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Grand Rounds sentence examples within original reports published

Consolidation Therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Defining a Benchmark.

Feeding the Controversy: When Pelvic Irradiation Improves Outcomes in High-Risk and Very High-Risk Prostate Cancer.

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Oncology Grand Rounds

Consolidation Therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Defining a Benchmark.

Feeding the Controversy: When Pelvic Irradiation Improves Outcomes in High-Risk and Very High-Risk Prostate Cancer.

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Medicine Grand Rounds

Would You Recommend Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening for This Patient?

How Would You Treat This Patient With Gallstone Pancreatitis?

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Wide Grand Rounds

Improving financial disclosures in oncology.

Suicide and Occupational Risks

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Virtual Grand Rounds

First-line responders to the 2021 R-1 match and the needs of medical students

Teleconferencing for Virtual Visiting Professors and Virtual Grand Rounds.

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Departmental Grand Rounds

Targeted Intervention to Increase Awareness of Opioid Overprescribing Significantly Reduces Narcotic Prescribing Within an Academic Orthopaedic Practice.

The Other Side of Medical Student Mistreatment: Teaching Cultural Competency Across the Generational Divide

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Health Grand Rounds

A high-need, high-impact educational session on firearms and death by suicide.

Transforming Veterans Health Administration Mental Health Clinician Education and Practices: 20 Years of Educational Initiatives by a Center of Excellence.

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Hospital Grand Rounds

Delayed as-live surgery in Hospital Grand Rounds: How i do it

Treating hypertension: who speaks for the patient?

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Surgical Grand Rounds

The effect of a one-time 15-minute guided meditation (Isha Kriya) on stress and mood disturbances among operating room professionals: a prospective interventional pilot study

Multidisciplinary Approach to Clostridium difficile Infection in Adult Surgical Patients.

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Neurology Grand Rounds

Development of an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-racism Pledge as the Foundation for Action in an Academic Department of Neurology

Challenges of differential placebo effects in contemporary medicine: The example of brain stimulation

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Related Grand Rounds

Grand rounds education in neurology, with a focus on headache medicine

Evaluation of a Formal Wellness Curriculum to Reduce Burnout in Anesthesia Residents: A Pilot Study.

Grand Rounds sentence examples within Medical Grand Rounds

An internal review of rates of palliative medicine referral for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer.

Engaging faculty in a workshop intervention on overcoming the influence of implicit bias

Grand Rounds sentence examples within grand rounds series

Consolidation Therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Defining a Benchmark.

Feeding the Controversy: When Pelvic Irradiation Improves Outcomes in High-Risk and Very High-Risk Prostate Cancer.

Grand Rounds sentence examples within grand rounds presentation

Preventing the primary debulking: An educational initiative to increase rates of salpingectomy at cesarean delivery

Sharing and Teaching Electrocardiograms to Minimize Infarction (STEMI): reducing diagnostic time for acute coronary occlusion in the emergency department.

Grand Rounds sentence examples within grand rounds conference

To What Target Hemoglobin A1c Level Would You Treat This Patient With Type 2 Diabetes?

Would You Recommend Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening for This Patient?

Grand Rounds sentence examples within grand rounds review

Management of Eosinophilic Esophagitis During Oral Immunotherapy.

Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: Clinical Presentations and Diagnosis.

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Twelve tips for adapting grand rounds for contemporary demands.

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Preventing the primary debulking: An educational initiative to increase rates of salpingectomy at cesarean delivery

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Sharing and Teaching Electrocardiograms to Minimize Infarction (STEMI): reducing diagnostic time for acute coronary occlusion in the emergency department.

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How to improvise post graduate training in respiratory medicine in India.

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Reimagining the Away Rotation: A 4-Week Virtual Subinternship in Urology.

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The development of a diversity, equity, and inclusion committee in a neurology department and residency program

Transformation of Medical Education at the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic: Shiraz Experience

P25: The impact of the second wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic on the quality of life of patients with skin cancer

More Grand Rounds sentence examples

Chronic Urticaria and Recurrent Angioedema: Clues to the Mimics.

Planning Engaging, Remote, Synchronous Didactics in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era

Physician engagement in regularly scheduled rounds

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Professional Address during Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds Introductions: Setting the Stage, Setting the Standard.

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Making Sense of Right Hemisphere Discourse Using RHDBank

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Impact of COVID-19 on education, health and lifestyle behaviour of Brazilian urology residents

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Bigger and bigger circles - the expanding biopharmaceutical statistician’s toolbox

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Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident Physician Experiences with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Healthcare Training

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Rebooting medical education with virtual grand rounds during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Speaker Introductions at Grand Rounds: Differences in Formality of Address by Gender and Specialty.

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To Recognize Child Physical Abuse Early, Frontline Clinicians Need Subspecialty Expertise.

P24: Dermatology medical student history taking via the telephone: a way to minimize disruption to medical education, particularly during a pandemic

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Promoting Women in Academic Medicine during COVID-19 and Beyond

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Management of Eosinophilic Esophagitis During Oral Immunotherapy.

Virtual grand rounds in COVID‐19: A financial analysis

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Non-clinical rounds in hospital settings: a scoping review.

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P204 Precision entails perfection: do we need blood forms?

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2079. Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship Initiative to Reduce Unnecessary Use of Antibiotics in Patients with Upper Respiratory Infections: Findings Shared by a Metropolitan Community Hospital in NYC

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An eye center-wide burnout intervention: resilience program and burnout survey.

More Grand Rounds sentence examples

Ophthalmology Review: A Case-Study Approach by Kuldev Singh et al. (2018) 330pp., 223 illustrations, paperback/softback, ISBN: 9781626231764, Thieme Publishers, New York/Stuttgart

To What Target Hemoglobin A1c Level Would You Treat This Patient With Type 2 Diabetes?

Rheumatology Care in Under-Resourced Areas Utilizing the ECHO Model.

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Abstract 40: Leadership in Academic Plastic Surgery: Current Representation of Women

Pre-requisites, barriers and advantages of clinical informationist participation in grand round: a qualitative study.

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Enriching medical trainees’ learning through practice: a video reflexive ethnography study protocol

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Implementation facilitation to promote emergency department-initiated buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: protocol for a hybrid type III effectiveness-implementation study (Project ED HEALTH)

Expanding the Reach of Geriatrics Grand Rounds Using Facebook Live

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