Introduction to Isotropic Diffusion
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within partial differential equation
The proposed model is a fusion of Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization (MLEM) with partial differential equation based anisotropic diffusion (AD) filter.
The proposed model is a fusion of Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization (MLEM) with partial differential equation based anisotropic diffusion (AD) filter.
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Then the noise of the resultant acceleration (vertical direction) signal is removed by the smoothing process of the anisotropic diffusion based on the partial differential equation.
Then the noise of the resultant acceleration (vertical direction) signal is removed by the smoothing process of the anisotropic diffusion based on the partial differential equation.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within nonlinear second order
The considered nonlinear second-order anisotropic diffusion model is then particularized for an image restoration task.
The considered nonlinear second-order anisotropic diffusion model is then particularized for an image restoration task.
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So, the second section describes the anisotropic diffusion models for image restoration based on nonlinear second-order parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations, proposed by us.
So, the second section describes the anisotropic diffusion models for image restoration based on nonlinear second-order parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations, proposed by us.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within cylindrical representative volume
The goal of the proposed review paper is to comprise a collection of the knowledge of the last seven decades dealing with the following topics: • stress fields induced by edge and screw dislocation; a presentation of the most recent solution technique and discussion of previous solutions; • eigenstrains of carbon and hydrogen atoms placed in octahedral and tetrahedral sites; a selection of the values of reliable sources; • assembling of the interstitial atoms, acting as inclusions with a misfit eigenstrain state, in cylindrical representative volume elements; • eigenstrain states in cylindrical representative volume elements due to occupancy of interstitial atoms described by X1, X2 and X3; • eigenstress fields generated by eigenstrains in cylindrical representative volume elements; • formulation of the generalized chemical potential of interstitial atoms in the stressed bcc lattice; • anisotropic diffusion equations for interstitials in a stressed bcc lattice, accounting for elastodiffusion and the effect of occupancy of different types of interstitial sites.
The goal of the proposed review paper is to comprise a collection of the knowledge of the last seven decades dealing with the following topics: • stress fields induced by edge and screw dislocation; a presentation of the most recent solution technique and discussion of previous solutions; • eigenstrains of carbon and hydrogen atoms placed in octahedral and tetrahedral sites; a selection of the values of reliable sources; • assembling of the interstitial atoms, acting as inclusions with a misfit eigenstrain state, in cylindrical representative volume elements; • eigenstrain states in cylindrical representative volume elements due to occupancy of interstitial atoms described by X1, X2 and X3; • eigenstress fields generated by eigenstrains in cylindrical representative volume elements; • formulation of the generalized chemical potential of interstitial atoms in the stressed bcc lattice; • anisotropic diffusion equations for interstitials in a stressed bcc lattice, accounting for elastodiffusion and the effect of occupancy of different types of interstitial sites.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within skeleton strength map
Firstly, we propose advanced skeleton strength map (ASSM) algorithm to create the skeleton which computes the skeleton strength map by isotropic diffusion on the gradient vector field, selects critical points from the skeleton strength map and connects them by Kruskal's algorithm.
Firstly, we propose advanced skeleton strength map (ASSM) algorithm to create the skeleton which computes the skeleton strength map by isotropic diffusion on the gradient vector field, selects critical points from the skeleton strength map and connects them by Kruskal's algorithm.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within Restricted Isotropic Diffusion
Amyloid-b-42 positively correlated with restricted isotropic diffusion in several white matter tracts.
Amyloid-b-42 positively correlated with restricted isotropic diffusion in several white matter tracts.
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Contrary to the conventional wisdom that apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) negatively correlates with increased tumor cellularity, we demonstrate disagreement between ADC and histologically confirmed tumor cellularity in glioblastoma specimens, whereas DBSI-derived restricted isotropic diffusion fraction positively correlated with tumor cellularity in the same specimens.
Contrary to the conventional wisdom that apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) negatively correlates with increased tumor cellularity, we demonstrate disagreement between ADC and histologically confirmed tumor cellularity in glioblastoma specimens, whereas DBSI-derived restricted isotropic diffusion fraction positively correlated with tumor cellularity in the same specimens.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion filter
First, to reduce noise, an improved curvature anisotropic diffusion filter is applied, which simultaneously stores edge information.
First, to reduce noise, an improved curvature anisotropic diffusion filter is applied, which simultaneously stores edge information.
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The evaluated filters were Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion (CED), Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion (SRAD), Detail-Preserving Anisotropic Diffusion (DPAD), and Anisotropic Diffusion Filter with Memory Based on Speckle (ADMSS).
The evaluated filters were Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion (CED), Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion (SRAD), Detail-Preserving Anisotropic Diffusion (DPAD), and Anisotropic Diffusion Filter with Memory Based on Speckle (ADMSS).
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion equation
We formulate the system in terms of a high-dimensional, time-dependent, anisotropic diffusion equation and employ matched asymptotic analysis to derive the effective trapping rate.
We formulate the system in terms of a high-dimensional, time-dependent, anisotropic diffusion equation and employ matched asymptotic analysis to derive the effective trapping rate.
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NCSF is especially useful when coupled with an anisotropic diffusion equation in noisy configurations.
NCSF is especially useful when coupled with an anisotropic diffusion equation in noisy configurations.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion filtering
Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion problem
The finite volume method considered here has been developed recently in [3] to approximate heterogeneous and anisotropic diffusion problems using a general class of nonconforming meshes.
The finite volume method considered here has been developed recently in [3] to approximate heterogeneous and anisotropic diffusion problems using a general class of nonconforming meshes.
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Finite difference schemes and iterative methods of solving anisotropic diffusion problems governing multidimensional elliptic PDE with mixed derivatives are considered.
Finite difference schemes and iterative methods of solving anisotropic diffusion problems governing multidimensional elliptic PDE with mixed derivatives are considered.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion tensor
We present a new method to study position-dependent, anisotropic diffusion tensors inside spherically confined systems—a geometry that is common to many chemical nanoreactors.
We present a new method to study position-dependent, anisotropic diffusion tensors inside spherically confined systems—a geometry that is common to many chemical nanoreactors.
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The Smoluchowski equation for the many-particle probability distribution then acquires an anisotropic diffusion tensor.
The Smoluchowski equation for the many-particle probability distribution then acquires an anisotropic diffusion tensor.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion model
The considered nonlinear second-order anisotropic diffusion model is then particularized for an image restoration task.
The considered nonlinear second-order anisotropic diffusion model is then particularized for an image restoration task.
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To characterize the progression of misfolded proteins across the brain, we combine the classical Fisher–Kolmogorov equation for population dynamics with an anisotropic diffusion model and simulate misfolding across a sagittal section and across the entire brain.
To characterize the progression of misfolded proteins across the brain, we combine the classical Fisher–Kolmogorov equation for population dynamics with an anisotropic diffusion model and simulate misfolding across a sagittal section and across the entire brain.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion algorithm
In this AI architecture, ultrasound images were segmented by the reaction diffusion level set model combined with the Gabor-based anisotropic diffusion algorithm.
In this AI architecture, ultrasound images were segmented by the reaction diffusion level set model combined with the Gabor-based anisotropic diffusion algorithm.
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Finally, the reconstructed cone beam CT image is repaired by an anisotropic diffusion algorithm, which can suppress artifacts.
Finally, the reconstructed cone beam CT image is repaired by an anisotropic diffusion algorithm, which can suppress artifacts.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion along
Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion property
Many biological tissues inside the human body exhibit highly anisotropic diffusion properties; for example, tissues of the nervous system and white matter in the brain.
Many biological tissues inside the human body exhibit highly anisotropic diffusion properties; for example, tissues of the nervous system and white matter in the brain.
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Owing to the systematic alignment and ordering of fatty acid and ceramide chains, lipid layers in biological membranes have strongly anisotropic diffusion properties.
Owing to the systematic alignment and ordering of fatty acid and ceramide chains, lipid layers in biological membranes have strongly anisotropic diffusion properties.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion method
We illustrate our technique on synthetic and real-world 3D data and compare our method with the median method, weighted least squares, L0 volume gradient minimization, and edge aware anisotropic diffusion method.
We illustrate our technique on synthetic and real-world 3D data and compare our method with the median method, weighted least squares, L0 volume gradient minimization, and edge aware anisotropic diffusion method.
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In order to study the processing method of speckle noise reduction, this paper takes the OCT fundus image as the research object, and uses the median filtering, wavelet threshold method, Wiener filtering and anisotropic diffusion method to denoise the OCT fundus image.
In order to study the processing method of speckle noise reduction, this paper takes the OCT fundus image as the research object, and uses the median filtering, wavelet threshold method, Wiener filtering and anisotropic diffusion method to denoise the OCT fundus image.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion coefficient
The results indicated two mobile "free" states of the N-terminal domain undergoing global diffusive motions, with isotropic diffusion coefficients of 0.
The results indicated two mobile "free" states of the N-terminal domain undergoing global diffusive motions, with isotropic diffusion coefficients of 0.
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all coefficients anisotropic, is compared with both the case possessing isotropic diffusion coefficients and the case of partial anisotropy, i.
all coefficients anisotropic, is compared with both the case possessing isotropic diffusion coefficients and the case of partial anisotropy, i.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion behavior
This PDE is based on anisotropic diffusion behavior by adding some constraints to the Weickert coherence enhancing diffusion tensor in order to control the diffusion process near edges and avoids tiny corners destruction.
This PDE is based on anisotropic diffusion behavior by adding some constraints to the Weickert coherence enhancing diffusion tensor in order to control the diffusion process near edges and avoids tiny corners destruction.
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The ab initio molecular dynamics simulations exhibit the anisotropic diffusion behaviors of Na ions on both o-ScC2 and o-ScN2 monolayers with low energy barriers of 0.
The ab initio molecular dynamics simulations exhibit the anisotropic diffusion behaviors of Na ions on both o-ScC2 and o-ScN2 monolayers with low energy barriers of 0.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion encoding
Using a single‐shot isotropic diffusion encoding (IDE) preparation, we eliminate signal confounds caused by anisotropic diffusion, including microscopic anisotropy, and acquire in vivo diffusion‐weighted images (DWIs) over a wide range of diffusion sensitizations.
Using a single‐shot isotropic diffusion encoding (IDE) preparation, we eliminate signal confounds caused by anisotropic diffusion, including microscopic anisotropy, and acquire in vivo diffusion‐weighted images (DWIs) over a wide range of diffusion sensitizations.
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Here we combine isotropic diffusion encoding with ultra-strong diffusion gradients (240 mT/m) to achieve high diffusion-weightings with high signal to noise ratio, while suppressing signal arising from anisotropic water compartments with significant mobility along at least one axis (e.
Here we combine isotropic diffusion encoding with ultra-strong diffusion gradients (240 mT/m) to achieve high diffusion-weightings with high signal to noise ratio, while suppressing signal arising from anisotropic water compartments with significant mobility along at least one axis (e.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion technique
Therefore, in this work, a novel method of optimal anisotropic diffusion technique along with contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE), Otsu's optimal thresholding and morphological thinning operation are applied over the fractographs for edge enhancement, overcoming inhomogeneous illumination, edge segmentation and thinning, respectively, to detect voids, automatically.
Therefore, in this work, a novel method of optimal anisotropic diffusion technique along with contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE), Otsu's optimal thresholding and morphological thinning operation are applied over the fractographs for edge enhancement, overcoming inhomogeneous illumination, edge segmentation and thinning, respectively, to detect voids, automatically.
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Wavelet-based filters and anisotropic diffusion techniques have proven their worth in reducing both Gaussian additive noise and speckle noise.
Wavelet-based filters and anisotropic diffusion techniques have proven their worth in reducing both Gaussian additive noise and speckle noise.
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Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion scheme
Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples within isotropic diffusion function
Meanwhile, the diffusion filtering method with adaptive image structure is introduced into image registration, and the anisotropic diffusion function with the ability of feature preservation and consistency enhancement is defined as the regularization term of the model.
Meanwhile, the diffusion filtering method with adaptive image structure is introduced into image registration, and the anisotropic diffusion function with the ability of feature preservation and consistency enhancement is defined as the regularization term of the model.
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The median filter as a nonlinear operator utilized for an oriented anisotropic diffusion function to reduce noise and preserve the edges, is performed on medical images.
The median filter as a nonlinear operator utilized for an oriented anisotropic diffusion function to reduce noise and preserve the edges, is performed on medical images.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
This is followed by fusion of these generated multi-exposure images using nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion (AD).
This is followed by fusion of these generated multi-exposure images using nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion (AD).
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion (SRAD) filter is extensively used to process the ultrasound image.
The speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion (SRAD) filter is extensively used to process the ultrasound image.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
We formulate the system in terms of a high-dimensional, time-dependent, anisotropic diffusion equation and employ matched asymptotic analysis to derive the effective trapping rate.
We formulate the system in terms of a high-dimensional, time-dependent, anisotropic diffusion equation and employ matched asymptotic analysis to derive the effective trapping rate.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The finite volume method considered here has been developed recently in [3] to approximate heterogeneous and anisotropic diffusion problems using a general class of nonconforming meshes.
The finite volume method considered here has been developed recently in [3] to approximate heterogeneous and anisotropic diffusion problems using a general class of nonconforming meshes.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
This paper demonstrates a method to segment liver lesions automatically in CT abdomen images by using Anisotropic Diffusion filtering, Chan-Vese algorithm, K-means clustering, and morphological binary operations.
This paper demonstrates a method to segment liver lesions automatically in CT abdomen images by using Anisotropic Diffusion filtering, Chan-Vese algorithm, K-means clustering, and morphological binary operations.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
First, to reduce noise, an improved curvature anisotropic diffusion filter is applied, which simultaneously stores edge information.
First, to reduce noise, an improved curvature anisotropic diffusion filter is applied, which simultaneously stores edge information.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The evaluated filters were Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion (CED), Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion (SRAD), Detail-Preserving Anisotropic Diffusion (DPAD), and Anisotropic Diffusion Filter with Memory Based on Speckle (ADMSS).
The evaluated filters were Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion (CED), Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion (SRAD), Detail-Preserving Anisotropic Diffusion (DPAD), and Anisotropic Diffusion Filter with Memory Based on Speckle (ADMSS).
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The objective of the work is to compare the performance of two filters, one isotropic and another one of anisotropic diffusion based on gradient.
The objective of the work is to compare the performance of two filters, one isotropic and another one of anisotropic diffusion based on gradient.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
, nonlocal operators, anisotropic diffusion filtering).
, nonlocal operators, anisotropic diffusion filtering).
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Finite difference schemes and iterative methods of solving anisotropic diffusion problems governing multidimensional elliptic PDE with mixed derivatives are considered.
Finite difference schemes and iterative methods of solving anisotropic diffusion problems governing multidimensional elliptic PDE with mixed derivatives are considered.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The proposed algorithm utilizes a powerful anisotropic diffusion filter to denoise the image.
The proposed algorithm utilizes a powerful anisotropic diffusion filter to denoise the image.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Nonlinear anisotropic diffusion (NAD) filtering is a procedure based on nonlinear evolution PDEs which seeks to improve images qualitatively by removing noise while preserving details and even enhancing edges.
Nonlinear anisotropic diffusion (NAD) filtering is a procedure based on nonlinear evolution PDEs which seeks to improve images qualitatively by removing noise while preserving details and even enhancing edges.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The proposed methodology includes a combinational approach of anisotropic diffusion and Laplacian pyramid leading to image enhancement.
The proposed methodology includes a combinational approach of anisotropic diffusion and Laplacian pyramid leading to image enhancement.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Both oblate and prolate particles exhibit an anisotropic diffusion with respect to the orientation of the nematic director.
Both oblate and prolate particles exhibit an anisotropic diffusion with respect to the orientation of the nematic director.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
This study proposes a speckle noise reduction algorithm while using the speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion (SRAD) filter, discrete wavelet transform (DWT), soft threshold, improved guided filter (IGF), and guided filter (GF), with the aim of removing speckle noise.
This study proposes a speckle noise reduction algorithm while using the speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion (SRAD) filter, discrete wavelet transform (DWT), soft threshold, improved guided filter (IGF), and guided filter (GF), with the aim of removing speckle noise.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Following development on the training set, classification experiments using convolutional neural networks (CNN) were then conducted using models based on each of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI - isotropic diffusion map), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), FLAIR and post-contrast T1 sequences.
Following development on the training set, classification experiments using convolutional neural networks (CNN) were then conducted using models based on each of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI - isotropic diffusion map), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), FLAIR and post-contrast T1 sequences.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The images were normalized through gray scaling and anisotropic diffusion.
The images were normalized through gray scaling and anisotropic diffusion.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
We present a new method to study position-dependent, anisotropic diffusion tensors inside spherically confined systems—a geometry that is common to many chemical nanoreactors.
We present a new method to study position-dependent, anisotropic diffusion tensors inside spherically confined systems—a geometry that is common to many chemical nanoreactors.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
We propose the use of anisotropic diffusion to include environmental factors of the evaluated geographic area in the traditional crime prediction model, thereby aiming to predict crime occurrence at a finer scale regarding spatiotemporal aspects and environmental similarity.
We propose the use of anisotropic diffusion to include environmental factors of the evaluated geographic area in the traditional crime prediction model, thereby aiming to predict crime occurrence at a finer scale regarding spatiotemporal aspects and environmental similarity.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
It involves preprocessing of the acquired retinal SD-OCT image (B-scan) using the proposed automatic Anisotropic diffusion filter, followed with contrast stretching to suppress intrinsic speckle noise without blurring structural edges.
It involves preprocessing of the acquired retinal SD-OCT image (B-scan) using the proposed automatic Anisotropic diffusion filter, followed with contrast stretching to suppress intrinsic speckle noise without blurring structural edges.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The proposed method works with the Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion (SRAD) in combination with the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) using Bayesian Threshold.
The proposed method works with the Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion (SRAD) in combination with the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) using Bayesian Threshold.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
In this paper, we propose a non-local weighted operational anisotropic diffusion filter and evaluate its effect on magnetic resonance images and on kV/CBCT radiotherapy images.
In this paper, we propose a non-local weighted operational anisotropic diffusion filter and evaluate its effect on magnetic resonance images and on kV/CBCT radiotherapy images.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Further studies are needed to identify the optimal timing of its implementation and to establish diagnostically significant values of anisotropic diffusion indices.
Further studies are needed to identify the optimal timing of its implementation and to establish diagnostically significant values of anisotropic diffusion indices.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
First, anisotropic diffusion is used to decompose the source images into base and detail layers.
First, anisotropic diffusion is used to decompose the source images into base and detail layers.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Compared to the other smoothing methods, such as anisotropic diffusion, comparative filters, guided and rolling guidance filters, the benefit of our method is that it natively works with the image structure – thickness map, so it does not depend on the various levels of image noise, lightning conditions and effects.
Compared to the other smoothing methods, such as anisotropic diffusion, comparative filters, guided and rolling guidance filters, the benefit of our method is that it natively works with the image structure – thickness map, so it does not depend on the various levels of image noise, lightning conditions and effects.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Initially, the images are filtered using anisotropic diffusion filter.
Initially, the images are filtered using anisotropic diffusion filter.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Therefore, in this work, a novel method of optimal anisotropic diffusion technique along with contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE), Otsu's optimal thresholding and morphological thinning operation are applied over the fractographs for edge enhancement, overcoming inhomogeneous illumination, edge segmentation and thinning, respectively, to detect voids, automatically.
Therefore, in this work, a novel method of optimal anisotropic diffusion technique along with contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE), Otsu's optimal thresholding and morphological thinning operation are applied over the fractographs for edge enhancement, overcoming inhomogeneous illumination, edge segmentation and thinning, respectively, to detect voids, automatically.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
MyoSAT combines several unconventional approaches including advanced background leveling, Perona-Malik anisotropic diffusion filtering, and Steger’s line detection algorithm to aid in pre-processing and enhancement of the muscle image.
MyoSAT combines several unconventional approaches including advanced background leveling, Perona-Malik anisotropic diffusion filtering, and Steger’s line detection algorithm to aid in pre-processing and enhancement of the muscle image.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Advanced methods are targeted: wavelet transform-based algorithms with Daubechies, symlets, curvelets, contourlets, patch-based methods such as BM3D, NL-means algorithms and deep learning approaches; in addition, classical spatial filtering methods are considered, such as Wiener, median, Gauss filtering, and adaptive filtering approaches such as anisotropic diffusion and synthetic aperture radar filtering.
Advanced methods are targeted: wavelet transform-based algorithms with Daubechies, symlets, curvelets, contourlets, patch-based methods such as BM3D, NL-means algorithms and deep learning approaches; in addition, classical spatial filtering methods are considered, such as Wiener, median, Gauss filtering, and adaptive filtering approaches such as anisotropic diffusion and synthetic aperture radar filtering.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Enhancement of mammograms is done by anisotropic diffusion.
Enhancement of mammograms is done by anisotropic diffusion.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
More precisely, the method performs a PDE-based anisotropic diffusion along directions defined by local structures in the 4D ray space.
More precisely, the method performs a PDE-based anisotropic diffusion along directions defined by local structures in the 4D ray space.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Many biological tissues inside the human body exhibit highly anisotropic diffusion properties; for example, tissues of the nervous system and white matter in the brain.
Many biological tissues inside the human body exhibit highly anisotropic diffusion properties; for example, tissues of the nervous system and white matter in the brain.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Natural liquids can contain self-aligned molecules (such as liquid crystals and biological membranes) which give them unique properties of anisotropic diffusion, coupling between the molecular orientation and flow, etc.
Natural liquids can contain self-aligned molecules (such as liquid crystals and biological membranes) which give them unique properties of anisotropic diffusion, coupling between the molecular orientation and flow, etc.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
In this AI architecture, ultrasound images were segmented by the reaction diffusion level set model combined with the Gabor-based anisotropic diffusion algorithm.
In this AI architecture, ultrasound images were segmented by the reaction diffusion level set model combined with the Gabor-based anisotropic diffusion algorithm.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
These two sources are effectively and efficiently fused by combining ideas from anisotropic diffusion and semi-global matching.
These two sources are effectively and efficiently fused by combining ideas from anisotropic diffusion and semi-global matching.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
We present a suite of high-resolution cosmological simulations, using the FIRE-2 feedback physics together with explicit treatment of magnetic fields, anisotropic conduction and viscosity, and cosmic rays (CRs) injected by supernovae (including anisotropic diffusion, streaming, adiabatic, hadronic and Coulomb losses).
We present a suite of high-resolution cosmological simulations, using the FIRE-2 feedback physics together with explicit treatment of magnetic fields, anisotropic conduction and viscosity, and cosmic rays (CRs) injected by supernovae (including anisotropic diffusion, streaming, adiabatic, hadronic and Coulomb losses).
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Therefore, in this work we present a comparative study of ten filters for the elimination of noise in confocal microscopy: median, anisotropic diffusion, bilateral, propagated, improved propagated, Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF), TVL1, non-local means, K-SVD, and Wavelet 'A trous' and Haar filters, with and without preprocessing images with the Wiener filter, taking as criteria the noise reduction and the conservation of edges.
Therefore, in this work we present a comparative study of ten filters for the elimination of noise in confocal microscopy: median, anisotropic diffusion, bilateral, propagated, improved propagated, Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF), TVL1, non-local means, K-SVD, and Wavelet 'A trous' and Haar filters, with and without preprocessing images with the Wiener filter, taking as criteria the noise reduction and the conservation of edges.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The Smoluchowski equation for the many-particle probability distribution then acquires an anisotropic diffusion tensor.
The Smoluchowski equation for the many-particle probability distribution then acquires an anisotropic diffusion tensor.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
They include combinations of CNN and "classical" algorithms like Non-Local Means, BM3D, Bilateral, Anisotropic diffusion, Total Variation (TV), etc.
They include combinations of CNN and "classical" algorithms like Non-Local Means, BM3D, Bilateral, Anisotropic diffusion, Total Variation (TV), etc.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
An anisotropic diffusion filter is used to remove the noise and to smooth the digital images.
An anisotropic diffusion filter is used to remove the noise and to smooth the digital images.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
We develop a new theoretical model called anisotropic diffusion through transient trapping in zones to explain CTCF dynamics.
We develop a new theoretical model called anisotropic diffusion through transient trapping in zones to explain CTCF dynamics.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Specifically, directional water diffusivity (anisotropic diffusion) within neural tissues can provide information about axoplasmic flow and through that derive the histological architecture and microstructure of nerves, tract course and integrity, the severity of peripheral neuropathies, and potentially serve as a marker for nerve regeneration.
Specifically, directional water diffusivity (anisotropic diffusion) within neural tissues can provide information about axoplasmic flow and through that derive the histological architecture and microstructure of nerves, tract course and integrity, the severity of peripheral neuropathies, and potentially serve as a marker for nerve regeneration.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
This observed anisotropic diffusion is explained here by determining the orientation-dependent dif.
This observed anisotropic diffusion is explained here by determining the orientation-dependent dif.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Anisotropic diffusion filters can be used to reduce noise and preserve the edges in the image.
Anisotropic diffusion filters can be used to reduce noise and preserve the edges in the image.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
We model the contribution of the nearest young supernova remannt Vela to the local cosmic ray flux taking into account both the influence of the Local Superbubble and the effect of anisotropic diffusion.
We model the contribution of the nearest young supernova remannt Vela to the local cosmic ray flux taking into account both the influence of the Local Superbubble and the effect of anisotropic diffusion.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Our theoretical understanding also suggests that highly anisotropic diffusion mobility can provide an alternative kinetic route to achieve the same aim, with stabilizing behavior strongly dependent on the specific alignment of the surface orientation.
Our theoretical understanding also suggests that highly anisotropic diffusion mobility can provide an alternative kinetic route to achieve the same aim, with stabilizing behavior strongly dependent on the specific alignment of the surface orientation.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
In this paper, a local activity measurement of the clipped and normalized variance or standard deviation is proposed to drive anisotropic diffusion and relative total variation (RTV) to work better for structural preservation.
In this paper, a local activity measurement of the clipped and normalized variance or standard deviation is proposed to drive anisotropic diffusion and relative total variation (RTV) to work better for structural preservation.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
First, anisotropic diffusion tensor (ADT) is utilized as high frequency edge information.
First, anisotropic diffusion tensor (ADT) is utilized as high frequency edge information.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
By avoiding common problems of linear filtering such as blurring and localization, anisotropic diffusion filtering has been applied as preprocessing operation to enhance the edge region/boundaries between adjacent yarns of the fabric images.
By avoiding common problems of linear filtering such as blurring and localization, anisotropic diffusion filtering has been applied as preprocessing operation to enhance the edge region/boundaries between adjacent yarns of the fabric images.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
An anisotropic diffusion filter was used to reduce speckle noise before implementation of the edge detection method, which consists of three characteristic steps.
An anisotropic diffusion filter was used to reduce speckle noise before implementation of the edge detection method, which consists of three characteristic steps.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
A second-order nonlinear anisotropic diffusion-based model for Gaussian additive noise removal is proposed.
A second-order nonlinear anisotropic diffusion-based model for Gaussian additive noise removal is proposed.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Three different filtration methods: Gaussian, adaptive trimmed mean (ATM), and anisotropic diffusion (AD) were implemented to reduce noise.
Three different filtration methods: Gaussian, adaptive trimmed mean (ATM), and anisotropic diffusion (AD) were implemented to reduce noise.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Anisotropic diffusion filtering (ADF) has been recently applied to restore THG images of normal brain, but ADF is hard‐to‐code, time‐consuming and only reconstructs salient edges.
Anisotropic diffusion filtering (ADF) has been recently applied to restore THG images of normal brain, but ADF is hard‐to‐code, time‐consuming and only reconstructs salient edges.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The proposed work combines noise reduction attribute of Savitzky-Golay smoothing (SGS) filter and edge preserving characteristic of speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion (SRAD) filter to denoise ultrasound images.
The proposed work combines noise reduction attribute of Savitzky-Golay smoothing (SGS) filter and edge preserving characteristic of speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion (SRAD) filter to denoise ultrasound images.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
We illustrate our technique on synthetic and real-world 3D data and compare our method with the median method, weighted least squares, L0 volume gradient minimization, and edge aware anisotropic diffusion method.
We illustrate our technique on synthetic and real-world 3D data and compare our method with the median method, weighted least squares, L0 volume gradient minimization, and edge aware anisotropic diffusion method.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
The images obtained were filtered using a combination of linear filters and anisotropic diffusion filter.
The images obtained were filtered using a combination of linear filters and anisotropic diffusion filter.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
According to the formation mechanism of speckle noise, this paper proposes a SAR image speckle noise removal algorithm based on improved anisotropic diffusion.
According to the formation mechanism of speckle noise, this paper proposes a SAR image speckle noise removal algorithm based on improved anisotropic diffusion.
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More Isotropic Diffusion sentence examples
Since fractional anisotropic diffusion (FAD) filter performs well in smooth regions while fractional total variation (FTV) filter works better near features, our framework combines the FAD filter and FTV filter to maintain their advantages.
Since fractional anisotropic diffusion (FAD) filter performs well in smooth regions while fractional total variation (FTV) filter works better near features, our framework combines the FAD filter and FTV filter to maintain their advantages.
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Keywords related to Isotropic
Isotropic Compressible
Isotropic Resolution
Isotropic Composite
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Isotropic Functionally
Isotropic Hardening
Isotropic Magnetorheological
Isotropic Solids
Isotropic Spherical
Isotropic Micropolar
Isotropic Multi Layered
Isotropic Solid
Isotropic Energy
Isotropic Graphite
Isotropic Thermoelastic
Isotropic Invariant
Isotropic Circular
Isotropic Thermal
Isotropic Half Space
Isotropic Piezoelectric
Isotropic Intermolecular
Isotropic Porous
Isotropic Incompressible
Isotropic Nd Fe B
Isotropic Cylindrical
Isotropic Nematic Transition
Isotropic Cosmologies
Isotropic Material
Isotropic Turbulence
Isotropic Chiral
Isotropic Turbulent
Isotropic 3d
Isotropic Gaussian
Isotropic Rock
Isotropic Materials
Isotropic Phases
Isotropic Soil
Isotropic Liquids
Isotropic Formations
Isotropic Static
Isotropic Multilayered
Isotropic Harmonic
Isotropic Plate
Isotropic Magnetic
Isotropic Expansion
Isotropic Nematic Phase
Isotropic Compression
Isotropic Elastic
Isotropic Plates
Isotropic Surface
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Keywords related to Diffusion
Anode Diffusion
Grout Diffusion
Induced Diffusion
Dense Diffusion
Cultural Diffusion
Thermo Reactive Diffusion
Slow Diffusion
Exciton Diffusion
Solving Diffusion
Delay Reaction Diffusion
Local Diffusion
Alkali Diffusion
Methane Diffusion
Lithium Diffusion
Eddy Diffusion
Cr Diffusion
Single Diffusion
Zn Diffusion
Short Diffusion
Dopant Diffusion
Pollution Diffusion
Brain Diffusion
Modified Diffusion
Enhanced Diffusion
Modeling Diffusion
Disc Diffusion
Complex Diffusion
Adsorption Diffusion
Fast Diffusion
Predator Prey Reaction Diffusion
Field Diffusion
Pressure Diffusion
Resolution Diffusion
Agar Diffusion
Misinformation Diffusion
Water Diffusion
Mass Diffusion
Authoritarian Diffusion
General Reaction Diffusion
Drug Diffusion
Coupled Reaction Diffusion
Combined Diffusion
Drift Diffusion
Polymer Diffusion
Non Local Diffusion
Ions Diffusion
Parabolic Convection Diffusion
Multiple Diffusion
Dependent Diffusion
Internal Diffusion
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Isotropic Diffusion