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Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples within isotropic gaussian kernel

Superpixel Segmentation Based on Anisotropic Edge Strength

Contour detection based on anisotropic edge strength and hierarchical superpixel contrast

Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples within isotropic gaussian random

Continuity in law of some additive functionals of bifractional Brownian motion

Selection of a covariance function for a Gaussian random field aimed for modeling global optimization problems

Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples within isotropic gaussian model

Wind Turbulence Intensity Characteristics at 10m Above Ground Along the Cotonou Coast, Benin

Statistical Theory of Shape Under Elliptical Models via Polar Decompositions

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Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples within isotropic gaussian distribution

Homography Estimation Based on Error Elliptical Distribution

Three-dimensional relative reachable domain with initial state uncertainty in Gaussian distribution

Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples within isotropic gaussian microturbulence

Turbulence and Rotation in Solar-Type Stars

Turbulence and Rotation in Solar-Type Stars

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Wind Turbulence Intensity Characteristics at 10m Above Ground Along the Cotonou Coast, Benin

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Complex ISNMF: A Phase-Aware Model for Monaural Audio Source Separation

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Homography Estimation Based on Error Elliptical Distribution

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Corner Detection Using Multi-directional Structure Tensor with Multiple Scales

Memory-sample tradeoffs for linear regression with small error

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Turbulence and Rotation in Solar-Type Stars

Superpixel Segmentation Based on Anisotropic Edge Strength

Three-dimensional relative reachable domain with initial state uncertainty in Gaussian distribution

Stable interpolation with isotropic and anisotropic Gaussians using Hermite generating function

Angular Accuracy of Steerable Feature Detectors

Efficient method to calculate the optical quantities of multi-layer systems with randomly rough boundaries using the Rayleigh–Rice theory

Increasing domain asymptotics for the first Minkowski functional of spherical random fields

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Contour detection based on anisotropic edge strength and hierarchical superpixel contrast

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Continuity in law of some additive functionals of bifractional Brownian motion

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

k-means as a variational EM approximation of Gaussian mixture models

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Three-dimensional conditional hyperbolic quadrature method of moments

Polarimetric parameters of scattered radiation in the magnetized plasma

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Selection of a covariance function for a Gaussian random field aimed for modeling global optimization problems

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Derivation and numerical comparison of Shakhov and Ellipsoidal Statistical kinetic models for a monoatomic gas mixture

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Multiscale Edge Detection Using First-Order Derivative of Anisotropic Gaussian Kernels

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Orientationally-averaged diffusion-attenuated magnetic resonance signal for locally-anisotropic diffusion

A kinetic-based hyperbolic two-fluid model for binary hard-sphere mixtures

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Automatic time series analysis for electric load forecasting via support vector regression

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Asymptotic security of discrete-modulation protocols for continuous-variable quantum key distribution

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Stable recurrent calculation of isotropic Gaussian filter coefficients

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Statistical Theory of Shape Under Elliptical Models via Polar Decompositions

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Statistical description of turbulent particle-laden flows in the very dilute regime using the anisotropic Gaussian moment method

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Matching Observations to Distributions: Efficient Estimation via Sparsified Hungarian Algorithm

Urban Landscape Features Influence the Movement and Distribution of the Australian Container-Inhabiting Mosquito Vectors Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) and Aedes notoscriptus (Diptera: Culicidae)

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Hausdorff Measure of the Range of Space–Time Anisotropic Gaussian Random Fields

More Isotropic Gaussian sentence examples

Turbulence and Rotation in Solar-Type Stars

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Dimension Results for Space-anisotropic Gaussian Random Fields

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Spectral Simulation of Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields on a Sphere

Quantifying brain microstructure with diffusion MRI: Theory and parameter estimation

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On critical points of Gaussian random fields under diffeomorphic transformations

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Noise-robust line detection using normalized and adaptive second-order anisotropic Gaussian kernels

Isotropic Gaussian