropic turbulence (FAT) in a periodic box and homogeneous shear turbulence (HST) at various turbulent Mach (Ma${}_{\mathrm{T}}$) and Taylor Reynolds numbers are performed to study the anisotropy of kinetic energy (KE) transfer in compressible homogeneous turbulence.
Numerical simulations of forced anisotropic turbulence (FAT) in a periodic box and homogeneous shear turbulence (HST) at various turbulent Mach (Ma${}_{\mathrm{T}}$) and Taylor Reynolds numbers are performed to study the anisotropy of kinetic energy (KE) transfer in compressible homogeneous turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
It is shown that vertical velocity in clouds indeed can be represented as a sum of convective velocity (forming zone of cloud updrafts and subsiding shell) and a stochastic velocity obeying laws of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
It is shown that vertical velocity in clouds indeed can be represented as a sum of convective velocity (forming zone of cloud updrafts and subsiding shell) and a stochastic velocity obeying laws of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
The overall approach represents a combination of wall-blocking (non-local) and wall-viscous (low-Reynolds number) effects encountered in anisotropic turbulence.
The overall approach represents a combination of wall-blocking (non-local) and wall-viscous (low-Reynolds number) effects encountered in anisotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
For isotropic turbulence, in which l ∥ = l ∧ , Sonsrettee et al.
For isotropic turbulence, in which l ∥ = l ∧ , Sonsrettee et al.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
In these works, it is also shown that the developed two-fluid model is able to adequately describe complex anisotropic turbulences.
In these works, it is also shown that the developed two-fluid model is able to adequately describe complex anisotropic turbulences.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
This experiment is used to study the origin of statistical irreversibility and the prevalence of direct over inverse energy cascades in isotropic turbulence.
This experiment is used to study the origin of statistical irreversibility and the prevalence of direct over inverse energy cascades in isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Also, we find that the turbine generates its own kind of turbulence that dominates the ambient turbulence and has strong features of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence.
Also, we find that the turbine generates its own kind of turbulence that dominates the ambient turbulence and has strong features of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Using the mesh-free finite mass method as an example, we show that the anisotropic model is best able to reproduce the proper Kolmogorov inertial range scaling in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence.
Using the mesh-free finite mass method as an example, we show that the anisotropic model is best able to reproduce the proper Kolmogorov inertial range scaling in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
These results were found in both isotropic and anisotropic turbulence fields.
These results were found in both isotropic and anisotropic turbulence fields.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Temporal evolution of the scaling exponent from Fourier power analysis suggests slightly below the classical Kolmogorov value of −5/3 for the three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
Temporal evolution of the scaling exponent from Fourier power analysis suggests slightly below the classical Kolmogorov value of −5/3 for the three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Although bereft of spatial variation, they accurately reproduce the main statistical properties of fully-developed homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
Although bereft of spatial variation, they accurately reproduce the main statistical properties of fully-developed homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
One direction of research is to investigate anisotropic turbulence intensities, id est to investigate the distribution of Reynolds stresses and energy spectra in a square cross-section channel, downstream of a semi-active jet turbulence grid generating anisotropic turbulent airflow.
One direction of research is to investigate anisotropic turbulence intensities, id est to investigate the distribution of Reynolds stresses and energy spectra in a square cross-section channel, downstream of a semi-active jet turbulence grid generating anisotropic turbulent airflow.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Further, to understand the deviation from the isotropic turbulence, the turbulence triangle, Eigen values, and the invariant functions are presented at the downstream of the grid for the three oscillating flow cases.
Further, to understand the deviation from the isotropic turbulence, the turbulence triangle, Eigen values, and the invariant functions are presented at the downstream of the grid for the three oscillating flow cases.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
We propose a new theory of pair diffusion in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence hypothesizing that not only structures of size l, but much larger ones also induce significant pair separation—ignored in the R-O theory.
We propose a new theory of pair diffusion in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence hypothesizing that not only structures of size l, but much larger ones also induce significant pair separation—ignored in the R-O theory.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Droplet evaporation and combustion in isotropic turbulence were considered.
Droplet evaporation and combustion in isotropic turbulence were considered.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
We test the utility of these particles by measuring their dissolution rates in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence in our laboratory turbulence tank.
We test the utility of these particles by measuring their dissolution rates in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence in our laboratory turbulence tank.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
We present a method to identify such manifolds, and we apply it to a reduced model for the Lagrangian evolution of field gradients in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence with a passive scalar.
We present a method to identify such manifolds, and we apply it to a reduced model for the Lagrangian evolution of field gradients in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence with a passive scalar.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Standard models are often not sufficient to accurately predict vortices, which can have a huge impact on the performance, since based on the assumption of isotropic turbulence.
Standard models are often not sufficient to accurately predict vortices, which can have a huge impact on the performance, since based on the assumption of isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
, laminar burning velocity, turbulent burning velocity) of diethyl ether (DEE)/air mixtures under different pre-ignition quasi-isotropic turbulence velocity.
, laminar burning velocity, turbulent burning velocity) of diethyl ether (DEE)/air mixtures under different pre-ignition quasi-isotropic turbulence velocity.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
The results show the estimation of the deviation measure from the isotropic turbulence in view of Reynolds stress tensor for turbulent flow in the presence of seepage through the channel bed.
The results show the estimation of the deviation measure from the isotropic turbulence in view of Reynolds stress tensor for turbulent flow in the presence of seepage through the channel bed.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
An enhanced disparity of the turbulent normal stresses is observed inside the inertial subrange for the heated case, indicating a stronger deviation from isotropic turbulence, which possibly challenges mostly isotropic standard turbulence models.
An enhanced disparity of the turbulent normal stresses is observed inside the inertial subrange for the heated case, indicating a stronger deviation from isotropic turbulence, which possibly challenges mostly isotropic standard turbulence models.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
This work is aimed at establishing a theoretical method for predicting confined methane-air explosion pressure under isotropic turbulence.
This work is aimed at establishing a theoretical method for predicting confined methane-air explosion pressure under isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
We complement these results by performing numerical integration of the Maxey–Riley equation for a point bubble experiencing nonlinear drag in three-dimensional, homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
We complement these results by performing numerical integration of the Maxey–Riley equation for a point bubble experiencing nonlinear drag in three-dimensional, homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Comparison is made with homogeneous-isotropic turbulence, in which case the average vorticity in the strain eigenframe is layer-like, has wings of opposite vorticity, and the strain configuration is found to be super-Townsend.
Comparison is made with homogeneous-isotropic turbulence, in which case the average vorticity in the strain eigenframe is layer-like, has wings of opposite vorticity, and the strain configuration is found to be super-Townsend.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
The present work also demonstrates that the use of anisotropic turbulence models, which may become more common in the future due to the evolution of engine architectures, must be done carefully because of the sensitivity of the models to the anisotropic parameters which are difficult to assess from RANS simulations.
The present work also demonstrates that the use of anisotropic turbulence models, which may become more common in the future due to the evolution of engine architectures, must be done carefully because of the sensitivity of the models to the anisotropic parameters which are difficult to assess from RANS simulations.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
The turbulent wave activity (slope in the power spectrum) reduces with a decrease in gas shear, and shows similarities to the decay of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
The turbulent wave activity (slope in the power spectrum) reduces with a decrease in gas shear, and shows similarities to the decay of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
It is found that in isotropic turbulence fractional derivative order $\alpha \sim 0.
It is found that in isotropic turbulence fractional derivative order $\alpha \sim 0.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
These ingredients are inhomogeneity due to boundaries, anisotropic turbulence, and rotation.
These ingredients are inhomogeneity due to boundaries, anisotropic turbulence, and rotation.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Linear two equation models are often not able to represent these effects correctly since their derivation is based on over-simplifications, such as the Boussinesq hypothesis, which makes it impossible to capture anisotropic turbulence.
Linear two equation models are often not able to represent these effects correctly since their derivation is based on over-simplifications, such as the Boussinesq hypothesis, which makes it impossible to capture anisotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
A three-dimensional remeshed smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for the simulation of isotropic turbulence is used, the method is coupled with Brinkman penalisation technique for flow simulation inside the complex valve geometry.
A three-dimensional remeshed smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for the simulation of isotropic turbulence is used, the method is coupled with Brinkman penalisation technique for flow simulation inside the complex valve geometry.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
A framework is proposed to investigate the behavior of LES flame surface density models for simple academic cases, here the development of a statistically one-dimensional flame in an homogenous and isotropic turbulence, by comparison with a prescribed reference solution.
A framework is proposed to investigate the behavior of LES flame surface density models for simple academic cases, here the development of a statistically one-dimensional flame in an homogenous and isotropic turbulence, by comparison with a prescribed reference solution.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
This study presents the effects of spatial resolution anisotropy on an isotropic turbulence field.
This study presents the effects of spatial resolution anisotropy on an isotropic turbulence field.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
These polynomials, denoted by Sn(x) and called special polynomials, were first discovered in a study of a certain family of isotropic turbulence fields.
These polynomials, denoted by Sn(x) and called special polynomials, were first discovered in a study of a certain family of isotropic turbulence fields.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
An experimental investigation of the time-dependent spatial distribution of droplet concentration in a “box” of stationary homogeneous and isotropic turbulence without mean flow was performed for polydispersed droplet clouds with a wide range of mean droplet diameters and droplet size distributions, characterized by a representative Stokes number, based on the droplet arithmetic diameter and the Kolmogorov time scale of the flow, varying between 0.
An experimental investigation of the time-dependent spatial distribution of droplet concentration in a “box” of stationary homogeneous and isotropic turbulence without mean flow was performed for polydispersed droplet clouds with a wide range of mean droplet diameters and droplet size distributions, characterized by a representative Stokes number, based on the droplet arithmetic diameter and the Kolmogorov time scale of the flow, varying between 0.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
62 at 298 K, using the same dual-chamber, fan-stirred cruciform burner capable of generating near-isotropic turbulence.
62 at 298 K, using the same dual-chamber, fan-stirred cruciform burner capable of generating near-isotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
The simulations show that simple laminar initial conditions produce similar levels of mixing as advanced initial conditions with tilted swirl and anisotropic turbulence.
The simulations show that simple laminar initial conditions produce similar levels of mixing as advanced initial conditions with tilted swirl and anisotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
We illustrate this method for a simple, isotropic turbulence model and we find remarkable agreement with the results of numerical studies.
We illustrate this method for a simple, isotropic turbulence model and we find remarkable agreement with the results of numerical studies.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
The primary vortex core is accompanied by spirally wrapped secondary vortex tubes, resulting in anisotropic turbulence structure around the vortex core regions.
The primary vortex core is accompanied by spirally wrapped secondary vortex tubes, resulting in anisotropic turbulence structure around the vortex core regions.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
A close analogy between the energy transfer from large to small scales in isotropic turbulence and the momentum transfer in the wall normal direction in WBT plays a key role in the application.
A close analogy between the energy transfer from large to small scales in isotropic turbulence and the momentum transfer in the wall normal direction in WBT plays a key role in the application.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
In this work, a direct anisotropic filter (DAF) method is proposed to produce desired velocity spectra of three-dimensional anisotropic turbulence, based on a direct form of anisotropic filter that can be implemented directly to obtain non-Gaussian spectra.
In this work, a direct anisotropic filter (DAF) method is proposed to produce desired velocity spectra of three-dimensional anisotropic turbulence, based on a direct form of anisotropic filter that can be implemented directly to obtain non-Gaussian spectra.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
In the decade or so below the Ozmidov wavenumber (N3/e)1/2, that is, on scales between those attributed to internal gravity waves and isotropic turbulence, ocean and atmosphere measurements.
In the decade or so below the Ozmidov wavenumber (N3/e)1/2, that is, on scales between those attributed to internal gravity waves and isotropic turbulence, ocean and atmosphere measurements.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Straightforward application of standard analyses developed in isotropic turbulence sometimes masks important aspects of the anisotropic turbulence.
Straightforward application of standard analyses developed in isotropic turbulence sometimes masks important aspects of the anisotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Recent experiments have confirmed the existence of both isotropic and anisotropic turbulence near the ground.
Recent experiments have confirmed the existence of both isotropic and anisotropic turbulence near the ground.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
In this work, the two-point probability density function (PDF) for the velocity field of isotropic turbulence is modeled using the kappa distribution and the concept of superstatistics.
In this work, the two-point probability density function (PDF) for the velocity field of isotropic turbulence is modeled using the kappa distribution and the concept of superstatistics.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
This alignment stands in stark contrast to observations from previous studies in turbulent Bunsen flames or flames in isotropic turbulence, indicating the significance of bulk strain rate in determining local strain-flame alignment.
This alignment stands in stark contrast to observations from previous studies in turbulent Bunsen flames or flames in isotropic turbulence, indicating the significance of bulk strain rate in determining local strain-flame alignment.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
By using a large databases of isotropic turbulence, generated from numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, we show that circulation exhibits a bifractal behavior at the highest Reynolds number considered: space filling for moments up to order $3$ and a mono-fractal with an unchanging dimension of about $2.
By using a large databases of isotropic turbulence, generated from numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, we show that circulation exhibits a bifractal behavior at the highest Reynolds number considered: space filling for moments up to order $3$ and a mono-fractal with an unchanging dimension of about $2.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Lagrangian analysis of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence shows that attainment of this bound is associated with relatively short durations and an upper limit to the spatial extent of the flow structures that is similar to the Taylor scale.
Lagrangian analysis of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence shows that attainment of this bound is associated with relatively short durations and an upper limit to the spatial extent of the flow structures that is similar to the Taylor scale.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
First, we investigate the physical imaging mechanism in kinds of turbulence conditions, including the isotropic turbulence and the anisotropic turbulence.
First, we investigate the physical imaging mechanism in kinds of turbulence conditions, including the isotropic turbulence and the anisotropic turbulence.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
However, the overall differences are reduced when multiple wavenumber components are superposed in isotropic turbulence, and the sound pressure levels are therefore close as in subsonic flows.
However, the overall differences are reduced when multiple wavenumber components are superposed in isotropic turbulence, and the sound pressure levels are therefore close as in subsonic flows.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
Modernization was held on the base of isotropic turbulence noise measuring techniques.
Modernization was held on the base of isotropic turbulence noise measuring techniques.
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More Isotropic Turbulence sentence examples
As an initial step in evaluating the WOF-X method, synthetic particle images from a 2D DNS of isotropic turbulence are processed and the results are compared to a typical correlation-based PIV algorithm and previous optical flow methods.
As an initial step in evaluating the WOF-X method, synthetic particle images from a 2D DNS of isotropic turbulence are processed and the results are compared to a typical correlation-based PIV algorithm and previous optical flow methods.
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Keywords related to Isotropic
Isotropic Compressible
Isotropic Resolution
Isotropic Composite
Isotropic Hyperelastic
Isotropic Functionally
Isotropic Hardening
Isotropic Magnetorheological
Isotropic Solids
Isotropic Spherical
Isotropic Micropolar
Isotropic Multi Layered
Isotropic Solid
Isotropic Energy
Isotropic Graphite
Isotropic Thermoelastic
Isotropic Invariant
Isotropic Circular
Isotropic Thermal
Isotropic Diffusion
Isotropic Half Space
Isotropic Piezoelectric
Isotropic Intermolecular
Isotropic Porous
Isotropic Incompressible
Isotropic Nd Fe B
Isotropic Cylindrical
Isotropic Nematic Transition
Isotropic Cosmologies
Isotropic Material
Isotropic Chiral
Isotropic Turbulent
Isotropic 3d
Isotropic Gaussian
Isotropic Rock
Isotropic Materials
Isotropic Phases
Isotropic Soil
Isotropic Liquids
Isotropic Formations
Isotropic Static
Isotropic Multilayered
Isotropic Harmonic
Isotropic Plate
Isotropic Magnetic
Isotropic Expansion
Isotropic Nematic Phase
Isotropic Compression
Isotropic Elastic
Isotropic Plates
Isotropic Surface
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Keywords related to Turbulence
Steady Turbulence
Wind Turbulence
Measuring Turbulence
Supersonic Turbulence
Kolmogorov Turbulence
Burgers Turbulence
Data Driven Turbulence
Les Turbulence
Gamma Gamma Turbulence
Ionospheric Turbulence
Edge Turbulence
Gyrokinetic Turbulence
Three Dimensional Turbulence
Non Kolmogorov Turbulence
Hydrodynamic Turbulence
Modeling Turbulence
Geostrophic Turbulence
Active Turbulence
Inflow Turbulence
Considering Turbulence
Wall Bounded Turbulence
Strong Turbulence
Wake Turbulence
Drift Wave Turbulence
Gradient Turbulence
Number Turbulence
Compressible Turbulence
Boundary Layer Turbulence
Optical Turbulence
Mhd Turbulence
Mode Turbulence
Generated Turbulence
Environmental Turbulence
Synthetic Turbulence
Ocean Turbulence
Air Turbulence
Wall Turbulence
Induced Turbulence
Fluid Turbulence
Developed Turbulence
Atmospheric Turbulence
Elastoinertial Turbulence
One Dimensional Turbulence
Bubble Induced Turbulence
Incompressible Turbulence
Rans Turbulence
Political Turbulence
Elastic Turbulence
On Turbulence
Electromagnetic Turbulence
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Isotropic Turbulence