Introduction to Grand Unified
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Grand Unified sentence examples within Variou Grand Unified
Nor do we find any new global anomalies in various grand unified theories, including Pati-Salam and trinification models.
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In this work, we develop a similar EFT for the gauge bosons of some generic gauge symmetry, valid for example for $SU(2)$, $SU(3)$, various grand unified groups, or mixed $U(1)\otimes SU(N)$ and $SU(M)\otimes SU(N)$ gauge groups.
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Grand Unified sentence examples within Flavoured Grand Unified
Such an approach can be applied to flavoured Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) which can be greatly simplified using modular forms.
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Motivated by flavoured grand unified theories, we introduce right-handed neutrinos and a flavoured B − L gauge symmetry for the third family U1B−L3$$ \mathrm{U}{(1)}_{{\left(B-L\right)}_3} $$.
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Grand Unified sentence examples within Simple Grand Unified
We propose a simple grand unified theory (GUT) scenario in which supersymmetry (SUSY) is spontaneously broken in visible sector.
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We study the flavour aspects of proton lifetime estimates in simple Grand unified models paying particular attention to their inherent fragility due to the notorious lack of control of some of the key parameters governing the relevant hard-process amplitudes.
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Grand Unified sentence examples within Supergravity Grand Unified
A recent analysis in supergravity grand unified models shows that such an effect can arise from supersymmetric loops correction.
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Using an artificial neural network we explore the parameter space of supergravity grand unified models consistent with the combined Fermilab E989 and Brookhaven E821 data on (g−2)μ.
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Grand Unified sentence examples within grand unified theory
We use the $SU(5)$ model to show the presence in grand unified theories of an electroweak monopole and a magnetic dumbbell ("meson") made up of a monopole-antimonopole pair connected by a $Z$-magnetic flux tube.
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These form factors are relevant for semi-leptonic proton decay channels induced by baryon-number violating dimension-six operators, as typically studied in the context of grand unified theories.
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Grand Unified sentence examples within grand unified model
Based on grand unified model (GUM), four Au17 cores with different morphologies can be obtained via three different packing modes of five tetrahedral Au4 units.
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For detaching a full motif, based on the structure decomposition via the grand unified model, analysis on the inner Au core indicated that the change in Au-Au bond length was more sensitive for the inter-block compared to the intra-block.
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Grand Unified sentence examples within grand unified field
It is argued how R$$\otimes $$⊗C$$\otimes $$⊗H$$\otimes $$⊗O-valued Gravity (real-complex-quaterno-octonionic Gravity) naturally can describe a Grand Unified Field theory of Einstein’s gravity with a Yang-Mills theory containing the Standard Model group $$SU(3) \times SU(2) \times U(1)$$SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1).
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We review briefly how R$$\otimes $$⊗C$$\otimes $$⊗H$$\otimes $$⊗O-valued gravity (real-complex-quaterno-octonionic gravity) naturally can describe a grand unified field theory of Einstein’s gravity with a Yang–Mills theory containing the Standard Model group $$SU(3) \times SU(2) \times U(1)$$SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1).
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Grand Unified sentence examples within grand unified group
We discuss how this problem is cured by embedding U(1)Y in a grand unified group such as SU(5).
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In this work, we develop a similar EFT for the gauge bosons of some generic gauge symmetry, valid for example for $SU(2)$, $SU(3)$, various grand unified groups, or mixed $U(1)\otimes SU(N)$ and $SU(M)\otimes SU(N)$ gauge groups.
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Grand Unified sentence examples within grand unified scale
In this letter, we propose a mirrored unification framework, which breaks mirror-symmetry at the grand unified scale, but still addresses the puzzle.
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Motivated by these results, we investigate the minimal SUSY extension of the SM with universal gaugino masses at the grand unified scale in the light of the muon $g-2$ and the updated LHC constraints.
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We use the $SU(5)$ model to show the presence in grand unified theories of an electroweak monopole and a magnetic dumbbell ("meson") made up of a monopole-antimonopole pair connected by a $Z$-magnetic flux tube.
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These form factors are relevant for semi-leptonic proton decay channels induced by baryon-number violating dimension-six operators, as typically studied in the context of grand unified theories.
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We combine $SU(5)$ Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) with $A_4$ modular symmetry and present a comprehensive analysis of the resulting quark and lepton mass matrices for all the simplest cases.
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Based on grand unified model (GUM), four Au17 cores with different morphologies can be obtained via three different packing modes of five tetrahedral Au4 units.
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For detaching a full motif, based on the structure decomposition via the grand unified model, analysis on the inner Au core indicated that the change in Au-Au bond length was more sensitive for the inter-block compared to the intra-block.
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We study the textures of SM fermion mass matrices and their mixings in a supersymmetric adjoint SU(5) Grand Unified Theory with modular $S_4$ being the horizontal symmetry.
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In the original version of type-I seesaw model, heavy Majorana neutrino masses are supposed to be close to the energy scale of grand unified theories (GUT), namely, ΛGUT = 2× 10 GeV.
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We consider a $$SU(3)_c \times SU(3)_L \times U(1)_X$$ S U ( 3 ) c × S U ( 3 ) L × U ( 1 ) X model from a SU (6) Grand Unified Theory (GUT).
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Interestingly, it prefers left-right symmetry breaking scales above 1010 GeV, which is in the range suggested by the non-supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Theory with an intermediate left-right symmetry scale.
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A recent analysis in supergravity grand unified models shows that such an effect can arise from supersymmetric loops correction.
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It is interesting that this spectrum is similar to a non-supersymmetyric SO(10) model for observable n − n̄ oscillation discussed before, suggesting that this AD scenario can be embedded into a grand unified SO(10) model.
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The procedure for Grand Unified Theory (GUT) monopole searches by means of the NT200 Baikal neutrino detector is described.
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Using an artificial neural network we explore the parameter space of supergravity grand unified models consistent with the combined Fermilab E989 and Brookhaven E821 data on (g−2)μ.
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Finally, we consider the case when the constituent fermions generating emergent gauge bosons could be at the same time the preons composing the known quark-lepton species in the Standard Model and Grand Unified Theories.
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A peculiar feature of this approach is its ability to generate effective Majorana neutrino masses via the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) of Grand Unified Theory (GUT), [Formula: see text] and 4[Formula: see text] symmetric matrix of gravitational couplings.
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In this Letter we demonstrate that what was previously considered as different mechanisms of baryon asymmetry generation involving two right-handed Majorana neutrinos with masses far below the Grand Unified Theory scale-leptogenesis via neutrino oscillations and resonant leptogenesis-are actually united.
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Electric charge quantization remains inexplicable within the Standard Model of particle physics and may point at some Grand Unified Theory.
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The pNGB DM model can be embedded into an SO(10) pNGB DM model in the framework of an SO(10) grand unified theory, whose SO(10) is broken to the Pati-Salam gauge group at the unified scale, and further to the Standard Model gauge group at the intermediate scale.
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We study leptonic CP and flavor violations in supersymmetric (SUSY) grand unified theory (GUT) with right handed neutrinos, paying attention to the renormalization group effects on the slepton mass matrices due to the neutrino and GUT Yukawa interactions.
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In models of baryogenesis based on grand unified theories (GUTs), the baryon asymmetry of the Universe is generated through the $CP$ and baryon number violating, out-of-equilibrium decays of very massive gauge or Higgs bosons in the very early Universe.
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Guided by the ring model and the grand unified model, a new Au42(SR)26 isomer is predicted, whose total energy is lower than those of two previously crystallized isomers.
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We discuss the SU(5) grand unified extension of flavour models with multiple modular symmetries.
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The first detailed studies were carried out for SU(5) grand unified theory (GUT) models where CP -violating decays of leptoquarks generate a baryon asymmetry.
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Proton decay is a smoking gun signature of grand unified theories (GUTs).
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Recent work presented a self-consistent perturbative analysis of the effects of variations in nature’s fundamental constants on primordial nucleosynthesis for a broad class of grand unified theory models, showing that such models provide a possible solution to the lithium problem, provided the value of the fine-structure constant α at the nucleosynthesis epoch is larger than the current laboratory one by a few parts per million of relative variation.
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Such an approach can be applied to flavoured Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) which can be greatly simplified using modular forms.
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We discuss how this problem is cured by embedding U(1)Y in a grand unified group such as SU(5).
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In fact, proton decay is an outstanding prediction of Grand Unified Theories, in which the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions unify at an ultrahigh scale of the order of 10 GeV [1].
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In the case of cosmic strings formed at the end of inflation in the context of grand unified theories, these results challenge simple inflationary models.
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Nor do we find any new global anomalies in various grand unified theories, including Pati-Salam and trinification models.
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In this article, we discuss the possibility to predict the axion mass in the context of a simple renormalizable grand unified theory where the Peccei-Quinn scale is determined by the unification scale.
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Although most of the diagonalizing matrices are unknown ones, grand unified theories (GUTs) can fix these matrices.
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We classify and characterize fully all invertible anomalies and all allowed topo- logical terms related to various Standard Models (SM), Grand Unified Theories (GUT), and Beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics.
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Motivated by flavoured grand unified theories, we introduce right-handed neutrinos and a flavoured B − L gauge symmetry for the third family U1B−L3$$ \mathrm{U}{(1)}_{{\left(B-L\right)}_3} $$.
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It is argued how R$$\otimes $$⊗C$$\otimes $$⊗H$$\otimes $$⊗O-valued Gravity (real-complex-quaterno-octonionic Gravity) naturally can describe a Grand Unified Field theory of Einstein’s gravity with a Yang-Mills theory containing the Standard Model group $$SU(3) \times SU(2) \times U(1)$$SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1).
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We review briefly how R$$\otimes $$⊗C$$\otimes $$⊗H$$\otimes $$⊗O-valued gravity (real-complex-quaterno-octonionic gravity) naturally can describe a grand unified field theory of Einstein’s gravity with a Yang–Mills theory containing the Standard Model group $$SU(3) \times SU(2) \times U(1)$$SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1).
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The rise of complexity in living systems over time has become a major theme in evolutionary biology, and a search is underway for a “Grand Unified Theory” (as one biologist characterized it) that can explain this important trend, including especially the major transitions in evolution.
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In this paper, we discuss the RPV interactions for resolving the $R_{D^{(\ast)}}$ anomaly with the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) assumption.
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The perfect fit of the matter fields of the Standard Model (SM) into the $SU(5)$ multiplets has strongly supported the idea of the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) for decades.
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We calculate the proton lifetime and discuss topological defects in a wide class of non-supersymmetric (non-SUSY) SO(10) and E(6) grand unified theories (GUTs), broken via left-right subgroups with one or two intermediate scales (a total of 9 different scenarios with and without D-parity), including the important effect of threshold corrections.
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Proton decay is usually discussed in the context of grand unified theories.
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We show that these deviations can be explained in a three-loop neutrino mass model based on an ${E}_{6}$ Grand Unified Theory.
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We propose a simple grand unified theory (GUT) scenario in which supersymmetry (SUSY) is spontaneously broken in visible sector.
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We propose a simple non-supersymmetric grand unified theory (GUT) based on the gauge group $SO(10) \times U(1)_\psi$.
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We present a composite Grand Unified Theory with resonances at the TeV that contains the required vector leptoquark and develops the Higgs as a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson.
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In this paper we present a supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified embedding of this idea with Yukawa couplings generated by {\bf 10}, ${\bf \overline{126}}$ and {\bf 120} Higgs fields.
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Minimal $SU(5)$ Grand Unified models predict massless neutrinos and struggle to achieve gauge coupling unification compatible with the observed lower limit on the proton lifetime.
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The perfect fit of the matter fields of the Standard Model into the SU(5) multiplets has strongly supported the idea of the grand unified theory (GUT) for decades.
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We study the flavour aspects of proton lifetime estimates in simple Grand unified models paying particular attention to their inherent fragility due to the notorious lack of control of some of the key parameters governing the relevant hard-process amplitudes.
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showed that by taking the extra dimensions to be a Calabi–Yau manifold, one could obtain the grand unified theories which had previously been postulated as extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics.
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We discuss the possibility to predict the QCD axion mass in the context of grand unified theories.
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In this work, we develop a similar EFT for the gauge bosons of some generic gauge symmetry, valid for example for $SU(2)$, $SU(3)$, various grand unified groups, or mixed $U(1)\otimes SU(N)$ and $SU(M)\otimes SU(N)$ gauge groups.
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This framework naturally incorporates models based on grand unified theories by avoiding the most commonly faced monopole problem.
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