Introduction to Grand Narrative
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Grand Narrative sentence examples within Single Grand Narrative
Rather than a single grand narrative the valley’s bioarchaeological evidence shows variation which is the product of multiple local factors.
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These studies have tended to focus on the technically oriented entrepreneurs and to produce a single grand narrative about a particular migrant group that transfers knowledge and becomes a technical pioneer in their home society.
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Natsir's actual role and political actions are in reviewing the grand narrative constructed into most history textbooks about his personality and controversial side.
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The ongoing ecological crisis and the more recent Coronavirus crisis challenge the grand narrative of Enlightenment that human beings are ‘masters of nature’.
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While “lost” typically signals something displaced, destroyed, or a part of an unrecoverable past, ideologically it asserts that the “truth” of Southern innocence is buried beneath a false grand narrative of Northern victory.
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Both chapters have a decidedly post-modern approach, with Bjornlie advocating that the “grand narrative” of Rome’s fall be replaced by “a mosaic of highly individualized human narratives” (274) and Arnold concerned with “representations of the past” (281).
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It opposes the ideas that it is possible to rationalize life through narrow, singular disciplinary thinking or through the establishment of a universal truth and grand narratives that strive for the value-neutral homogeneity that defined Enlightenment thinking.
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To deconstruct such a grand narrative, we critically analyze the other side of the narrative, which reveals the Nepal-India relation as a 'paradox' between closeness and detachment.
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This nationalistic reaction to the circulation of military memoirs laid the foundations for enduring grand narratives about what is in British history the Peninsular War, in French history the War in Spain, and in Spanish history the War of Independence.
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This article challenges the elitist and university-centred grand narrative and argues that the student movement was more multifaceted and mobilized young people of various ages and backgrounds.
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Ultimately, this
project seeks to show that there is much to be learned from the lived realities
of everyday-entrepreneurs; widening discourse on entrepreneurship to include
these individuals: (1) dismantles grand narratives of entrepreneurship that are
intrinsically oppressive, especially for those with intersectional identities,
(2) exposes interlocking forms of oppression operating within the obscure,
shadowed margins of familiar spaces that render individuals invisible, (3)
contributes to new models of entrepreneurial identity, and (4) diversifies
entrepreneurial scholarship.
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Postmodernism and its lack of faith in grand narratives did not spare medicine; an evolution towards smaller, sectorial narratives took over.
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Older adults ‘story’ later life against the background of the grand narratives offered by their worldview and cultural narratives of ageing.
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The results show that pragmatism is indeed a fruitful philosophical stance for game designers; ludo mixes ought to be seen as “grand experiences” instead of “grand narratives”.
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Against linear, national, and majoritarian grand narratives of the historical, the otaku artists, writers, and developers responsible for the Fate series postulate whether it is possible to harness the intense and affective forces described by Jay Lampert as “the Joan of Arc effect” in the blink of an eye or in the palm of your hand.
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Research Design & Methods: By employing a critical dialectical approach, this work attempts to uncover the origins of the grand narrative of entrepreneurship as well as the origins of the iconic status that the entrepreneur enjoys, as it is postulated that there is a link between the grand narrative and the reverence of the entrepreneur.
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Even today, it spreads national and grand narratives to influence the external and internal audience.
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According to the grand narrative of Julian Sorell Huxley, transitions took place at the threshold of the inorganic to the biological and from the biological to the human or psychosocial phase of evolution that changed the rules of the game.
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The short story text Disappearing with the Wind by Xing Qingjie as a representation of the rural fiction genre in Chinese Literature attempts to refute the grand narratives of modern fiction.
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More specifically, I propose an inquiring analysis of the constructs education, language, beliefs, and interaction, which still reproduce a variety of concepts rooted in modern/colonial grand narratives that have operated as grand narratives themselves within Applied Linguistics.
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A scholar probes subtle shifts in stories told through genes "If the double helix is an icon of the modern age, then the genome is one of the last grand narratives of modernity," writes Lara Choksey in her new book, Narrative in the Age of the Genome.
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The texts have their origin in a landmark meeting held at the University of Coimbra in November 2018, where scholars explored the grand narratives explaining the differences between what are traditionally considered Chalcolithic (or Late Neolithic) and Bronze Age communities.
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Moreover globalization depends on a grand narrative that marginalizes competing schools of thought.
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Introduction The project Judges under Stress aims to elaborate on a more in-depth understanding of the historical process that is often covered by the “grand narratives.
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Using a normative framework derived from the UN goals, this paper examines whether the design of Phase One of the Administrative Capital City (2015–2020) delivers on its grand narratives and commitments.
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” Narration sickness manifests in social media, conferences, and professional development sessions—where words convey ideas as grand narratives, devoid of context, causing a division between those who present ideas from those who enact them in practice.
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Rather than a single grand narrative the valley’s bioarchaeological evidence shows variation which is the product of multiple local factors.
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Moreover, by stressing the advantages of assessing sub-national variations, the study encourages us to move away from one-size-fits-all grand narratives that see some factors (or combination of factors) as necessarily impacting populist performance throughout national territories in a consistent manner.
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As an educational tool these walks can not only encourage the development of historical knowledge and appreciation but also assist in the development of competency to “de-construct” mainstream “grand narratives”, questioning and learning about the forgotten.
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A grand yet anti-grand narrative of the 1980s and 1990s intersected with neoliberalism and questioned these logics – the postmodern.
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Drawing on insights and postulations from Subaltern Studies theorists such as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Partha Chatterjee, Gautam Bhadra and others, this paper examines the pain and agonies of female characters that are glossed over in the grand narrative of the mainstream culture.
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However, the anthology’s failure to attract a wide readership reveals that Herbert’s and Espartaco Sánchez’s attempts to subvert the traditional drug-trafficking “grand narrative” has not been commercially successful in challenging the deeply engrained us-versus-them Manicheism.
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The new wars of memory are characterized by the hybrid historicism , which is seen as a product of the transformation of fragments of the old grand narratives that now function in a fundamentally changed society.
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The article is reassessing the social and cultural role of Lithuanian photo- graphers and is looking into a symptomatic lack of synchronicity with the medium’s grand narratives.
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In this post-modern world, intellectuals and visionary scholars putting together Little Narratives on a tactical basis for challenging the ‘Grand Narrative.
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Decolonizing discourses teach us that we need to move away from the universalizing ‘grand narratives’ of knowledge production and focus on contextualizing diverse and situated experiences, epistemologies and narratives.
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An underlying theme of our session was the felt need to respond to the increasing marginalization of lithic research in terms of its capacity to (1) contribute to the grand narratives of early human evolution and (2) better articulate the role and significance of lithic studies in interdisciplinary human origins research.
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A mix of historical analysis and philosophical musing, his grand narrative provides answers to the big questions of the human heart: Where do I come from? Why am I the way that I am? Where am I going? For what should I hope? For some of my secular friends, it is a worthy rival of the Gospel as a sure guide for self-realization and fulfillment in a post-Christian society.
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Pengabaian fakta hukum tersebut berfungsi sebagai upaya mempertahankan grand narrative (makna tunggal) berbasis prasangka sehingga mereduksi pemaknaan terhadap bukti-bukti yang meringankan dan bersikap non-imparsial.
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In the grand narrative of the epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata the perspectives of the women characters were often overlooked; at the same time the objective representation of the events could not provide the necessary space to delve deep into their psyche.
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His particular brand of formalism takes up the notion of a connection between truth and beauty, without presuming to identify one with the other, and, at the same time, resisting both the Modernist obsession with dissolution and fragmentariness and postmodernism’s skepticism towards grand narratives.
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The field of medical history, for all its accomplishments, still lacks clear and persuasive grand narratives that take all these dynamics into account or that explain their consequences.
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Based on a mixed-methods approach, I show that “internet sovereignty” has qualified as a grand narrative since the second half of 2013.
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This paper offers a genealogy of the field of mass media and communication theory and research, with the purpose of distilling a grand narrative of media studies and communication science.
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The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative.
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In spite of my critical remarks, I am of the firm opinion that we need such ‘grand narratives’ of history in order to approach and understand the long-term processes that continue to shape our societies.
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We demonstrate how the grand narrative is characterized by four discursive patterns.
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Increasingly unstable climate events such as floods and other natural disasters have become part of the grand narratives of the Anthropocene that create distance, fear, anxiety, hysteria and apathy that are part of our everyday lives.
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As such, this work reads the history of the district against the grain of the grand narrative of the Islamic Revolution's (1979) moment of rupture to trace the genealogical roots of moral governance in the Islamic Republic today, within the postconstitutional state formations in the early twentieth century.
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Although his formal experimentation, introspective storytelling and narrative irresolution firmly situate him in the Modernist literary tradition, Johnson’s disruption of grand narratives about historical events in these stories previews postmodernity, with its radical interrogation of language’s subjugating power, suggesting a new avenue for evaluating and apprehending his literary innovations.
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This study further argues that Mahbubani’s comedy reflects a more general trend in stand-up comedy: humor as a vehicle for a more inclusive and progressive grand narrative across different cultures; this trend stands in stark contrast to earlier ethnic jokes that often made minorities the target of verbal humor.
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Nevertheless, archaeologists continue to grapple with grand narratives of war, such as the proposition that violence has decreased from ancient to modern times and the role of war and violence in state formation and collapse.
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The ideologues of ns recoded these myths, and integrated them into their own palingenetic, apocalyptic, and – after 1935 – antisemitic grand narratives.
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The paper seeks to explore how the Pre-Raphaelite poets and painters resist the grand narratives of Enlightenment and Victorian heteronormativity from a queer ecofeminist perspective.
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Five themes associated with postmodernism are discussed (a) the relativization of truth, knowledge, and meaning, (b) the fragmentation of the grand narrative, (c) the relation between agency and discourse, (d) pluralism, multivocality, and heterogeneity, and (e) rhetoric and styles of writing.
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The 20th-century victimhood, I argue, emerged as a master-signifier of emotional capitalism through the two grand narratives of modernity, psychoanalysis and human rights, each of which tactically mobilizes affective claims to trauma or injury to bestow the moral value of the sufferer to any powerful claimant independent of the position of vulnerability they speak from.
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This framework, which enables Sloterdijk to chart a grand narrative of globalization, yields a therapeutic methodological strategy by means of which media ecologists may increase the spacious dimensions of the world while strengthening the immune systems of newly designed artificial atmospheres.
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The educational qualities of the tragic arts are most explicitly explored in his novel The Plague, in which the proposition that the plague is a teacher engages Camus in an exploration of the grand narratives of progress and freedom, and the intimate depths of ignorance and heroism.
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Does this entail a new logic of simulacra, or the replacement of grand narrative with the database model provocatively proposed by Azuma Hiroki (151)? Kawana sidesteps the deeper implications for late modern capitalism to argue, first, that contemporary audiences do not insist on fidelity to an original but, instead, enjoy weighing the variety of narratives and, second, that adaptations are invariably visual and story-driven.
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In the multiethnic polity of Ethiopia, the practical realization of federalism in Ethiopia has been characterized by ethnic conflicts, manufacturing of difference and the abandoning of the grand narrative of Ethiopian unity.
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The chapter regards surveillance not merely as a technological entity but also as a grand narrative, which has accreted as a cultural entity to reduce fear, insecurity, misgovernance and corruption.
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Prior to this, the grand narratives of the past, such as religion, the Enlightenment, and science were taken as whole, singular truths.
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European archaeologists should particularly focus on developing grand narratives of a shared past in Europe, to act as a foundation for a European identity.
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These studies have tended to focus on the technically oriented entrepreneurs and to produce a single grand narrative about a particular migrant group that transfers knowledge and becomes a technical pioneer in their home society.
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ABSTRACT Recent advances in archeogenetics have revived an interest in grand narratives in which ethnic groups are once again thought to be agents of historical change.
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What Scott attempts here is no less than to re-write that third-hand narrative – not for specialists attuned to emergence of various state systems – but for other disciplines still wandering in the wilderness beyond the pale of protohistoric studies, drawing inspiration from modernist grand narratives.
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But this is not that story, and the author is clear that she wants to interrogate the kind of thinking that makes for grand narratives.
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This means aligning research in this area, less with grand narratives that portray digital education as an external and universal force capable of radical transformation, and more with accounts that acknowledge an already-present political economy of educational technology, in which specific devices and applications succumb to everyday practices of negotiation, consumption, and resistance, particular to the contexts in which they manifest.
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For centuries, companies and institutions have resorted to living with a legacy of loyalty that was generated by the values of hard work and practices of families, churches, communities, and fuelled by the grand narratives, by art and literature.
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After the demise of the grand narratives, a coherent life narrative is of critical importance for depthless, fragmented, decentred postmodern self.
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Since his opus magnum The Natural Contract, Serres had developed in the last three decades a theory that investigates and rethink the relation of the moderns, since Galileo and Descartes, with what they call “nature” in order to offer a third way to the division between (post-)modern philosophers and dogmatic scientists: the first have been systematically deconstructing all the grand narratives and, the latter have often excluded from their theoretical work any type of moral reflection on the modes of production of scientific practices, and their consequences for humans and non-humans.
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We therefore seek to draw attention to the following:
How Centre structures and large culture boundaries are sources of prejudice
How deCentred intercultural threads address prejudice by dissolving these boundaries
How, in everyday small culture formation on the go, the cultural and the intercultural are observable and become indistinguishable
How agency, personal and grand narratives, discourses, and positioning become visible in unexpected ways
How we researchers also bring competing narratives in making sense of the intercultural
How third spaces are discordant and uncomfortable places in which all of us must struggle to achieve interculturality
This book is therefore a journey of discovery with each chapter building on the previous ones.
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A selection of studies published between 2005 and 2015 exemplifies a revival in recent scholarship that hangs on four main innovations: the abandonment of grand narratives of modernization and secularization; an interdisciplinary integration of political, cultural, and intellectual history; greater attention to the individual; and the expansion of the field beyond Europe and North America.
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The research, using such analytical tools as the” grand narrative”, has attempted to reveal the essence post -modernist arguments discursively.
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The exploration of the employment of narrative unreliability in the novel must, therefore, be aligned with central themes like the national identity and Englishness precisely because it is through Stevens‟s narration that these grand narratives can be revealed as fiction.
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