Introduction to Grand Banks
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The Grand Banks area was affected by two distinct phases of rifting and flexural subsidence as extension occurred in the central Atlantic, to the south, from Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, and in the North Atlantic, to the northeast of the bank, from Late Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous.
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ABSTRACT The iceberg hazard for the Grand Banks area to the east of Newfoundland varies dramatically from one year to the next.
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In this study, a probability-based daytime sea fog detection algorithm, applied to geostationary operational environmental satellite (GOES) 16 satellite data over the Grand Banks offshore Eastern Canada, is presented and compared with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s Low Instrument Flight Rules (LIFR) probability map.
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4 mol C m−2 yr−1 for the Grand Banks.
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, temperature and salinity) and freshwater input due to the interaction of cold and fresh Labrador Current and warm and salty North Atlantic Current (NAC) on the southeast Grand Banks.
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(16) examine two geographically distinct populations (“stocks” in management parlance) of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) to test for evidence of genomic change before and after fishery-induced population collapses: northern cod (southeastern Labrador to Newfoundland’s Grand Banks) and northeast Arctic cod (northern coastal Norway and the Barents Sea).
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By comparing the similar evolutions of the Grand Banks and the Norwegian Lofoten-Vesteralen passive margins, it is reasonable to explore the potential of the same structures being present.
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Here we use satellite altimetry and in situ measurements to show that, in 2008, the Gulf Stream migrated closer to the Tail of the Grand Banks, a shift that has persisted ever since.
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The eastern slope of the Grand Banks, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, represents an area where active seismic exploration overlaps extensively with an important snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery.
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Among the processes that could favour the offshore export of glacial water released along the eastern North American coast is the entrainment with the Gulf Stream near Cape Hatteras, where the Stream is observed to detach from the coast in the modern climate, or at other locations between Cape Hatteras and the Grand Banks of Newfoundland.
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  This mooring record also shows a fresh anomaly in ISOW beginning in early 2017, which has been shown by others to originate from the surface waters near the Grand Banks region of the western north Atlantic.
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This paper describes interactions between benthic trawlers, targeting mainly Greenland halibut, and two whale species: sperm whales and northern bottlenose whales, in the eastern Grand Banks of the northwest Atlantic.
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Further east, near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, the waters and nutrients of the Gulf Stream diverge again into the subtropical and subpolar gyres.
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The Grand Banks area was affected by two distinct phases of rifting and flexural subsidence as extension occurred in the central Atlantic, to the south, from Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, and in the North Atlantic, to the northeast of the bank, from Late Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous.
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1929 Grand Banks earthquake-induced landslide, indicates that approximately one large landslide event per 1000 years has occurred offshore eastern Canada within the past 4000 years, a much shorter recurrence interval than hitherto reported.
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The innovation of hydrographical indicators in esthetically appealing maps recognized from an early stage the status of the Grand Banks as a globally important feature of submarine topography.
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The SE Grand Banks Slope is unusual on the glaciated eastern Canadian margin in that it was remote from ice stream and glacial ice of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS).
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We employed in-situ data collected in three canyons off the Grand Banks, Newfoundland to quantitatively examine the influence of depth, bottom type, canyon, and trawling intensity on K.
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Within the East Canadian continental margin, three oil and gas bearing regions have been identified from north to south: the Labrador Sea shelf, the margin of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, and the Nova Scotia continental margin.
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Examples will be presented using data recorded at the edge of the Grand Banks as well as from a site off Savanah Ga in waters 800 m deep.
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The average weight for a Grand Banks-area iceberg is 100,000-200,000 tonnes about the size of a cubic 15-story building.
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One exception is the Grand Banks where global GPlates models produce more realistic deformation, likely due to the inclusion of the exhumed domains continent-ward of the transition zone boundary.
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Specifically, in the Labrador Sea/Grand Banks for NA populations 26% and 24% of variance is captured by SST and PP, respectively and in the Norwegian Sea for SE populations 21% and 12% of variance is captured by SST and PP, respectively.
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The study utilises whole rock geochemical data from the Mizzen wells (Flemish Pass Basin, Grand Banks, Canada) to demonstrate the mineralogical controls on the reservoir quality within the core of Mizzen F-09 which is then used to determine the thin section placement.
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Similarly, the distributions of Labrador Sea Water (LSW), Iceland Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW), and Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) forms upper and lower portion of NADW, respectively roughly south of the Grand Banks between ~50 and 66 °N.
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ABSTRACT The iceberg hazard for the Grand Banks area to the east of Newfoundland varies dramatically from one year to the next.
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In the shallow water case for bottom fixed foundations the largest locations are found on the Mascarene Plateau in the Indian Ocean and the Grand Banks in the North Atlantic.
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The freshest/coldest deep Denmark Strait overflow recorded at Orphan Knoll, as well as Labrador Sea water flow on the slope north of the Grand Banks, also show this gradual increase.
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