Introduction to Intracellular Singlet Oxygen
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Intracellular Singlet Oxygen sentence examples
The polyacryamide nanosensor were used for monitoring intracellular singlet oxygen during plasma therapy, using room temperature helium plasma.
Featuring the X-ray attenuation ability and photothermal effect, together with ability to generate intracellular singlet oxygen and ·OH, W18O49 nanospheres can significantly increase radiation-induced DNA damage and decrease the mitochondrial membrane potential of cancer cells during RT, causing in nearby three-times improvement in inhibiting the proliferation of 4T1 cells.
Intracellular singlet oxygen production is verified in 4T1 cells by the cooperation between hybrid nanocarriers and ascorbate, which induces significant apoptotic cell death.
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This is likely due to the mitochondria targeting and effective intracellular singlet oxygen generation of TPP cationic LHB in vascular endothelial cells.