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17O NMR studies of organic and biological molecules in aqueous solution and in the solid state.

The Earliest Researches on Liquid Crystals

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Tuning shape and internal structure of protein droplets via biopolymer filaments

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Branched alkyldimethylamine oxide surfactants: An effective strategy for the design of high concentration/low viscosity surfactant formulations.

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Kirkwood-Buff integrals from molecular simulation

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Effect of fullerenes C60 on dielectric properties and the threshold voltage of smectic A liquid crystal

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Research news

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A review of nanocrystalline cellulose suspensions: Rheology, liquid crystal ordering and colloidal phase behaviour.

Li+ and K+ ionic conductivity in ionic nematic liquid crystals based on 18-diaza-crown ether substituted with six decylalkoxy-p-cyanobiphenyl chains

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Isotropic Liquids