Introduction to Grand Theft
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Grand Theft sentence examples within Game Grand Theft
Our method has been evaluated on KITTI's road dataset as well as on our own hybrid virtual road/rail dataset acquired from the video game Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V.
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In this paper, we focus explicitly on weapon-based fighting sequences and propose a new dataset based on the popular action-adventure video game Grand Theft Auto-V (GTA-V).
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Grand Theft sentence examples within grand theft auto
Our method has been evaluated on KITTI's road dataset as well as on our own hybrid virtual road/rail dataset acquired from the video game Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V.
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This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Theft Auto V towards aggressive behavior in teenagers, by posing a central question: how does violence scenes in this game relate to aggressive behavior in teenagers? By using associative quantitative research methods, this research is done through literature study and collecting data in the form of questionnaires.
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This growth has come through a specific form of corruption, changing from petty theft and speed money to grand theft and access money.
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Our method has been evaluated on KITTI's road dataset as well as on our own hybrid virtual road/rail dataset acquired from the video game Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V.
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This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Theft Auto V towards aggressive behavior in teenagers, by posing a central question: how does violence scenes in this game relate to aggressive behavior in teenagers? By using associative quantitative research methods, this research is done through literature study and collecting data in the form of questionnaires.
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First, corruption in the Indonesian political system can be categorized into acts of Ghulul (treachery), Risywah (Gratification/bribery), Khiyanah (Unfaithful), Sariqah (theft), and Hirabah (Grand Theft/ Robbery).
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Firstly, we develop a free data collector and labeler to generate synthetic and labeled crowd scenes in a computer game, Grand Theft Auto V.
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In this paper, we propose the method using the online game GTA5 (Grand Theft Auto5), as a groundwork for autonomous vehicle simulation.
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Finally, through a look at Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002), its televisual and cinematic influences, its memorable soundtrack, and the game’s overall cultural impact, the issue of canon is explored.
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Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V), a commercial video game, has a large detailed world with realistic graphics, which provides a diverse data collection environment.
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NCTU-GTAV360 is a new 360° action recognition video dataset captured from a game, Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V).
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To evaluate our system, we created a new referring expression dataset whose images were acquired from Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V), limiting targets to persons.
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In this paper, we focus explicitly on weapon-based fighting sequences and propose a new dataset based on the popular action-adventure video game Grand Theft Auto-V (GTA-V).
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Analysig the video game Grand Theft Auto IV from the perspective of the sound which accompanies the action, he compares in this respect three areas of the game’s Liberty City with their equivalents in New York on which the virtual city is modelled.
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We evaluate our monocular plan view network on the photo-realistic Grand Theft Auto V simulator.
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This paper presents and discusses the findings and results of a series of tests carried out by the author in the Danish educational system among pupils and teachers using the game Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV) as a case study for investigating the problematic but also fruitful relation between gameplay and fiction, known as ludo-narrative dissonance.
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The Grand Theft Auto franchise features prominently within existing research exploring graphic, virtual, lawless, and damagingly realistic interpersonal violence within video games.
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In the Grand Theft Auto V simulator, we show that object-centric models outperform object-agnostic methods in scenes with other vehicles and pedestrians, even with an imperfect detector.
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Their appearance is more pronounced in role-playing games like the Elder Scrolls series and the Fallout series or in the open-world games like the Grand Theft Auto series or the Assassins Creed series.
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The winners then included Grand Theft Auto, Legend of Zelda, Call of Duty, Eye Toy, FIFA Football and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.
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The historical development of the Sony Playstation system will serve as the primary example for these heterogeneous ensembles, whereby the main focus will be placed on one single-player game series, Grand Theft Auto, and one multiplayer game series, the soccer simulations of the FIFA series.
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“Gamer” era una palabra que habia oido, pero que sin duda era muy lejana para una “analfabeta videoludica” que abria timidamente la caratula del libro, para adentrarse en paginas que poco a poco demostraban la capacidad del autor, de hacer un libro para un publico familiarizado con nombres como Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto o League of Legends, pero tambien para quien no ha ido mas alla del “buscaminas”.
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Finally, the proposed network architecture has been well verified on the autonomous driving simulation platform Grand Theft Auto V (GTAV) and experimental road with an average takeover rate of two times per 10 km.
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:Grand Theft Terra Firma is an exhibition that blends history, gaming, and performance with contemporary art practice to challenge audiences to reconsider the benevolent narratives of settlement to which Canadians are accustomed.
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Although not significant, the results suggested a trend for the following variables; years playing video games, mature content, engagement, moral narrative, Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and length of time playing video games which all had a negative relationship with moral scores.
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The visualizations include CarMaker, Carla and Grand Theft Auto V with different procedures for exporting ground truth information.
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Si le level-design des GTA-like (pour Grand Theft Auto) transforme la ville en monde ouvert ou le joueur peut vivre par procuration et interagir avec ses habitants, celui de la serie horrifique Silent Hill oblige a s’orienter dans des zones-mortes denuees de tissu social.
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This paper presents and discusses the findings and results of a series of tests carried out by the author in the Danish educational system among pupils and teachers using the game Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV) as a case study for investigating the problematic but also fruitful relation between gameplay and fiction, known as ludo-narrative dissonance.
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Long before they decided to form a terrorist organization, the founders of the ARA had criminal records for, among other things, robbery, assault and grand theft auto (Hamm, 2007).
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Through a textual analysis of three noted examples—Bioshock, Spec Ops: The Line, and Grand Theft Auto V—This article explores the capacity for ambivalence in violent video games.
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