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Grand Finale sentence examples within grand finale orbit

The conductive dusty ionosphere of Saturn

A Persistent, Large‐Scale, and Ordered Electrodynamic Connection Between Saturn and Its Main Rings

Grand Finale sentence examples within grand finale phase

Auroral Beads at Saturn and the Driving Mechanism: Cassini Proximal Orbits

Measurement and implications of Saturn’s gravity field and ring mass

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The Team Using Video Games To Help Fight Climate Change

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The conductive dusty ionosphere of Saturn

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Particle-in-cell simulations of the Cassini spacecraft’s interaction with Saturn’s ionosphere during the Grand Finale

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What’s Whitney Got to Do with It: Black Female Triumph and Tragedy in the 2015 Lifetime Biopic Whitney

Neptune Odyssey: A Flagship Concept for the Exploration of the Neptune–Triton System

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UrbanFarm2019 Book Finale Challenge

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The Ringed Planet (Second Edition) Cassini s voyage of discovery at Saturn

A Persistent, Large‐Scale, and Ordered Electrodynamic Connection Between Saturn and Its Main Rings

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The apparatgeist of the moon landing

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Auroral Beads at Saturn and the Driving Mechanism: Cassini Proximal Orbits

Formation of the Cassini Division – I. Shaping the rings by Mimas inward migration

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Comparison of the Deep Atmospheric Dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn in Light of the Juno and Cassini Gravity Measurements

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Are Saturn’s rings actually young?

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Learning by Competing

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Project 5: Build a Robot with a Streaming Camera Feed

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Plural feminine: Hysteria, masochism or melancholia?*

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Measurement and implications of Saturn’s gravity field and ring mass

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Close-range remote sensing of Saturn’s rings during Cassini’s ring-grazing orbits and Grand Finale

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Fluid balance and thermoregulatory responses of competitive triathletes.

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Local-time averaged maps of H3+ emission, temperature and ion winds

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Editorial introduction

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Grand Finale