Introduction to Grand Strategy
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within build regional order
Grand Strategy sentence examples within U Grand Strategy
The main problem this convergence poses for US grand strategy is not that Russia and China will better combine military forces, but that increased expectations of support from Moscow will encourage greater Chinese risktaking in Asia.
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The progressive steps taken by America are contained in the concept of "free open Indo-Pacific" which involves several countries in Asia as the US grand strategy.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within American Grand Strategy
Donald Trump’s unexpected victory in the 2016 Presidential election represented a watershed moment in the evolution of American grand strategy and foreign policy as it is the first time since the 1940s that the nation has elevated to the White House someone who so overtly questioned the central tenets of the “vindicationist” face of American power.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within British Grand Strategy
It tracks the relations between the domestic sources of the rise of Britain as a great power, the revolutionary transformations of its post-1688 foreign policy institutions, the formulation of a new British grand strategy—the blue water policy—in the context of the War of the Spanish Succession, and its strategic ability to impose through coercive and secret diplomacy a new pro-British ‘normative’ set of rules for post-Utrecht early modern international relations during the ‘long eighteenth Century’ (1688–1815).
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As long as the British grand strategy necessitated naval supremacy in the eastern Mediterranean, the defence of the Turkish Straits against Russia remained a strategic priority.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within Overall Grand Strategy
To what extent is China’s policy adaptable to different conditions? What does this adaptability tell us about China’s ascendant great-power role in the world in general? What is the message to the Arctic and Africa respectively? The article concludes that China’s regional strategies aptly reflect the overall grand strategy of a country that is slowly but surely aiming at taking on the role of leading global superpower.
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This article thus looks at how Russia has designed and executed its military strategy in Syria to fit into its overall grand strategy.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within Matrik Grand Strategy
Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif berupa perhitungan analisis yang berhubungan dengan SWOT serta didukung oleh konsep analisis SWOT yang berupa matrik EFAS, matrik IFAS, matrik Grand Strategy dan matrik SWOT.
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Berdasarkan Matriks Grand Strategy maka diketahui skor EFAS dan IFAS bertemu di kuadran I.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within Matrix Grand Strategy
Pada tahap simulasi, langkah-langkah yang dilakukan peserta dalam penyusunan perencanaan adalah : (1) Mengidentifikasi jenis obyek wisata yang ada, (2) Menentukan interval kelas, (3) Menghitung mean SWOT, (4) Mencari indeks skor SWOT, (5) Menyusun Matrix Grand Strategy, (6) Merumuskan strategi pengembangan pariwisata.
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Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Matrix Grand Strategy terlihat titik staregi pengembangan model pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan Desa Lubuk Beringin Kecamatan Bathin III Ulu Kabupaten Bungo masa mendatang berada di posisi strategi pertumbuhan, yaitu memanfaatkan seoptimal mungkin kekuatan dan peluang yang dimiliki.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within Chinese Grand Strategy
This article debunks the myth of Chinese grand strategy as the driving force behind the legal dispute over the DCT, by instead placing the combination of Djiboutian elite agency and CMP’s entrepreneurial autonomy as the primary causal variables.
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Indeed, the BRI may arguably be construed as the Chinese grand strategy in quest of its place and role in the contemporary global structure.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within Analisi Grand Strategy
Berdasarkan analisis grand strategy terdapat pertemuan sumbu x dengan nilai 1,22 dan sumbu y dengan nilai 1,10 berada pada kuadran I artinya strateginya progresif (positif – positif).
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Tulisan ini membahas mengenai pola kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat (AS) di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Donald Trump melalui analisis Grand Strategy di tengah kondisi turunnya hegemoni AS.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within Russian Grand Strategy
Secondly, the strategic dimension of collaboration of EAEU member states in other Eurasian organizations and associations, such as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Greater Eurasian Partnership (GEP), in relation with Russian grand strategy and its dynamics on global order.
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It examines in depth the three policy areas of special importance to Russian grand strategy—energy, particularly oil and gas; non-energy trade; and national and political security.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within Coherent Grand Strategy
Today, Chinese behaviour abroad is often not the product of a coherent grand strategy, but results from a sometimes-chaotic struggle for power and resources among contending politico-business interests, within a surprisingly permissive Chinese-style regulatory state.
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The impediments to designing a coherent grand strategy and pursuing it consistently have always been considerable.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within grand strategy matrix
The purpose of this research is to analyze the performance of PT Sinar Sukses Sentosa tiwul instant devision by using Balanced Scorecard method and analyze alternative strategy to be done to improve company performance using IE matrix strategy, SWOT matrix, and Grand strategy matrix.
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The results showed that based on Grand Strategy Matrix, the Cultural Tourism Object of Benteng Makes is in quadrant I which means it supports the strategy aggressively and also the strategy of SO (Strength Opportunities) as a priority strategy.
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Grand Strategy sentence examples within grand strategy toward
Grand Strategy sentence examples within grand strategy obtained
The results showed that the Grand Strategy obtained in this study is the S (Strength) - O (Opportunity) Strategy, so that there are opportunities to develop Tirta Empul as a Wellness Tourist Attraction in a New Normal Era.
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The results showed that the Grand Strategy obtained in this study is the S (Strength) - O (Opportunity) Strategy, so that there are opportunities to develop Tirta Empul as a Wellness Tourist Attraction in a New Normal Era.
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Similar dynamics were at work in all of the board’s mission stations, but the particular interest that missionaries, merchants, and diplomats had in relations with China make it a particularly apt location for considering missionary and grand strategy.
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And China’s grand strategy for expanding global infrastructure is viewed with suspicion and draws accusations of colonialism.
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“grand strategy of transformation” with the objective to maintain U.
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Thucydides is now a familiar name in the fields of politics, war, and strategy, but references to his work in discussions of grand strategy are usually superficial and sometimes problematic.
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This chapter argues that the Obama administration’s grand strategy was defined by principles consistent with the Jeffersonian political culture of statecraft: caution, restraint, and a consciousness of the limits of American power.
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This chapter addresses the historian Edward Mead Earle, who is widely credited with sanctifying the concept of “grand strategy.
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the performance of PT Sinar Sukses Sentosa tiwul instant devision by using Balanced Scorecard method and analyze alternative strategy to be done to improve company performance using IE matrix strategy, SWOT matrix, and Grand strategy matrix.
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By chronicling the powerful influence of Wilsonianism—and even more of the variously interpreted political, economic, and social “lessons” of World War I—on internationalist as well as on isolationist ideas, it examines some of the ways in which an expanded definition of grand strategy should apply to Wilson, Jane Addams, and W.
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This rethinking is crucial because of the criticism that Russia’s renewed interest in Africa is a grand strategy to dominate affairs of the continent, rather than a search for new opportunities for economic cooperation and geopolitical alliances.
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Segmenting US foreign policy since 1919 by “grand strategy” would seem to require grand simplification.
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The results showed that based on Grand Strategy Matrix, the Cultural Tourism Object of Benteng Makes is in quadrant I which means it supports the strategy aggressively and also the strategy of SO (Strength Opportunities) as a priority strategy.
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In other words, China has developed a
grand strategy to maintain its relationship with African countries.
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This chapter describes the principles of grand strategy as applied to global health and public health.
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This has meant that Canada’s political leaders and the senior leadership of the CAF have not had to engage in intensive “dialogue” on alternative conceptions of the international strategic environment and what a Canadian “grand strategy” should be in order to guide how the Canadian forces should be postured and equipped to meet security challenges.
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The results showed that the Grand Strategy obtained in this study is the S (Strength) - O (Opportunity) Strategy, so that there are opportunities to develop Tirta Empul as a Wellness Tourist Attraction in a New Normal Era.
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grand strategy toward China, by looking at the Council on Foreign Relations.
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Investigating these major events which have a potential to change world order and predicting possible scenarios are important for Mongolia in shaping the right direction for the country’s grand strategy.
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The results showed that the Grand Strategy obtained in this study is the S (Strength) - O (Opportunity) Strategy, so that there are opportunities to develop Tirta Empul as a Wellness Tourist Attraction in a New Normal Era.
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The right strategy formulation used by Azky Collection in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic through matrix analysis of IFE, EFE, SWOT, IE, CPM, Grand Strategy and QSPM which can increase its competitiveness is product development.
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Of particular note, we find that (1) President Xi Jinping seems to be experiencing a much higher amount of role contestation within the party on more nationalistic and aggressive roles than his predecessors, and (2) certain roles, such as developer, Tianxia, regional leadership, and internal developer, are very consistent among both leaders and their factions over time such that these roles can be considered as part of China's grand strategy.
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This chapter studies how immigration policy can be deployed as a key instrument of grand strategy, a site where state actors might use the levers of immigrant and refugee admissions to advance both a comprehensive and integrated set of social, economic, and security goals at home.
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Chapter 2 explores the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) role in China’s grand strategy.
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Therefore, the government must formulate a platform or grand strategy of agricultural development policy so that Indonesian farmers do not get caught up in poverty and unemployment.
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The key to grand strategy in this “hybrid world” of many types of actors wielding various kinds of power will be, first, for states to recognize the limits of traditional power bases and, second, to identify and cooperate with private actors that possess issue-specific resources, expertise, and influence with respect to the task at hand.
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sports foreign strategic intention has always been conspired with the rise of national strength, and the short-sighted sports foreign strategic decision-making has been synchronized with the national growth of the grand strategy.
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Matrix of SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation), Matrix of IE (Internal Eksternal), and Matrix of Grand Strategy; to know the right strategy decision to be applied in CV.
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The author believes that the role of the Navy in Pakistan's grand strategy will only increase due to both economic and regional security factors.
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grand strategy (linking economics and security) and geopolitics.
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They also provide important avenues to understand how grand strategy is made and why and how it has effects.
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This chapter argues that a neoclassical realist theoretical framework provides us greater explanatory power in the analysis of grand strategic adjustment and change over time than purely structural theories of grand strategy.
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In the Grand Strategy Matrix, the IFE and EFE points skoce are in quadrant I.
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IP has formulated and implemented the Company’s strategies into CSR Roadmap 2015-2019, which is the grand strategy and a milestone of CSR implementation to integrate CSR strategy into the Company’s strategy, in the sectors of education, health, economy, and infrastructure.
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grand strategy debate in light of the prominent argument by U.
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In particular, it demonstrates that Carter mounted a Jeffersonian critique of detente, and of containment more broadly, by arguing that the means of grand strategy had in fact corrupted its ends whereby the “inordinate fear of communism” had encouraged the United States to forgo its principles to support unsavoury but “anti-communist” regimes and undertake secretive, morally repugnant and ultimately short-sighted “regime change” and assassinations of foreign leaders.
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A number of analysts claim that the rise of various “networks”—from transnational terrorism to global supply chains—necessitate changes in grand strategy.
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Chapter 5 considers the political and multilateral components of China’s grand strategy to blunt American power in Asia.
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It is argued that Turkey’s public diplomacy of Hamas constitutes part and parcel of the AKP’s grand strategy to project Islamic soft power.
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Some historians have explicitly analyzed this transformation in terms of “grand strategy.
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Despite numerable resources in Iran, the issue of renewable energies and the formulation of a grand strategy for the future are very important.
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Is the grand strategy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) more status-quo seeking or revisionist in orientation? If it is the latter, what role might its nuclear weapons play in pursuing its revisionist strategic objectives? This article presents an assessment of the Kim regime’s capabilities and intentions and finds the lack of definitive evidence pointing one way or another necessitates an investigation of the utility of nuclear weapons for states with revisionist strategic objectives.
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