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Isotropic Micropolar sentence examples within initial boundary value

Some Applications of Eigenvalue Problems for Tensor and Tensor–Block Matrices for Mathematical Modeling of Micropolar Thin Bodies

Splitting of Initial Boundary Value Problems in Anisotropic Linear Elasticity Theory

Isotropic Micropolar sentence examples within Transversely Isotropic Micropolar

Spectral element formulation for damped transversely isotropic Micropolar-Cosserat layered composite panels

Investigation of Waves Generated in Transversely Isotropic Micropolar Generalized Thermoelastic Half Space Under Temperature Dependent Properties

Isotropic Micropolar sentence examples within isotropic micropolar plate

Simulation of thermoelastic waves based on the Lord-Shulman theory

Bending of a Thin Rectangular Isotropic Micropolar Plate

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Isotropic Micropolar sentence examples within isotropic micropolar elastic

Some Applications of Eigenvalue Problems for Tensor and Tensor–Block Matrices for Mathematical Modeling of Micropolar Thin Bodies

Splitting of Initial Boundary Value Problems in Anisotropic Linear Elasticity Theory

A hierarchy of dynamic equations for solid isotropic micropolar circular cylinders

Modelling transversely isotropic fiber-reinforced composites with unidirectional fibers and microstructure

More Isotropic Micropolar sentence examples

Hemitropic properties of thin non-centrosymmetric 3D woven textile composites

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Isotropic Micropolar