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Invasive Splenectomy sentence examples within Minimally Invasive Splenectomy

Portal vein thrombosis following elective laparoscopic splenectomy: incidence and analysis of risk factors

Minimally invasive accessory splenectomy for recurrent gastric variceal bleeding due to left-sided portal hypertension: report of the first case

More Invasive Splenectomy sentence examples

Portal vein thrombosis following elective laparoscopic splenectomy: incidence and analysis of risk factors

Minimally invasive accessory splenectomy for recurrent gastric variceal bleeding due to left-sided portal hypertension: report of the first case

More Invasive Splenectomy sentence examples

Guidelines for the performance of minimally invasive splenectomy

Lateral approach for laparoscopic splenectomy

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Invasive Splenectomy