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Catalytic Membrane Reactors: The Industrial Applications Perspective

Efficacy of Phase Inversion Technique for Polymeric Membrane Fabrication

Intensification Strategy sentence examples within Double Intensification Strategy

Letter: double‐dose intensification—a quick way to reverse antibody formation and loss of response in patients treated with adalimumab. Authors reply

Letter: double‐dose intensification – a quick way to reverse antibody formation and loss of response in patients treated with adalimumab

Network Meta-Analysis of Metabolic Surgery Procedures for the Treatment of Obesity and Diabetes

More Intensification Strategy sentence examples

Updated report of a phase II randomized trial of transoral surgical resection followed by low-dose or standard postoperative therapy in resectable p16+ locally advanced oropharynx cancer: A trial of the ECOG-ACRIN cancer research group (E3311).

Efficacy of a Combination of Metformin and Vildagliptin in Comparison to Metformin Alone in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Multicentre, Retrospective, Real-World Evidence Study

Intensification strategies for temperate hot-summer grazing dairy systems in South America: Effects of feeding strategy and cow genotype.

Catalytic Membrane Reactors: The Industrial Applications Perspective

Phase II Randomized Trial of Transoral Surgery and Low-Dose Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in Resectable p16+ Locally Advanced Oropharynx Cancer: An ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group Trial (E3311).

Chaotic random spare ant colony optimization for multi-threshold image segmentation of 2D Kapur entropy

Design and Analysis Of Underwater Imaging Application susing High Frequency Array

Biased random-key genetic algorithms using path-relinking as a progressive crossover strategy

Synthetic Intensification Devices in Old English

Effectiveness of triple therapy with dapagliflozin add-on to dual therapy over 52 weeks in patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus in a centre of high complexity, Cali-Colombia.

Efficacy of Phase Inversion Technique for Polymeric Membrane Fabrication

A look-ahead strategy-based method for scheduling multiprocessor tasks on two dedicated processors

More Intensification Strategy sentence examples

‘High’ antiretroviral deintensification strategy and cellular HIV DNA levels

Comparative Effectiveness of Metformin Dosage Uptitration Versus Adding Another Antihyperglycemic Medication on Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Patients Failing Initial Metformin Monotherapy: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

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Recovery of Phenolic-Based Compounds From Agro-Food Wastewaters Through Pressure-Driven Membrane Technologies

Global response patterns of major rainfed crops to adaptation by maintaining current growing periods and irrigation

Rural Livelihoods and Climate Change Adaptation in Laggard Transitional Economies: A Case from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Process intensification of mixing and chemical modification for polymer solutions in microreactors based on gas-liquid two-phase flow

Letter: double‐dose intensification—a quick way to reverse antibody formation and loss of response in patients treated with adalimumab. Authors reply

Energy-efficient separation process and control scheme for extractive distillation of ethanol-water using deep eutectic solvent

The fallacy of composition on the example of incomes in European agriculture

Process Intensification Enabling Direct Compression for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: From Spherical Agglomeration to Precise Control of Co-Agglomeration

A comparison between washcoated and packed copper foams for the intensification of methane steam reforming

Revenue Intensification to Improve Financial Strength of Medan City: A SWOT Analysis

Improving the sustainability of farming systems under semi-arid conditions by enhancing crop management

Activity enhancement of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in activated sludge process: metabolite reduction and CO2 mitigation intensification process

Large-scale pasture restoration may not be the best option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil

Submerged vacuum membrane distillation crystallization (S-VMDC) with turbulent intensification for the concentration of NaCl solution

1149-P: A1C Goal Attainment after Metformin (MET) Uptitration With and Without Sitagliptin (SITA): Impact of Baseline and Target A1C

Influence of Treatment Intensification on A1c in Patients with Suboptimally Controlled Type 2 Diabetes After 2 Oral Antidiabetic Agents.

Letter: double‐dose intensification – a quick way to reverse antibody formation and loss of response in patients treated with adalimumab

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Intensification Strategy