Introduction to Intensification Practices
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Intensification Practices sentence examples within Sustainable Intensification Practices
Extensive studies are yet to be done, but practices like conservation agriculture and sustainable intensification practices are found to make system more resilient.
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We assessed the relationship between maize grain yield change and labor input from a total of 28 published papers (631 data pairs) including subsets of data pairs within specific sustainable intensification practices.
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Extensive studies are yet to be done, but practices like conservation agriculture and sustainable intensification practices are found to make system more resilient.
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Thus, our study analyzes the food security and environmental impacts associated with two major rice intensification practices in Bangladesh: (1) planting rice in multiple seasons and (2) replacing traditional (TYV) rice with High Yielding Varieties (HYV).
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We assessed the relationship between maize grain yield change and labor input from a total of 28 published papers (631 data pairs) including subsets of data pairs within specific sustainable intensification practices.
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1860 to generate a set of counterfactual scenarios that, confronted with historical data, help to reveal how institutional settings and landownership inequality played a role in maintaining the real socio-agro-ecological structure away from these optima, and the existing potential of possible eco-functional intensification practices aimed at reducing the land cost of agrarian sustainability.
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From the scope farmers were engaged in 16 agricultural intensification practices, some practices were substitutes others complementary so they were highly correlated.
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In this study, a new methodology is presented to assess the potential of different management options as sustainable intensification practices.
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Intensification practices followed by 69.
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Sustainable intensification practices were evaluated through a series of experiments, revealing the prominent role played by water availability in their performance.
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We monitored these key soil properties (at depths of 0–15 and 15–30 cm) under CA-based sustainable intensification practices: zero-till (ZT), and crop residue retention, and crop rotations on Inceptisols and Entisols in the Eastern Ganga Alluvial Plains from 2014 to 2017.
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