Introduction to Hairy Nanoparticles
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Compared to conventional solid nanoparticles, polyanion-modified hairy nanoparticles are more stable in practical environments and are investigated in this study.
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These projects include the use of microemulsion polymerization for syntheses of fluorescent nanoparticles, hairy nanoparticles and hyperbranched polymers; the use of miniemulsion polymerization for synthesis of star polymers and light-emitting nanoparticles; the use of seeded emulsion polymerization for synthesis of hairy nanoparticles and hyperstar polymers; and the use of precipitation polymerization for synthesis of hollow polymer nanocapsules.
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By using diverse hairy nanoparticles as building blocks, a series of 2D monolayered polymeric composite nanosheets was prepared, demonstrating the universality of our strategy.
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Polymer-grafted nanoparticles, often called hairy nanoparticles (HNPs), are an intriguing class of nanostructured hybrid materials with great potential in a variety of applications, including advanced polymer nanocomposite fabrication, drug delivery, imaging, and lubrication.
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