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The Influence of Psycho-Stimulant Medication on Concussion Recovery in Athletes with ADHD: Findings from the NCAA-DOD Concussion Consortium

The Influence of Hormonal Contraceptives on Cognitive Recovery in Concussed Collegiate Athletes: Data from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium

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«Коренной перелом» во Второй мировой войне: современные академические дискуссии

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Other Diplomacies, Other Ties: Cuba and Canada in the Shadow of the US ed. by Luis René Fernández Tabío, Cynthia Wright and Lana Wylie (review)

Quirós Rosado, Roberto, “Monarquía de Oriente. La corte de Carlos III y el gobierno de Italia durante la Guerra de Sucesión Española”, Madrid, Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia, 2017, 467 págs., ISBN: 9788416662166.

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The Influence of Psycho-Stimulant Medication on Concussion Recovery in Athletes with ADHD: Findings from the NCAA-DOD Concussion Consortium

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The Influence of Hormonal Contraceptives on Cognitive Recovery in Concussed Collegiate Athletes: Data from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium

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Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Risk of Concussion: Findings from the NCAA-DOD Concussion Consortium

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Recovery Profiles Following Concussion Among Male Athletes with a Family History of Neurodegenerative Disease: Data from the NCAA-DOD CARE Consortium

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Special Issue on the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium Research

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Grand Alliance